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Status Updates posted by gg2007BandSTAR

  1. Hey Debbie!


    What is a matter with those people! There nutz, and like i mentioned in reply to your post they are so mean, for saying if u went home, they would tell ur doc thet u refused treatment! How dare they try and blackmail you!


    But honey...you know what!! yOU ARE A SAMURAI! because you are a fighter and you will get through this and you WILL get ur surgery!! You have such great fighting sprit and that will take you sooooo far!!


    Just wanted to let you know that im here for ya!! Although im the other side of the world if there is anything i can do, you let me know!!


    Stay strong hunny!!


    Harriet xxx

  2. hey hun!

    You really think so....i guess ive not really had a look at the before vids to compare them. But if you think i have then i have!! woooo!


    How are you hun~? xx

  3. Woooooooooo!! Welcome to bandland hunny!!


    You sure did do it!!! Well done!!


    Sorry to hear about the nuasea....as soon as i woke up from anaesthetic i was sick....but that was the last of it! My banding went really well, i was up and walking about an hour after they bought me back to my room.


    But 6 days down the line im doing great, ive been doing daily vlogs on youtube, you are more than welcome to check them out.


    Stay in touch xxxxx

  4. Hey Sue!


    Thanks for the update! I know that you are a very smart and intellgent woman and know that you have gone through both options with a fine tooth combe and made the right decsion for you. Even though we may not be getting the same type of surgery we still both would of had weight loss surgery. Im happy to hear that you will still be sticking around on the site (actually i think there is a section on the forum now for people who have other types of WLS).


    Speaking of needles i just put a vlog up showing everyone my heparin needle lol lol Couldnt help myself!! lol lol It feels so wierd injecting myself in teh mornings. I normally put them in my stomach, but i did this one in my thigh today and it felt ok.


    Awww say hello to your hubby for me to!!! When i come to the states next yr, im gonna come round and pay you a visit!! And you gotta cook me some SOUL FOOD!! lol my sis goes on about it so much when she goes to the states....i wanna have me some (lol)


    I wish you all teh best hun! and please do stay in touch!!


    Did they give you a date for the RNY?


    Stay blessed !


    Love Harriet aka gg xxxxxx

  5. Hey!

    Dont worry about it hun....! I know what its like, to want to get everything in place so you have nothing to worry about when you get back. Like you i replaced one of my shakes with a low protein meal, and did very well. 5lbs in two days is great hun!! Gives you that boost to keep at it! If i only i lost 5lbs in 2 days eating normal foods i wouldnt need the band!! lol lol


    Im doing really well hun, i stoped feeling pain i think from about day 3/4 and its was more disconfort when i moved or twisted and forgot about the port. Lol


    Im on day 6 now and doing really well....getting up and moving around doesnt hurt...but i can still feel the port and know that its there. I will be back to wrk on monday...am half looking forward to it because being at home all day isnt really my thing, but im glad of teh rest and not to have teh pressure of work.


    Keep up your hard work with the diet, and i wish you all the best with your banding and a speedy recovery. Let me know how you get on xxxx

  6. Hey Teresa!

    Im glad you are finding my vid blogs helpful, it really does makes them all the worth while, if i know that i can help out others! Im wishing you all the best for monday!! I will be thinking and praying for you hun!!


    Gooooooooo Teresa!!!!!! bandland here you come....how are you feeling?


    Harriet aka gg


  7. CONGRATS KIZ!!! wooooo you are banded....i offically welcome you to the other side!!! lol Im happy to hear that you are feeling good, make sure you get plenty of rest and sip sip sip! Look forward to following your progress hunn!!


    Well done!!!



  8. hey girl!! Im am really doing good....i think im also getting bored with all this time on my hands...!! im not used to just sitting at home doing nothing! lol lol But i guess when im busy i complain, that all i wanna do is sit at home lol lol


    You go girl!! you pump that iron down the gym!!! Those "unwanted" curves (lol) will be melted away in no time!


    check you my youtube hun, ive been putting daily updates on there!!


    chat to you soon my DIVALICIOUS SISTER!! XXX

  9. Hey hun!


    Thanks for the msg, everything went very well, and im getting better day by day! Its the best decision i have ever made to get banded, and i look forward to the weight coming off.


