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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About DebDown

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    Traveling, watching whatever hobby my daughter is into
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  1. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Take this with a grain of salt because I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but it hasn’t been bad for me at all. My IV hurt more than anything. It was uncomfortable the first couple of days, but I can’t say I’ve been in pain. I did ask for a dose of pain pills before the ride home because the interstates here are rough and under construction. Just a precaution. I hope yours goes as smoothly!
  2. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    My surgeon has insurance patients (like me) stay overnight. Private pay patients are done outpatient and they are required to stay at a hotel near the hospital for one night if they aren’t local.
  3. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Checking in on everyone again. I’m 6 days post op! Started back to work yesterday and that’s gone well. Husband out of town so I’m taking care of our 6 year old daughter, 3 dogs, and 2 cats myself with no issues. Energy is pretty much back to 100%. The hardest thing for me right now is getting the carafate down. YUCK. The dieticians warned me that I may not tolerate protein shakes with whey concentrate after surgery, and unfortunately that is the case. No problems with whey isolate at all. My incisions are all healing well. No pain at all. My head is definitely playing some games. I know what they mean now when say how important it is to do the head work or you won’t be successful. Hope everyone is doing well, good luck to everyone having surgery in the coming days! oh I almost forgot. I had my first two NSVs. First, I’m already off all three of my blood pressure medicines. And I was able to put my wedding ring back on this morning! I haven’t been able to wear it in a couple years, I’ve just been wearing a band.
  4. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Hi guys, 4 days post op and ready to join the land of the living again. I’ve been here scrolling a lot but haven’t posted since before surgery. Pain has been minimal. Honestly, my IV site on my hand hurts worse than anything right now. I haven’t had the hiccups at all like another poster mentioned. I’m learning what’s too much, Ive thrown up several times after taking in too much at once. Today is the first day I’ve gotten anything besides water down. I’ve gotten some tea down and a few ounces of chicken broth. Meeting my liquid intake has been difficult, but I’m on the right track today. I’m on clear liquids until tomorrow and I go full liquids for another 5 days I think. If y’all have any questions, I will be happy to answer them!
  5. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Good evening! I’m finally feeling up to checking my phone and thought I’d let y’all know I made it through surgery wonderfully. It’s not so bad. I’m about to lay down again, I will give you all the details tomorrow and answer questions!
  6. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    In the car and headed to the hospital. Wish me luck! I’ll take all the good vibes, prayers, juju, thoughts, whatever your preference, I’ll take them all.
  7. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Ooh you’re tomorrow too!? Yay! I can’t wait to compare notes with you from the other side. We got this!
  8. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Thank you so much! It still feels unreal. Like something will go wrong between now and then and it’ll get canceled. I’m a worry wart 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Chapstick and my pillow probably. I just got a call from the hospital. I have to be there at 8am tomorrow. This time tomorrow I will be on the other side. OMG. Today is really the first day I’m hungry. It’s day 7 of the liquid diet, and day one of clear liquids. I’m hangry. I wish I knew how to quote/reply previous posts from this app!
  10. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Okay guys, I’m down to about 32 hours!! Let’s talk about hospital bags....what are you guys packing? Also, day 6 of the liquid diet is down! I found a great protein shake that I really like. Tastes like chocolate milk, it’s not chalky or overly sweet. Core Life by Fairlife. I found it at Publix and Walmart.
  11. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    So I survived day two of my liquid diet. 2 down, 5 to go. I have to say that it isn’t as bad as I was expecting. I guess it’s all the protein, but I haven’t been hungry really. Got my labs back today from the surgeon, all looked great!
  12. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I’ve bought several broths, sugar free jello and popsicles, a variety of soups, and several different shakes to try to get me through the next week. I’ll let you know what I find best and what I find gross! my surgery is next Wednesday, Jan 8. Pre op diet starts tomorrow, Jan 1! As far as the testing yesterday, my surgeon took bloodwork to check kidney function and they took my vitals. The hospital also had me do pre admitting testing, and that was vitals again and an EKG. She said they EKG is for anesthesia reasons since I have high BP.
  13. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I went to my nutrition class today, and also did my pre-admit testing, pre-op labs, and my final surgical consult. Whew, it was information overload but I feel prepared-ish now 🤪 One more day of food and then my pre-op diet starts Jan. 1!
  14. DebDown

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Hi! I‘m scheduled for VSG on Jan 8. Pre op on 12.30, and my pre op diet starts 1.1! Dr. Miles at Alabama Weight Loss In Birmingham is my surgeon. So many emotions going on!

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