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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. Hi Heather! Welcome to the group! We always enjoy having new bandsters join us!
  2. lotzasunshine

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Did you want me to add you to the challenge dublingirl?
  3. lotzasunshine

    Anyone have trouble/get stuck with fingernails?

    Everything is fine now, guess I was just too tight for a couple days, and was curious. Thank you to those of you that actually tried to offer advice, and to the rest of you~ You might try NOT making fun of peoples bad habits, I'm sure that you all have some that are not so pleasant.
  4. lotzasunshine

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo *****:hurray:***********:mad2:*************:party:***********:smile2:* ********* :sneaky:*** Alleycia...........255............226.........152.......74 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............278.6.......199.......79.6 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............248.........165.......83 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............227.5.......130.......97.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............224.........175.......49 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............176.5.......160.......16.5 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 EmmaWang...........241............210.........140.......70 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............380.........300.......80 GratefulHeart......226............199.........135.......64 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............199.........160.......39 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............220.4.......150.......70.4 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............188.........169.......19 lotzasunshine......270............256.5.......180.......76.5 Loveislovely.......216............194.........175.......19 ltgordon...........284.8..........250.5.......185.......65.5 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22
  5. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    You look great bella! I can't wait until I am down over 100lbs! I am now down 51 lbs. It seems slow, but I am still losing on average more than 1 lb a week. I am well within the healthy 1-2 lbs a week group. I'm kind of glad that it is going slow, so that it will be easier for me to keep off in the long run. That is why I did this anyway right? If I wanted super fast loss i would have had GB.
  6. So, I actually did end up throwing up last night, and idk what the problem was but tonight I am feeling better and have been able to eat mushie food with no problems, so tomorrow I will try solids and see how it goes.
  7. You can find biotin at walmart in the Vitamin section. It's not very expensive. I did notice that it slowed my hair loss. No harm in trying.
  8. Well, it kinda depends on your doctors instructions, but you really should be taking a chewable vitamin. My dr has me take a Calcium supplement too, and says that we should try to get in 60grams of protein every day. Also it may take you a while to find out how many calories keep your body in weight loss mode, but out of starvation mode. I have to take in almost 1500 a day to keep losing. Hair loss seems to be common among those of us who are losing weight. I take Biotin supplements to help. I hope this helps!!
  9. So this is kinda gross, but i am wondering if my nail biting has something to do with me being perpetually stuck right now. Anyone heard of this happening? It just feels like there is always something there, and it would explain why I hurt without having eaten anything. Maybe they just built up above my band, and that may be why solids are not working so well. Any insight? I am debating whether or not to make myself throw up to see if that is it. I HATE throwing up though and have only thrown up a couple times since being banded.
  10. lotzasunshine

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    alleycia~ I added you in alphabetically. WOWOX7~ If you just quote from the very last person to post, it will be the most recent updated list. Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo *****:cool2:************************:tt2:************ ********* *** Alleycia...........255............226.........152.......74 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............278.6.......199.......79.6 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............253.........165.......88 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............227.5.......130.......97.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............224.........175.......49 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............176.5.......160.......16.5 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 EmmaWang...........241............210.........140.......70 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............380.........300.......80 GratefulHeart......226............199.........135.......64 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............199.........160.......39 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............222.2.......150.......72.2 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............188.5.......169.......19.5 lotzasunshine......270............257.........180.......77 Loveislovely.......216............194.........175.......19 ltgordon...........284.8..........250.5.......185.......65.5 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22
  11. lotzasunshine

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo *****:hurray:************************:tt2:***********:sad:* ********* *** AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............278.6.......199.......79.6 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............253.........165.......88 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............227.5.......130.......97.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............224.........175.......49 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............176.5.......160.......16.5 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 EmmaWang...........241............210.........140.......70 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............380.........300.......80 GratefulHeart......226............199.........135.......64 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............199.........160.......39 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............222.2.......150.......72.2 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............188.5.......169.......19.5 lotzasunshine......270............257.........180.......77 Loveislovely.......216............194.........175.......19 ltgordon...........284.8..........250.5.......185.......65.5 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............157.........125.......32
  12. Put me down for -.5 please. It's not much, but I will see what happens when this fill takes effect.
  13. I still seem pretty tight, and sometimes even when I'm not eating, I get this pain. Idk what to do but wait it out. Tried some solids last night and it did not go well. Back to liquids and mushies for a while. Thank goodness I like milk, it has really helped me keep my calories and protein up. Actually thinking about going back to adding protein powder to pudding and such. Well, as I lose the band will be looser so it will probably work itself out soon.
  14. lotzasunshine

    Confused, Scared, borderline depressed.

