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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cindersb4

  1. cindersb4

    new admission to 100 lb club

    Can I join! I am officially 100lbs down from my highest recorded weight! Feeling Great and looking forward to what life brings instead of living in the way past when I used to be healthy. I'm so there and getting better everyday!!!!
  2. cindersb4

    Big changes due to a little band.

    Ladies you don't know just how much Julie is an inspiration and a beautiful person. My decision was already made when I saw one of Julie's post on LBT. She is the mother of one of my daughter's friends. When I found out she was banded I sent her a message and she has been there every step of my journey. I was banded 7/29/08 and with her support and advice I have lost 50 lbs post-op. Thanks Julie for being such a great mentor and friend!
  3. A week after having lapband surgery, I had surgery on my foot for a hammerhead toe. When I came to I said "Where is he?" To which the happy juice guy said "Who me?" I said "No! I want the chocolate one! He was fine!" They told me they would get him and I would see him in recovery. Thank God I never did because as soon as I realized what I said, I was super embarassed!
  4. Hey, I was just wondering if anyone works at at Lifestyle Family Fitness in Columbus. I work out at the Henderson location and would like to know if someone going thru what I am going thru works out there as well. PM me if you do. If anyone is interested in working out at the Lifestyle Family Fitness Henderson Club I can hook you up with a free one month membership with no hassles from the sales guy. PM me if you are interested in that as well. Cindy
  5. cindersb4

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Julie, You go Girl! You know I'll be talking to you about your experience with Dr. Shah. I got a chance to relook at the CD and OMG I feel like the before picture and I still have mucho weight to lose. Can't imagine what I will look like 6 months from now. You keep up the great work! You are a true inspiration to many.
  6. cindersb4

    How's the wardrobe?

    Ladies congratulations on all the shopping sprees. I am waiting til Christmas money to go shopping. I may have go before then. This weekend while cleaning up my parents spoiled food mess from no electricity for seven days, my pants fell down. Thank God I had on spandex shorts underneath but what a great feeling to have my pants literally falling off me. :redface:
  7. cindersb4

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Hey Y'all, When I first started going back to the gym I became really tired. I started taking B12 vitamins on top of my pre-natal vitamin. It has really helped. The question I have for you is what kind of Calcium supplement do you take? :smile:
  8. cindersb4


    I dont have a tatoo but when a read about someone putting one on their scar, I thought it would be fun to have a sunflower. The inner part of the flower would go directly over my port if possible and the stem along the rest of the scar line. Who knows I may just do it.:tongue:
  9. cindersb4

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I was told that even though I dont have anything in my band to start with, just having the band around your stomach gives you some restriction. As you lose weight your stomach loses the fatty tissue around it thus making the band looser (sp?) So a fill basically closes that gap. As for PBing, I have yet to experience that but when I do get to the end of a meal that hasnt been exactly measured out I get what a call the burbies. Its a tiny little hiccup or burb. When this happens I stop eating and assume my band is helping me out. Hope this helps! Congrats to all of you on your weight loss AMAZING! Miine has been slow but I also scheduled foot surgery the week after lapband in order to force me to slow down and take it easy. Lapband recovery was a breeze compared to the foot surgery but in the long run the foot surgery is preventing me from over doing it which I tend to do.
  10. cindersb4

    Question about kids + surgery

    Just one more opinion. I am a single mom of a very very very ADHD active seven year old. My sister and brother-in-law took my daughter and added her to their family of five boys and a girl plus my dog for the first week of the surgery. It was fantastic! (She had an absolute ball becoming part of a big family instead of being an only ) I only had to worry about myself and was home alone. Friends called to see how things were and to be honest I was less stressed being by myself than having to worry about any possible messes my daughter could create. My vote would be to have the grandparents take care of your toddler and you enjoy being pampered by your husband or enjoying the peacefulness of the house when he isn't there.:biggrin2:
  11. I had my surgery the 29th and was back working out 6 days later. Im a teacher too! I think you will fine at the Staff Development Days. You might be a little tired. I feel like I finally got my energy back at 2 weeks. If you are still on liquids and are allowed to drink 100% no sugar added Apple Juice do it. It will help. Also B12 vitamins are great to add some energy. Depending on what grade you have will also play a part in it. I don't have kids til the 15th of September so I should be more than ready to go. I teach pre-K so I made sure I would be past my recovery before taking on 20 four year olds. You will do great!
  12. cindersb4

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Hey guys! My surgery was July 29th. I lost 30lbs pre-op. Since surgery I have lost 12 pounds. I have 139 more to lose.:thumbup: Before surgery I worked out 6 days a week and ate healthy which is why I lost the 30lbs 5months pre-op. It was really hard not to be doing my normal routine. 5 days after the surgery I was back in the gym just walkin on the treadmill. Aug 6th I had foot surgery and that really knocked me for a loop. Six days after that surgery I got back into the gym and lifted weights. No more than 10lbs and only in isolation so I wouldnt hurt my stomach. I have found that I am exhausted when I finish and not hungry at all. Its been four days since beginning to lift again and I can tell a difference in my muscles. They are tighter and bigger and hopefully building the muscle will help prevent sagging skin. Please please exercise even if its only walking short distances. If you wait until your first fill or when you find your sweet spot you could be putting your body into starvation mode and you wont loss anything at all. Jump start your metabolism by moving and grooving.
  13. cindersb4

    Lots of ??, to be banded on 8/18!!!

