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LAP-BAND Patients
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About gg2007BandSTAR

  • Rank
    Im gg2007bandSTAR!! