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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by mike2019

  1. I went in with the mindset that my "new stomach" will come with special instructions which I will follow to the letter. This is my easy excuse to get out of peer pressure situations when drinks and treats are going around.

    Sure I have a bad day here and there, it happens to all of us. I try to keep the mistakes small.

    Whenever I feel that I'm about to go astray, I tell myself that I didn't have this surgery only to revert back to my old habits once again. I reflect on my recent accomplishments and all is well!

  2. I was strictly on clear liquids for the first week. I had to use laxatives for the first couple weeks every few days to keep things going. I was given a script at the hospital. Now I use a product called Jarrows Gentle Fibers that I add to a morning Protein smoothie to keep myself naturally regular without popping laxatives. There are also low-cal/low-carb wraps that you can find at the stores that contain decent amounts of Fiber in them.

    Week 2 or 3 they put me on soft foods, until 3 months post surgery. Then I can transition to regular foods (I kinda am already....just using a food processor when needed). But I micromanage the hell outta my diet with the baritastic app.

  3. Anyone try Jarros Gentle Fibers? Two tablespoons is 9g of fiber! And it's soluble and insoluble fiber...not like Metamucil and the others that shouldn't be an everyday thing.

    But adding it to a bottle of Water is NASTY. Gritty and weird. But it's keeping me regular again!

    Curious to know if anyone has a better way to sneak it in my meals where it doesn't go down so unpleasantly.

  4. Good news for you the hard part is over.

    First night is uncomfortable. I had that too. I was getting dilaudid along with steady doses of pain pills first night. I didn't get much sleep that night due to waking up for more pain meds.

    Next day nurse took me for a slow paced half lap around the ward. Felt so good to move a little we did another full lap. I was ancy to get dressed and go home after that!

    Once I was home, pain was easily managed by scheduled doses of pain meds. By Day 4, I only took them when I felt pain coming back. Make sure you have at least 4-5 days of pain meds when you get discharged and MAKE THEM LAST. You may or may not need them all. I was pain pill free before end of first week.

  5. Curious if anyone has experienced left shoulder pain post op?

    Most of the time no pain at all, but sometimes I get this dull pain right on my left shoulder that lingers for several minutes.

    No numbness or tingling, nor is my heart feeling weird. And I haven't done anything extreme with left arm either. Is this a common thing if I miss on some nutrients or something?

  6. Yesterday it was an egg for lunch, and soft chicken with 4 low sodium wheat thins and lowfat string cheese fordinner. After the discomfort I'm holding off the crackers for now.

    Today I had 2 soft scrambled eggs w/ cheese for breakfast. Went down easy. Lunch was a street taco sized corn tortilla w/ soft deli turkey, a pinch of lowfat shredded cheese and light mayo. Followed by a low sodium mini V8 juice about 45min later. Feeling good! Plus, my weight finally dropped a couple pounds again. I'll probably have a greek yogurt or a partial container of Premier Protein for an afternoon snack to get more Protein in before dinner.

  7. 13 hours ago, Tinesia said:

    One bite at a time to a healthier me...I will recall that for every choice I am making in my new path. Thank you everyone for sharing all your stories. I know every time I read about someone gaining weight, it is a great reminder to stay away from soda, Pasta, bread, and sugar.

    Your sleeve was literally one day before me. I have noticed a big slowdown in loss over the last week. I read how stalls are normal, just stick to the plan....but wondering if you've noticed a slowdown in this timeframe too.

    My caloric intake is now 6-800 per day too. That may play a factor too I guess, coming off liquid diet.

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