Boo: I am completely where you are. That's why I am trying to start the post band diet now- you know, no liquids with meals etc. That gives me a few weeks to get used to the idea before I have the surgery. It is not an easy transition now, so it was a good thing I began early. By the time the big day comes I will be ready to walk the walk.
I have also struggled with the fact that I failed to lose weight the old fashioned way. I have been overweight all my life, and at 37 years old I have gained and lost so much weight over my lifetime it is not even funny. I was resisting surgery because of that feeling of failure, but I finally decided that my health was so much more important. I don't have anything horrible yet, but if I do not make changes I can see myself developing heart disease, diabetes etc. My family has a long history of such issues related to weight, and I do not want to continue the trend. I think we just need to focus on following the instructions and allowing ourselves the right to do something that will make us happy (and healthy).