    If I had lost 40+ lbs in a month I would count myself greatly blessed! It took me almost 6 months to lose 40, and another 3 to get to 50! You seem to be doing fine, so don't get too worried.
  15. So.... I have a question. The first couple of days after my fill were great. But the last few have been weird. I can't really eat anything with more consistency than soup or I hurt. Not like a stuck kind of hurt, but actual pain in chest, jaw, and headaches. Am I just at the stage where I actually have real restriction and just need to wait for my body to adjust? I have made the unfortunate discovery that potato chips go down nice and easy though. We had company last night and I had some. I have decided that I am just going to do shakes and soups until I adjust. No chips. That leads down a bad road.
  16. Congratz on not needing an extender!! I bet it is a nice ego boost! The fill is going ok, still testing the waters. My Dad is doing alright. My family is moving next door to my Brother and his family, so that he can help when things get harder.
  17. YAY!! Disneyland is so awesome- you will LOVE it! You will be fine on the rides. They are big people friendly.
  18. How is everyone doing this week? This thread has been dead a couple of days now, and it makes me kinda sad :thumbup:. I love hearing what it going on with everyone!
  19. Well, I got my fill yesterday. I arrived in Denver at 9am and the supershuttle took me to the medical center. So I had a LOT of time to kill before my 2:15 appointment. I went to the cafeteria and watched dvds for a couple hours, and then went to wait in Dr.Ks office for another hour or so. Then Dr.K came in and offered to do my fill early since he was there and I was there. He started by putting in .5. I thought, I can be this tight, it would be good to have strong restriction. Well that thought lasted until he made me drink down to the line. I almost puked on him! But it went down eventully. He took out .2 and it was still kinda tight. So we settled on .2, and it has been great. I got dinner at the airport because my flight got delayed. You know those KFC chicken snacker sandwiches? I ate one and was SO full! As opposed to the 4 piecesof pizza I pigged out on the night before. YAY! Restriction! I think this will really help me get going again. Oh, a story about my flight. Besides being delayed, we did not leave until 7:15 (instead of 6). When I filnally got on the plane no one was sitting next to me, until the last two guys got on the plane. I was in an isle seat so I got up and let them in. The first thing one of the guys said was, "Think I have enough time to pee before we take off?" I told him no because we were already too delayed. Then he started hitting on me, which was not flattering because he was obviously drunk. Then he started talking to his friend and was swearing up a storm. I was just sitting there thinking that this was going to be the worst flight ever. Well, I dont know if angels wear green, but an airport employee came and escorted them off the plane! YAY!!! So I had a VERY comfortable flight home, and even got some sleep. I am glad that airports and airlines are so strict about things like that.
  20. Chili. The only 2 times I have vomited since getting my band has been from chili.
  21. lotzasunshine

    Self Pay Cost

    I paid $9950 and traveled from Salt Lake City to Denver. It includes preop appointments and 3 months of postop care and fills. I go back for my fills because my dr only charges $15 after the first 3 months. So with a plane ticket and the cost of the fill it is about the same as getting one here. You can get surgery and fills in different places. The dr you see for your fill though may be a little prejudiced against you though (that's what happened to me). But I think that might be an isolated incident(I hope). Here is my Dr's website. Good luck with finding a Doc! www.lapbandrockies.com
  22. lotzasunshine

    HELP!! Not covered by ins. self pay

    I was also self pay, and searched for one that was affordable and in the US. Not that the Mexican surgeons aren't good, I was just worried about the cost of aftercare (fills, or complications). I found Dr. Kirshenbaum from Denver Colorado for $9950. He includes his preop appointments, and post op care for 3 months. Also, his fills cost $15 AFTER three months. For me a plane ticket to Denver plus my fill comes out about the same as I would pay here. And you can always try to find someone locally who will give you fills. I wish you luck in your search! And think of the debt this way, If you want to be around to see grandchildren, you might want to invest this in YOUR future.
  23. lotzasunshine

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :mad::confused::w00t:
  24. Ok, I am going to go for 8.5 lbs for this challenge. I went a little high last time.
  25. He seems to be doing fine. My parents just met with the neurologist again, and he said that two of the tumors in his brain will be operable IF they grow, if not they aren't going to worry about it. The one that is the biggest though is inoperable because it is too deep inside the center of the brain. It is strange to think of him having surgery again, and that they are bringing it up. It was pretty clear when the Dr said he MIGHT have a year left IF the meds helped slow the growth. Now I am not sure what to think. I want to hope, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Do you get what I'm saying? I'm not sure that I am explaining it too well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