    Little Froggy, You should be fine to go back to work on the 3rd. I had my band on the 29th of July and a week later I had my energy back. For exercise you can walk. Walk as much as you can. Go to the gym and do the tread mill at no incline for as long as you can. (being on the tread mill you will know exactly how many calories you burn). According to my doctor: You cant swim for 3 weeks after the surgery. You cant lift anything over 10 pounds for six weeks. As to what to take to the hospital: I took my flip flops, zip up hoodie sweatshirt, a big night shirt and pants
  14. cindersb4

    I'm actually exercising

    Congrats on your exercise. I have been banded for a week and had started walking for a hour. I then had toe surgery and am definitely down for the week. So- I am exercising through all of you. Thank you for making me proud. Cindy
  15. cindersb4

    got banded but very very tired

    I was just like you - Exhausted. About the fifth day out I decided to seriously walk at a brisk pace for 15 minutes. The next day I did it for an hour on the treadmill. I felt a whole lot better after the exercise. I got on the scale for the first time with the 15 min walk and had lost 9 pounds. The next day another 3. That was the reason for the exhaustion. Havent lost any more, as far as I know, and feel like the energy is back. I hope this helps.:frown:
  16. cindersb4

    I'm just so hungry.

    Hi Guys, I just wanted to chime in. I am one full liquids for another week. My salvation has been grits. They are allowed on my full liquids. I found some with natural butter flavor and yummy. I feel like i am getting some texture as well as flavor. I can also have cottage cheese. Hope that helps. :biggrin2:
  17. cindersb4

    July 08 Bansters Day by Day line up list

    1 wsw27 1 tillydog 1 doedoe1961 1 staylucid 1 mygirlayanna 1 Rdk211 1 kiwifruit_77511 2 minidriver 2 slim2be 2 BethO 2 mrsgriffin2u 2 trudeip 2 Barbiek 2 annabella 2 SanDiegoSusan 2 anita reyna 2 jjenkins2411 3 BigBander 3 scoutmama 3 2GoodDogs 3 kimlam 4 joiful 7 slim1 7 ginnyc 7 AmyWA 7 Redheada 8 blaze 21 8 Louisville Lesa 8 zeama 8 cinda 8 flowers 8 JaJeanne 8 Booklady 8 IntoLess 9 Ailie 9 Sarv 9 MarylandMommy 9 siouxsie Sioux 9 Rivieramaya05 9 lalaredd 9 missrach 9 aliNSanDiego 10 sallen21 10 Goobe 10 2Blite4life 10 melmel 10 Fancy Nancy 10 vannie 10 Danasuze 11 Applebottom 11 vra123456 11 wstone 11 falloons 11 melallot 13 OvrLvl 14 MaidMarion 14 Chellets 14 pbpunisher 15 Fearless55 15 Flowerpurr 15 lynlynkr 15 pschmolle 15 perfectforme 15 PENTURN 15 mellimel71 15 Melody2006 16 eyespy 16 lisainbohemia 16 lotzasunshine 16 SciTeach 16 lynlynkr 16 michkor 16 jomomma 16 Charlene K 16 nanaislosingit 16 moez02 16 aclubb 17 OCBreeze4U 17 3m’smom 17 tnag86 17 Long2bFree 18 PDXBandster 18 toogoode4u 18 CapitolChick 18 ElusiveQuality 21 clayverde 21 just1more 22 Moocatschade 22 zillyanne 22 TeriVA 22 kimaly 22 lleighton5 22 Choromom 22 annesan 22 Laniev00 23 BABOOMER 23 shellbell99 24 daniml 24 nyllrap 24 linksmom 24 lisadental 24 Frypan 24 Diva21 25 thatDEgirl 25 NewJEM 25 Kiki220 25 Nachtigall 28 ann71 28 splfrd 28 mamanmidwife 29 Cherub 29 Chellets 29 Cindersb4 30 orea15 __________________
  18. cindersb4

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    BeverlyDiane, I have twelve days to go as well. I can hardly wait. I went to see the surgeon yesterday. I went before my pre-op because he moved my surgery date up to July 29 from September 2 since I am a school teacher and wont be able to do it once school starts. All I can say is bless him, bless him, bless. him. However, he did give me a challenge. He wants me to lose 5 to 10 pounds by my surgery date. I'm up to the challenge so I visited the gym twice today. I dont think it is really possible to lose that much in 12 days but I am willing to give it a try! I will keep you in my thoughts as the day approaches!
  19. cindersb4

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Cindy. I am 42 years old. I have a 7 year old daughter and during the school year I have 20 little 4 year olds that become my kids. I am very excited that I will be banded on July 29 at Mt. Carmel in Columbus Ohio. I have enjoyed reading your posts and wish each and everyone of you the best of luck.:biggrin:
  20. cindersb4

    Dang dang dang ... *sigh*

    I have yet to be banded but have been working with a trainer on my cardio. Sometimes, you dont need to increase the time you are doing the cardio just switch what you are doing. For example, I do cardio for 20 minutes in a pattern where I am going forward for 2 minutes with the resistance at 6 and the incline at 7 and then I go backwards for a minute with the resistance still at 6 but the incline at 4. According to my trainer my body is always switching up so it doesn't have time to get "used to" the routine. Hope that helps!
  21. cindersb4

    Body Image issues

    I havent been banded yet but I been working really hard to lose weight before the procedure. I cant stand seeing myself in pictures but I let a trainer at my gym take some. She has taken 3 pictures each a month apart from the other and all I can say is a picture says a thousand words. Keep taking pictures and compare where you are from where you were. Enjoy those skinny clothes and throw out the big ones cause you aren't ever going back there!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
