My LAP Band was put in in September 2003. I have chronic complications that have become worse and worse over time. Currently, the pain and vomiting are so bad that I might need to have it removed. Apparently the band has created an upper stomach pouch and a lowe rone. The food I eat apparently stays in the upper pouch and does not drain into the lower one where it becomes digested and passes into the intestines. My chewed or masticated food lingers on in the upper stomach pouch and is clogged up like a sink drain running havoc on me. I hope this helps those who have similar problems. The LAP Band is at the base of the esophagus but runs across the stomach forming two pouches as I have said. Hopefully this might help those better understand who have constant reflux, vomiting, backing up mucous in the mouth, inability to sleep normally, inability to lie down normally without being propped up, and so on.