    I wish you all the best for banding today! Im thinking about you xxx let me know how you are doing!!



  10. Thanks for the msgs hunny!! i cant wait till you get banded,....you hold in there hunny! Not long to go for you now. You are doing so well on your supervised! Keep up your hard work! How did the last weigh in go?



  11. Hey lillll irene!!!! Im finally on your side...yess the losing side!! wooooo! Thanks so much for your kind msg, im on day 4 post op and doing well, i dont feel any pain, just disconfort in the port area but im sure that will go in a few days!!!


    Hope you are doing well hun xxxxx


    Love gg aka Harriet xx

  12. hey hun!!


    im doing great thanks, im on day 4 post op and am not feeling any pain, just discomfort when i move akwardly (because i forget about teh port) How are you doing? xx


    thanks again for the msg x

  13. Hey hun!


    Thank you for the msg....im doing very well, im on day 4 post op now and i dont feel any pain, a few more days and i will be 100%! How are you doing? xxx

  14. Hey Teresa!


    Thanks for the msg hun....yep the transformation took place.....gg2007 became gg2007bandSTAR lol lol


    Not long for you to go now hun!! I wish you all the best for surgery you are in my thoughts and prayers xx

  15. Hey hun!!


    Thanks for the msg hun!! For sure girl us sexy diva's gotsta stick together! lol I look forward to following you on your journey!


    Stay sweet and sexy hun!!




  16. Hey hun!! How are you? How did it go at the docs today....i was praying for you, that all would be well. Look forward to hearing from you xxx


    Stay strong hun xxxx

  17. Hey hun!!


    Welcome to bandland...how are you doing? Im wishing u a speedy recovery, your in my thoughts and prayers xxx

  18. Hey hun! Its day 4 today post op and im doing well, im no longer in any pain, just discomfort when i try and bend (only because i forget about the port) lol Will be putting another update up on youtube.


    Take care hun xxx

  19. Hey hun!


    Im doing really well thanks, each day im getting better and better i not in any pain, apart from when i bend and forget that the port is there, but it soon reminds me lol lol But im not taking any more pain meds, and am able to sleep on my side from day 2. How are you??


    Thanks for taking the time out to msg me xxx

  20. hey hunny!

    Im doing very well thanks, each day im getting better, i dont have any pain at the port site any more just discomfort when i try and move, or bend awkwardly! A few more days and i will be 100%! I wish you all teh best for friday i will be thinking about you and you will be in my prayers! Let me know how you get on...looking forward to hearing from you....


    Love gg


    ps i have been updating my vlogs daily! xx

  21. hey hun! im doing very well thanks, each day is getting better and better, i don't feel any pain in the port site any more just discomfort when im not careful when im moving about. How are u doing...? xx

  22. Hey hun! Yes its been a while....well a lil mini update from me.....i will be getting banded in 3 days time (1 sept) i cant wait to start my journey! Other than that ive been doing very well....i finsihed work today...and will be taking 7 days off. If i need more time then i will take it off. How have you been? Are you still going for the sleeve? Any luck with teh insurance or financing...?


    Chat to you soon



  23. hey hun!! I hope they call you soon! Wow! Cant belive you will get ur surgery date on the 05th sept..thats next week!! wooo!! I will be posting my next vlog on saturday...i was going to do it on sunday but i will be travelling in teh morning so i wont have time. So i will post it up on saturday. :) xxx

  24. wooooo!! thats great news hun!! 2 more tests and you will have your date!! Im so happy for you! When will the final tests be done...do u have a date for those yet? Yep not much longer for me to go now....have just be gathering the things i will need for the trip!! wooooo!!! lol lol

  25. hey hun! Awww thanks for checking my vlogs out! And you gotta try that pizza recipe it is delcious!!! I tried it a few weeks ago and loved every single mouthfull. I used mozerella cheese instead of normal cheese. Yes im getting closer day by day!! Im on a living shrinking diet at the mo...two shake and a low carb meal in the eve. What do you have to do for yours? xx

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