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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Ready2slimdown

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  1. Ready2slimdown

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Ok, glad to hear such thing as a 7 week stall I am going into week 5 with the exact same weight which is making me crazy! I will be at 6 months on Monday and started to Panic that this is all I am going to lose. I DO see a difference in my clothes however the scale still frustrates me when it stays exactly the same.
  2. Ready2slimdown

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Hello everyone, since gyms are closed I wanted to share I am using YouTube workout videos to keep working out. I am surprised how well they work. My gym routine was getting easier and after one 30 minute video I was sore the next day. It's a good way to stay on track especially since extra snacks are difficult to avoid with so much time at home. Surgery 1/14 weight 257 current weight is 212.
  3. Ready2slimdown

    Meal replacement suggestions for breakfast

    Thank you so much for the ideas! I am cleared for all foods.
  4. Hello, I am struggling with breakfast, I am not a breakfast person however I know I need to eat my small meals. I can't stand regular protein shakes due to sweetness. Has anyone used Herbalife Formula 1 as a meal replacement? I am looking for a shake type of replacement for breakfast on the go. Open to suggestions. Thanks. I am 7 weeks post op and cleared for all foods. Thanks.
  5. Ready2slimdown

    Post Multivitamins

    Bariatric Advantage has a one a day which I started taking because the chewable made me nauseous. The size is ok about the size of one antibiotic capsule or slightly larger. It does not bother me and there is minimal after taste. The first few days it made me burp but then went away. I found taking them 10 minutes after eating helps keeping them down.
  6. Ready2slimdown

    Vitamin C question

    When can I reincorporate taking extra Vitamin C? I am taking my bariatric multi Vitamin however I would like to add extra vitamin C to help my immune system. Thanks.
  7. Ready2slimdown

    Vitamin C

    When can I reincorporate taking extra vitamin C? I am taking my bariatric multi vitamin however I would like to add extra vitamin c to help my immune system. Thanks.
  8. I am 5 1/2 weeks post bypass I progressed smoothly through my stages however for the past 2 days everything is making me nauseous including my protein shake. After drinking my protein shake I got the foamies and slimy stuff. I am trying to keep hydrated. I am only able to eat 3 or 4 baby spoons of food before the nausea kicks in. Has anyone else had this happen and if so how did you overcome it? Thanks!
  9. Ready2slimdown

    Can we blend tripe?

    I was just thinking of menudo, has anyone successfully had some? If so, how long did you wait and were you able to eat it normally with lime and all?
  10. Ready2slimdown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Hello everyone, 2 days post op and finally feeling like posting. I woke up to pain in the recovery room which was quickly treated. The first day was a bit rough I felt uncomfortable and overwhelmed. Day 2 was much better the walking definitely helped with passing the gas and helped with the pressure in my abdomen area. Drinking from the medicine cups helps since they are 1 ounce I am sticking to tiny sips and ice chips. Tomorrow I will introduce the shakes into my diet, I have to admit I am nervous because so far I have only felt uncomfortable after drinking too much too fast (slow down) but hopefully I can keep down the protein. I have had a headache all day, probably lack of sleep the hospital staff comes in every few hours to check on me. I had an out of the area surgery so I was discharged to my hotel today. I am looking forward to sleeping all night and hopefully feeling better tomorrow. Physically I am not hungry however looking at food makes me really sad, I didn't expect to feel this way. When we arrived to the hotel my husband went to have dinner and I went with him to walk a bit, I was surprised at the huge wave of emotion and tears that followed when smelling the food and watching other people eat. I stayed because I didn't want to ruin his dinner after all he stayed at the hospital with me since day 1 sleeping on a cot that looked rather uncomfortable. Looking forward to a better day tomorrow best piece of advice for everyone is slow sips of water and walk, walk, walk. Thanks for being such a supportive group.
  11. Ready2slimdown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Sarahsingh91 we are surgery twins! I am also scheduled on 1/14!! 24 hour liquid diet, nothing after midnight for the surgery.
  12. Ready2slimdown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    January 14th Scipps Hospital in San Diego having the bypass. I am excited yet really nervous. This is the first group I join. Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
