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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by gg2007BandSTAR

  1. Hey Tina!

    I really know what you mean about it being teh vest thing that you have done....i really know that getting the band is 100% for me. And im glad that i have taken the step to finally deal with my weight head on. I know i will be succesfull! I am really looking forward to having time off...the last time a had a break/holiday was far to long ago! lol How much have you lost so far? xx

  2. Hey!

    You are well on the way hun, and you are so right, it will be worth it in the end! hang in there hun! xx

  3. Hey! Wow you have done fab!! and what a great loss, well done to you! I really cant wait to be banded...i cant wait to drop dress sizes! and buy clothes that i like instead of having to buy them because they the only ones that fit.


    Well done hun


    Keep in touch xxx

  4. Hey!!

    Not long to go, aug 13th here you come!!! well done on your pre op weight loss, you have done so well! I wont be far behind you, i look forward to sharing it all with you.


    Glad you are doing well, and that they have waived the fee!!!


    chat to you soon



  5. Hey!

    Dont worry about it hun....! I know what its like, to want to get everything in place so you have nothing to worry about when you get back. Like you i replaced one of my shakes with a low protein meal, and did very well. 5lbs in two days is great hun!! Gives you that boost to keep at it! If i only i lost 5lbs in 2 days eating normal foods i wouldnt need the band!! lol lol


    Im doing really well hun, i stoped feeling pain i think from about day 3/4 and its was more disconfort when i moved or twisted and forgot about the port. Lol


    Im on day 6 now and doing really well....getting up and moving around doesnt hurt...but i can still feel the port and know that its there. I will be back to wrk on monday...am half looking forward to it because being at home all day isnt really my thing, but im glad of teh rest and not to have teh pressure of work.


    Keep up your hard work with the diet, and i wish you all the best with your banding and a speedy recovery. Let me know how you get on xxxx

  6. hey!

    Im counting and counting and counting down the days lol lol 10 days to go!!! woooo. How was school shooping with your son? you get all the bit he needed xxx

  7. Hey!

    Walking is exercise in my books lol lol I do aqua aerobics at the moment and really do enjoy it, but i will be stepping up my exercise and incorporating weight training, to help my arms. I dont want to be left with bingo wings lol after i drop the weight. xxxx

  8. Hey!

    You lucky you get to have the summer off..i wish i did! But i will be taking two weeks off when i get banded...so i guess that will be my lil holiday before i get back to the grind. Yes i really cant wait till i get banded...im so excited! You banded yet? xxx

  9. Hey!

    You too...u are looking great in ur pics!!! Well done!!! x

  10. Hey!


    Thanks so much for teh freind request! How are you doing? have you been banded? xx

  11. Hey!


    Yes i have everything sorted out...dont really need that much, i have bought all my mini plates, bowls etc quite a few weeks back. Have stocked up on juices, soups and painkillers!! All im waiting for now is to actually get banded!!! lol lol Your lunch sounds yummy...and new ideas with the cook book?

  12. Hi Bim!

    Yes i have 10 days to go and cant wait.....!!!lol How exciting for you also, as soon as they get back to you, you will also have a date for sept. lets hope its sooner rather than later, i have heard of insurance company approving people in a matter of days! I hope its that quick for you xxxx

  13. Hi Hun, ive not been banded as yet. Hopefully in sept i should be getting done, at the mo im trying to shift as much weight as i can before the op, and will do a pre-op diet 2 weeks before. How far are you in the process?


    Harriet xx

  14. Hi Hun!


    I live in London, Uk. I havent actually lost any weight yet, those are my pics pre banding, so hopefully sonner rather than later i will have so more pics with a smaller version of me! lol How are you, have you been banded yet? xx

  15. Hi!! You go there, you are even educating the shrink!! hehe!!! As for that test...didnt someone have something better to do than design a 370 question, questionnaire??? How long did it take you to complete that??? Any luck with the letter from your pcp?


    Well done on lossing 6lbs!!1 thats great!!!


    You are very observant lol lol i was getting tired of that other pic lol lol


    You got the results yet? xx

  16. I know its all so exciting!!!


    WELL DONE!!! YOU DID IT!!! and its all gonna be downhill from here!! :) Keep up your hard work!!! :)



  17. It must be such an exciting and daunting time for your right now, i remember just feeling a whole mix of feelings. Do you have approval from your insurance yet, or you are still yet to go through that stage.

    It has been a journey for me with the lapband, lots of up and downs, but main thing is to keep strong, keep going and NEVER give up. the 90lbs i have lost so far have made such ...

  18. ohh i forgot to say weigh in 2008 is a group of people on you tube, who have a common goal to lose weigh, whether you have had the band, bypass, or doing via healthy eating. we weigh in oncea month.


    Our aim is to have monthly weighs in at the end of the month...this is because alot of people where getting on the scales to often (ie me) and was getting very disheartened when it didnt move down or it stayed the same or put on. We all support each other in focusing on healthy eating and excercise. and not focusing on getting on the scales 24-7. You are more than welcome to join us! xxxx

  19. ohh noo, what happened with ur port??


    im doing well hun, weight loss has stopped, but i have no restriction. so have another fill booked so hopefully that should get things going xxx

  20. ohh yes they sure are!

    Im sure you are enjoying your mushie stage, must taste better to have something a bit thicker than just liquid! You realy dont each much at all, how many cal u think ur on a day...less than 500 from teh sounds of what you are eating.


    Remember to chew chew chew when u start yor soft foods 2morro :)


    thats great that u are feling such great restriction, fingers crossed you wont need to many fills! Remember to keep up with ur fluid intake though hun, u dont wanna get dehyrated xxxxx

  21. Thanks for the msgs hunny!! i cant wait till you get banded,....you hold in there hunny! Not long to go for you now. You are doing so well on your supervised! Keep up your hard work! How did the last weigh in go?



  22. Thanks hun!


    You nearly there with the end of the supervised well done, not long to go now!! wooo surgery in 6/7 weeks thats great! How much have you lost altogether on the supervised?

  23. Woooooooooo!! Welcome to bandland hunny!!


    You sure did do it!!! Well done!!


    Sorry to hear about the nuasea....as soon as i woke up from anaesthetic i was sick....but that was the last of it! My banding went really well, i was up and walking about an hour after they bought me back to my room.


    But 6 days down the line im doing great, ive been doing daily vlogs on youtube, you are more than welcome to check them out.


    Stay in touch xxxxx

  24. Woooooooooo!!! 14th October here you come!!! Im so happy for you, not long to go!! Im soooooo excited for you!! How do you feel, now that you have a date??



  25. Wow! You are doing great hun...and healing up really quickly!! I hear as each day passes it gets better and better. Andf well done on resisting the take away!! I remember when i was doing the cambridge diet and wasnt eating food...i hated those M&S adverts, i used to call them food porn! lol lol


    What a great loss! You many more losses to come


    keep in touch! xxx

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