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LAP-BAND Patients
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About gg2007BandSTAR

  • Rank
    Im gg2007bandSTAR!! Woooo
  • Birthday 01/01/1982

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About Me

  • Biography
    Am so OVER being obese, its time to let the sexy, healthy, thin me out....watch out world, GG is on her way!!! Wooooo!!
  • Interests
    Anything that puts a smile on my face or makes me laugh!
  • Occupation
    I work in the Health and Social Care Field (Adult Mental Health)
  • City
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  • Zip Code
    you mean post code?? We dont do zip codes in london lol lol

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  1. Just working like crazy...Im looking for a good man to save me! JK...kinda. I haven't checked my utube account lately,do you have a new post yet? oh in case I never told you.I'm 44yrs young,woman. I started my band at 243 and now I'm at 196. (been there for about 4 mos).... Hummm I don't want to be negative but BOOOO!!!!! I was hoping to hit my goal of 150 by my 1st year. Now i will be happy just to get to 180 by then. I can eat anything if i go slow, but I try to stay away from the bad stuff but sweets go down soooo ez!!!hahaha Anyway...I was thinking of getting a jump start but doing a fast. I did the lemonade one and felt great. What do you think?

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