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Jenn P

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  1. Like
    Jenn P reacted to Briswife15 in Endoscopic dilation for a stricture   
    My stricture was severe as well. I needed 6 dilations to fix the problem permanently. Was on liquids for months, but I'm a rare case!! Feel fine now, at 11 months post bypass. Hope you're doing better real soon!

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    Jenn P reacted to Rckc270 in Endoscopic dilation for a stricture   
    Yes. Had one yesterday. I’m back on liquids for a week the soft foods for two weeks. So far it’s all good
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    Jenn P reacted to GreenTealael in Endoscopic dilation for a stricture   
    Yes and it works well ❤
  4. Like
    Jenn P got a reaction from GreenTealael in Endoscopic dilation for a stricture   
    Well, my surgeon thinks I have a stricture (can’t keep food down). I’m having a endoscopic dilation tomorrow. Has anyone gone through this and did the dilation do the trick?
  5. Like
    Jenn P reacted to catwoman7 in Endoscopic dilation for a stricture   
    yes - and yes! It's an easy, painless procedure and you should feel a gazillion percent better afterward!
  6. Like
    Jenn P reacted to Uomograsso in “Clumping”   
    I had that a couple of days ago and it was no fun. It lasted about 30 to 45 minutes for me. I have really worked at setting my utensil down in between bites and taking only one small bite a minute. My dietitian recommends eating only canned meats during the soft food phase as it is cooked during the canning process and that makes it softer than cooked chicken.
  7. Like
    Jenn P reacted to AJ Tylo in “Clumping”   
    At three weeks i would be eating really mellow foods that are wet and easy to digest - I was bolted to my food processor at that point and still use it a lot- I prefer pulled meats or even ground meats vs a solid steak! I would rather grind a nice rib eye then cook it whole. I prefer to not chew the hell out of everything that is why they made food processors and grinders. Better way to eat then using your mouth to grind up solids.
    But we all have tested the belly and lost so like everyone else Trial and error and take it slow, Real slow. I
  8. Like
    Jenn P reacted to momof3_angels in “Clumping”   
    At 3 weeks, definitely eat slower and chew your food much better than you normally chew! I also found it was best that I ate foods that were much more moist. So... I ate a lot of soupy foods. My episodes lasted 15-20 minutes for the most part. But there have been a few days when I go to sleep feeling absolutely sick from whatever I ate not going down well. Just learn your signs that you are getting full and listen to them! And again... moist foods go down much better.
  9. Like
    Jenn P reacted to FLHappyGirl in “Clumping”   
    Three weeks is still very early in the game. I took things super slow because I was afraid of things I heard.
    I remember eating a hard boiled egg for the first time (probably around 4 weeks) thinking there was no way it would bother me. Oh, how wrong I was! It doesn't get much softer than a hard boiled egg but that didn't matter.
    Dense meats like chicken can be tough and hard to keep down at first. My crock pot was my best friend. And for whatever reason ground beef wasn't too difficult.
    Just take it slow, it does get better. Much better
  10. Hugs
    Jenn P reacted to Silvernova in Today I have realized...   
    This thread is exactly what I’m looking for. I’ve always battled depression with appropriate treatments, but this is a new level I haven’t experienced. I think what is so bad is the weakness/fatigue I have daily even with getting in Vitamins and short walk around the house. But, I’m also struggling with the soft food stage. I’ve only been able to tolerate cottage cheese and a super tiny amount of wet ground beef with cheese. Everything else comes up even if I chew to apple sauce consistency. (I can tolerate apple sauce though). :/. I’m 5 weeks post GS and would appreciate hearing similar stories and/or encouragement.
  11. Like
    Jenn P reacted to AZhiker in gastric bypass side effects   
    Here are some things that happened and no one told me about:
    I lost my boobs - like LOST them. They are down there somewhere. 42DD to 34A. I have to special order bras.
    My bottom is so bony that it hurts to sit on hard chairs.
    I had so much energy during the active weight loss and ketosis that I couldn't sleep. I was the energizer bunny on steroids.
    I lost my food shelf - you know, that convenient bulge where you can put your plate when you sit in the recliner.
    I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. Size 24 pants to 10.
    I was actually comfortable this past summer in the heat.... but I am freezing all the time now.
    I have saggy skin, but I lost my triple chin, my thighs don't rub, and no more fungal infections from folds and heat. My little grandson squeezes my upper arms and says, "Squishy."
    I can't swim very well anymore. I just sink. I lost all my buoyancy.
    I had to get a new wedding band.
    I found new bones I didn't ever remember having - collar bones, ribs, hips.
    But on the flip side, I don't have GERD, sleep apnea, or high blood pressure anymore. My HDL, triglyceride, and A1c numbers are awesome. I can sit in any chair in the room, my seat belt doesn't rub on my neck, I can walk, hike, and ride my bike for hours without stopping, my resting pulse rate is in the 40's, I can get down on the floor and get up by myself, my bath towel goes all the way around me plus extra left over, I am one of the smallest people in a room instead of the largest, my necklaces hang down onto my chest, I can buy clothes in any store and in regular departments, and people call me "skinny." Unbelievable!
  12. Like
    Jenn P got a reaction from breavsg in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    Hi all! This is my first post although I’ve been looking around for awhile. My surgery is on the 14th. I have SO much nervous energy, but super excited!
  13. Like
    Jenn P got a reaction from breavsg in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    Hi all! This is my first post although I’ve been looking around for awhile. My surgery is on the 14th. I have SO much nervous energy, but super excited!
  14. Like
    Jenn P got a reaction from breavsg in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    Hi all! This is my first post although I’ve been looking around for awhile. My surgery is on the 14th. I have SO much nervous energy, but super excited!
  15. Like
    Jenn P reacted to sarahSingh91 in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    Yayy hospital just called to pre register for my pre op and my surgery 😃
    Pre op date Jan 8
    Surgery date Jan 14
    Clear liquid diet 48 hours before surgery.
    Nothing 8 hours before surgery.
    No pre surgery diet other than the 48 hours.
  16. Like
    Jenn P reacted to bandsmom74 in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    I literally just found out a couple of hours ago that I am scheduled for Jan. 15th! I'm so excited (and freaked out!). Best of luck to all the January folks!
  17. Like
    Jenn P reacted to rene50 in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    Hi, my very first post here! 😘I hope to be a regular. My gastric sleeve surgery is scheduled for January 27th in Puerto Vallarta with Dr. Francisco Hidalgo. I'm so excited and ready for my life to change! 😀
  18. Like
    Jenn P reacted to Uomograsso in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    Just had my pre-op clearance appointment with my surgeons nurse practitioner and everything is set for my surgery on January 16th. Nothing to do now but wait.
  19. Like
    Jenn P got a reaction from breavsg in January 2020 Surgery Date   
    Hi all! This is my first post although I’ve been looking around for awhile. My surgery is on the 14th. I have SO much nervous energy, but super excited!

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