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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. It bugs me when patients from other Doctors post on our thread. Either we HAVE been banded by Dr. K or we are GOING to be banded by him. I hope everyone checks the details before they are banded regardless of if it is close to home or not. But the decision is usually made if we are posting on here. AND we are self pay, so the insurance thing would not apply.
  2. Whoohoo! I can use multiquote!! Thank you both for your concern! I very much appreciate it!!
  3. ok, sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Mini~ I was down 1.5 on friday. My Dad is doing well after his surgery. The Dr was able to remove the tumor, and they sent it for tests. The first tests that came back right after showed some malignant cells.They are going to be checking the rest of his body for tumors, and he will probably need some cancer treatment even if they find nothing. It has been a really hard weekend. But miracles keep happening along the way. First, a young Dr ordered an MRI instead of a cat scan(the regular dr said they would have missed it on a CAT scan). Then the Dr was able to pull a few strings and had the surgeon(a friend of his) look at the MRI results on his lunch break. Then the surgeon went out of his way to come in on a Saturday to remove the tumor. After the surgery the surgeon told us that if Dad hadn't gone to the clinic to get his 2 week headache checked out the he could have fallen asleep, slipped into a coma, and died withing hours of falling asleep. He has bounced right back after surgery. He woke up great, and was out in time to watch the BYU football game that he didn't want to miss. Yesterday he scared the ICU nurses by getting out of bed and walking around. My dad goes crazy if he can't work, so my mom is bringing him his laptop today. They should be moving him to a regular room today. Also, some other good news is that My SIL had her baby and I now have another nephew!! YAY!! As you can see I am really trying to keep a positive attitude and get thru the next few days. Love you guys!!
  4. I am waiting for them to call me back, I had to leave a message. It says that I have already paid $150 right on the bill, so they'd better not try to pull a fast one!
  5. IDK but they are going to get an earful when they call me back!! I am REALLY mad!!!:smile2::cursing::wub:
  6. So I am really PO'd right now and need to vent! I just got a bill from the dr that gave me my 2nd fill for $274.32! When I called to set up an appointment I asked how much I would be charged. Now, just to be clear I called more than once to make sure I was getting the real price and not just because I was banded out of state. They told me the fill was $150. And there was a new patient fee of 100 (which they didn't ask for then, but i figured they would bill me). So I was looking at about $250 total right? Apparently they lied every time I called because now on top of the $150 ALREADY paid, they want the 274.32. If I knew they were charging $425 I would have gone back to Dr K and stayed overnight!!! Please tell me it's not just me!! :smile2::cursing::wub::cursing::cursing:
  7. lotzasunshine

    July Butterfly NSV's!

