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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. Don't feel bad, I totally understand! Congratz on being at 23 lbs, I am hoping to hit 20 down this week. I am also a slow loser. I am getting fills here in SLC now, but idk how long that will last. the dr. has absolutely no bedside manner, because I was not banded by him it's like he doesn't care how many times he sticks me with that awful needle! I should be getting one again soon, but am going to do it under flouro as it is included with a fill fee once. Then I might spend the $150 for a plane ticket and head back to Dr K and his painless one poke.

    Sorry about the one bite syndrome thing, does not sound pleasant. I get stuck quite a bit. I think it is my fault for not chewing well enough tho. I haven't pb'd yet and am trying to be better. I am glad you are doing well!!

  2. I was banded in Colorado by Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum. He charges $9950 for the surgery 3 months of post op care and fills, after the 3 months the fills are $15. You might call his office and ask if they could work something out. I know that they usually have people take out loans and yours would be pretty small, then you could make the payments to the loan people. he might do it directly, but I have no idea. here is the link with his website. Good Luck!! Lap Band Surgery in Denver Colorado | Lap Band Surgeon in Denver | Gastric Band Surgery Denver | Bariatric Surgery
  3. lotzasunshine

    My band under Flouroscopy!!

    How bad is the barium to swallow? I'm going to get my next fill this way and want to be prepared for taste texture etc. I've heard that is is really disgusting, and I don't want to gag it all over my Dr.
  4. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name_________Start Weight___CurrentWeight______Goal________To Go *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" stroked="f" filled="f" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600">:drool:</v:shapetype>*******************************************:thumbup:* agreatknead........237............198...........180...........18 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......287............251...........200...........51 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............219...........191...........28 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71...........223.4..........223.4.........189...........34.4 Claudine...........250............250.......... 225...........25 Bunkey1965.........194............188...........170...........18 Cutiew/booty.......251............251...........220...........31 cQQlgirl...........195............195...........175...........20 crzytchr...........276............275...........246...........29 Dionna113..........199............198...........160...........38 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............232...........190...........42 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............150...........130...........20 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 Jeni 85............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235............210...........185...........25 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............212...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............251...........200...........51 Liquidbluegal......225............220.4.........199...........21.4 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 lotzasunshine......292............289.5.........250...........39.5<v:shape id="_x0000_i1025" style="width: 21.75pt; height: 15pt;" type="#_x0000_t75" alt=""></v:shape> Luu2008............230............199.5.........153...........46.5 Mamanmidwife.......295............295...........260...........35 MELISSA AGUIRRE....266............233...........160...........73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............252...........208...........44 rainer.............236............233...........199...........34 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............196...........165...........31 srknepler..........285............285...........255...........30 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............171...........160...........11 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............236...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 youcandoit!........196............196...........162...........34
  5. mini- I am counting what the scale said yesterday which would be down .5 for this week I think. Not quite sure... oh well The reason I am not counting to day is because of my FREAKIN' TOM!!! I HATE IT!!!:thumbup::cursing::cursing::cursing::drool::cursing::cursing: Anyone else hate it as bad as I do? (notice I used 10 of the cursing smileys)
  6. Just saw your blog, can't wait until I can start running. Really looking forward to it! Congratz on your great loss so far!! Apparently I am a slower loser.

  7. Yeah it's AWESOME!! Plus my bmi has gone down a whole 3 points!
  8. So I finally broke into the 280's today!! FINALLY!!! It's only 289.5 but STILL!!! I think this upping my calories thing and eating when I am hungry is really helping.:rolleyes2::thumbup::drool::thumbup:
  9. So I had an NSV today too. I put on a pair of pants that I have been avoiding because before surgery they were super tight. Well, I put them on and they are comfortable now! YAY!:confused: CONGRATZ BRANDY!!!
  10. lotzasunshine

    Thinking About It...

    the band is meant to be permanent. One gets the band filled in order to lose weight and then unfilled to gain or maintain weight. You shouldn't have to get it removed unless there are complications.
  11. lotzasunshine

    Thinking About It...

    I am younger than you, and besides sleep apnea problems(which were discovered after surgery) I had no other health problems. I am morbidly obese, most definitely. but people with a BMI of 35 can qualify for the lapband. I didn't like the idea of myt insides being rearranged either, so I opted for Lapband. I was self pay and didn't have to fight with insurance companies. I really think that this is the best thing I have ever done for my body. I also tried for a long time to lose weight. i would lose up to 25 but it always came back, and then some. If you are looking at weight loss surgery then Lapband is the least invasive. i was pretty much healed within 2 weeks, but doing normal activities before that. I highly reccomend it! It is changing my life!
  12. Wouldn't it be nice if frostys were the cure for obesity? THough I don't do this all the time, it was VERY nice last night.
  13. Sorry that your experiment didn't go well.:cursing: It seems I am having the opposite problem. Yesterday I said SCREW IT!! and ate when I was hungry, anything I felt like (I actually had a frosty too) So I weigh myself this morning and I have lost a pound. Maybe my body needs more calories. All week I was trying so hard to limit them to 800-1200 and was starving all the time(I need another fill but can't afford one yet :embaressed_smile: ) So i KNOW I went over that yesterday and BAM! I'm down one more. Wish I had known this first thing!
  14. Good luck tomorrow Mini!! I hope it goes well!
  15. lotzasunshine

    Are others in your family overweight/obese?

    This is an interesting thread. All of my Dad's siblings are obese. One of his brothers has had gastric Bypass and another is considering that or the band. My dad is still overweight, but not as much as he used to be. my mom is overweight for her frame(she was a ballet dancer when she was young and should only weigh around 110). My Brother and both my sisters are also overweight, though my sisters are still under 200 and fighting it hard. I am hoping that all these changes I am making will help my future children to lead a healthier lifestyle.
  16. Where are you from again? I lived in Missouri for a while and corn and soy fields were all around us. I really love the midwest. i miss it a LOT!
  17. Thanks, but it isn't technically a mountain. Really you drive halfway up the mountain and then climb to the peak. It only took an hour:thumbdown:, but someday i want to hike it in 15 minutes! it is pretty steep in some places and a great workout. my butt was killing me afterwords and my legs were Jello.
  18. This fill helps with restriction, but I'm still not losing. I have had a hard time getting in my protein and calories lately, guess I'm still getting used to it. I am very proud of myself, I hiked Ensign Peak with a friend on Saturday. Thought I was going to die a couple times, but I made it!! Also, maybe figuring this hypoxia thing may help later too.
  19. Maybe you aren't eating enough calories. For some people it differs, so maybe add up to 1200 once a week and see if it helps. I heard that they kinda do that on biggest loser. They have a big meal once a week and it jumpstarts their bodies into not thinking they are starving. Just a suggestion
  20. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Well dear, you are farther than me, and I have had 2 pretty aggressive fills. I know it's hard but keep your chin up! That is still about 10lbs a month, which is in the ideal category! Good luck with your fill next week!!
  21. lotzasunshine

    July Butterflies Exercise Thread

    Well, yesterday was a work day for me, which means doing music with k-6th graders. So if marching, and ring around the rosy and directing singing count then I spent like 4 hours exercising!! Today I have my Water aerobics class for an hour:thumbup:
  22. You are in my thoughts and prayers dear!!
  23. lotzasunshine

    July Butterflies Exercise Thread

    This is a good idea for a thread! I went hiking today. 45 minutes of strenuous uphill, and 15 minutes of oh so easy downhill!

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