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LAP-BAND Patients
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About gg2007BandSTAR

  • Rank
    Im gg2007bandSTAR!! Woooo
  • Birthday 01/01/1982

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About Me

  • Biography
    Am so OVER being obese, its time to let the sexy, healthy, thin me out....watch out world, GG is on her way!!! Wooooo!!
  • Interests
    Anything that puts a smile on my face or makes me laugh!
  • Occupation
    I work in the Health and Social Care Field (Adult Mental Health)
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  • Zip Code
    you mean post code?? We dont do zip codes in london lol lol

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  1. Hi Sweetie!

    I KNOW exactly what you mean about ending up where the people you help out are!! LOL!! I had to get out... I graduated from college with a Sociology degree in 2002 and thought I could conquer the worlds crap! :) I worked in a methadone clinic for five long years... there some people that I think I might have helped, but for the most part it was an uphill battle.... it was incredibly stressful! I think that is one of the reasons I gained a lot of my weight... I would see other girls come in and they would be "normal" weight and within a year, they would be so much bigger... I saw that happen more than once... Just make sure to take care of yourself... I think that we as caregivers are pouring ourselves into others that we forget about ourselves... I'm so glad that you got the lapband... you did that for you... You go girl!! :0) It sounds like you do have a stressful job and I kind of know where you are coming from... if you ever need to vent... and I'm sure you do, you can always talk/write to me! Hugs!

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