    So I bought a bra and don't have the double boob caused by the bra cup being too small! I am officially a DD. YAY!!
  8. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name_________Start Weight___CurrentWeight___Goal_______To Go agreatknead........204............198...........180...........18 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......287............230...........200...........30 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............215...........191...........24 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71...........223.4..........223.4.........189...........34.4 Claudine...........250............250...........225...........25 Bunkey1965.........194............180...........170...........10 CubsGirl17.........172............164...........150...........14 Cutiew/booty.......251............243...........220...........23 cQQlgirl...........195............195...........175...........20 crzytchr...........276............275...........246...........29 Dionna113..........199............196...........160...........36 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............225...........190...........35 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............145...........130...........15 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 Jeni 85............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235............207.5...........185.........22.5 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............212...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............240...........200...........40 Liquidbluegal......225............220.4.........199...........21.4 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 Long2BThin.........253............235...........215...........20 lotzasunshine......292............284.5.........250...........34.5 Luu2008............230............199.5.........153...........46.5 Mamanmidwife.......295............295...........260...........35 MELISSA AGUIRRE....266............233...........160...........73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............252...........208...........44 rainer.............236............233...........199...........34 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............194...........165...........29 srknepler..........285............262.6...........255...........30 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............171...........160...........11 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............230...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 youcandoit!........196............193...........165...........28
  9. Thanks for all the support, prayers and cyber hugs!! I really appreciate it! This is going to be a VERY long week!
  10. So my Dad had the appointment with the neurologist and the Dr confirmed that it IS a tumor, about 3x3cm so about an inch around. The Dr was concerned so he wants to operate and get a biopsy on Saturday morning. He might remove the tumor if they can then. I admit, I am getting more worried now because the Dr was worried. It has been only 2 weeks or so since my dad got the headache, so this is progressing fast.
  11. I didn't have this particular problem, but I was also able to eat a lot after surgery. Congratz on losing so much so fast!
  12. I don't think he does. Dr. K didn't have any in mine at all. Some doctors fill during surgery though. BTW congrats on being in Onederland!
  13. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    <hr style="color: rgb(217, 217, 217); background-color: rgb(217, 217, 217);" size="1">Name_________Start Weight___CurrentWeight___Goal_______To Go *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe">:sad:</v:shapetype>************************:thumbup:*******************:tongue2:* agreatknead........204............198...........180...........18 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......287............230...........200...........30 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............215...........191...........24 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71...........223.4..........223.4.........189...........34.4 Claudine...........250............250...........225...........25 Bunkey1965.........194............180...........170...........10 CubsGirl17.........172............170...........150...........20 Cutiew/booty.......251............243...........220...........23 cQQlgirl...........195............195...........175...........20 crzytchr...........276............275...........246...........29 Dionna113..........199............196.5.........160...........36.5 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............225...........190...........35 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............146...........130...........16 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 Jeni 85............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235............209...........185...........24 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............212...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............240...........200...........40 Liquidbluegal......225............220.4.........199...........21.4 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 Long2BThin.........253............235...........215...........20 lotzasunshine......292............286...........250...........36 Luu2008............230............199.5.........153...........46.5 Mamanmidwife.......295............295...........260...........35 MELISSA AGUIRRE....266............233...........160...........73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............252...........208...........44 rainer.............236............233...........199...........34 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............194...........165...........29 srknepler..........285............285...........255...........30 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............171...........160...........11 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............230...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 youcandoit!........196............193...........165...........28
  14. Congratz!!!! Glad you are feeling better!
  15. lotzasunshine

    Enduring to the end...

    I LOVED conference yesterday, it seemed like it was meant for my family and I. It really lifted my spirits. Excited for today too!
  16. lotzasunshine

    Enduring to the end...

    I just need to talk out my feelings for a few minutes. My hubby has chronic knee problems, they started on his mission. He has had several surgeries to helps, and they did, but only for a little while. He is currently seeing a pain management specialist and is on a time release dose of morphine and takes lortab 4 times a day. He can't do anything but come home and collapse in pain. I try to do all the running around by myself because it is so hard for him to walk a lot. I am also working and taking care of our apartment, so I am very busy. I feel terrible because there is nothing I can do for him! :teeth_smile: All I can do is pray, and I do that a lot. On a particularly bad day this week I made him promise me that when we go to his Orthopedic Dr this week that he will ask about possible knee replacement. I know that it is drastic for a 26yr old to have both knees replaced, but the dr said it would be the only thing to really help, but he wanted to wait until DH was older. I know that the artificial knees usually last only 20yrs and you can have them done twice if you are lucky, but I would rather have him healthy and in less pain now, because technology is always getting better and who knows what they will be able to do in 40 yrs. Now to talk about me, I am feeling kind of depressed because I am not losing quickly at all. It seems to be picking up a bit because I discovered that I had to increase my calories to lose, and have lost 1.5 in a week. Maybe this is what I need. Plus I am really feeling the desire to have children! We have been married for 2 yrs next week and aren't preventing. I know that I would be able to wait if I only knew WHEN!! When will DH be out of pain, when will I lose this burden of weight, when will we be blessed with children? :wink_smile: But I guess that is where the whole enduring to the end thing comes in right? It will all be in the Lord's time, no matter how badly we want it. I just need to be more patient. God knows what is best and I need to trust that he has blessings in store for me that I cannot even comprehend! Thanks for letting me talk out my feelings!
  17. lotzasunshine

    Enduring to the end...

    Thank you so much for your reply. I was feeling a little overwhelmed that day. I am today as well. It seems that when it rains it pours. My parents just found out that my Dad has a mass in his brain so now we are all waiting to hear if it is nothing or if it is something to worry about. So now that is on the list of things to endure for now too. Oh well, I know I'll be all right if I just pray and live like I am supposed to. About DH. He is not overweight at all, and has always led an active and healthy life until his knee problems started on his mission. The doctor that he sees is the best specialist in Utah, and one of the best in the country as he has worked with Olympic athletes. So he knows what he is doing and we just need to trust that the Lord will provide a means of DH dealing with the pain. 26 is very young to have joints replaced, but somehow we will get through it. I am definitely baby hungry but I also think it is too soon after surgery to consider getting pregnant, so now we just need to be more careful Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
  18. Oh Mini!! I am so sorry that you are going through this with your son! I am praying for you. Looks like a lot of prayers are going around for the Ladies on here. My Dad isn't getting a biopsy on Monday, but is meeting with the Neurologist to see if he thinks it is cancerous or not. So stuff is still up in the air and kinda scary. Some good news is that DH and I just had our anniversary dinner at a nice fancy place. And my SIL is having her second baby this weekend too. My brother sent out a text that says they are at defcon 3 lol! I am down 1.5 this week. Not too shabby.
  19. Thank you! No worries, I like cyber hugs too!
  20. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
  21. I don't know what Dr or where they are doing the biopsy, they live in Provo. The mass is at the base of his brainstem, I think that is where my mom said it was. It is 3cm by 3 cm right now. I know that most masses are not malignant. My FIL actually has a tumor that they shrunk with medication, so I know I should be hopeful, I'm just really worried.
  22. Can you all do some praying for my family? We just found out today that my Dad has a mass in his brain. They are doing a biopsy on Monday to find out what it is. My dad isn't even 50 yet. I am really scared.
  23. Oh Patty!! He is adorable!! I love babies!! I am sorry that this time is so hard for you right now. Trials are so hard sometimes. You are in my prayers.
  24. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name_________Start Weight___CurrentWeight______Goal________To Go *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" stroked="f" filled="f" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600">:w00t:</v:shapetype>***********:cool2:*************:tt2:*******************:cursing:* agreatknead........204............198...........180...........18 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......287............251...........200...........51 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............215...........191...........24 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71...........223.4..........223.4.........189...........34.4 Claudine...........250............250...........225...........25 Bunkey1965.........194............180...........170...........10 CubsGirl17.........172............170...........150...........20 Cutiew/booty.......251............243...........220...........23 cQQlgirl...........195............195...........175...........20 crzytchr...........276............275...........246...........29 Dionna113..........199............196.5.........160...........36.5 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............227...........190...........37 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............149...........130...........19 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 Jeni 85............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235............209...........185...........24 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............212...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............240...........200...........40 Liquidbluegal......225............220.4.........199...........21.4 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 lotzasunshine......292............287.5.........250...........37.5 Luu2008............230............199.5.........153...........46.5 Mamanmidwife.......295............295...........260...........35 MELISSA AGUIRRE....266............233...........160...........73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............252...........208...........44 rainer.............236............233...........199...........34 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............196...........165...........31 srknepler..........285............285...........255...........30 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............171...........160...........11 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............236...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 youcandoit!........196............196...........162...........34
  25. lotzasunshine

    Hands Falling asleep.

    Sounds like a good idea to talk to your Dr about it. It could also be a pinched nerve or something.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
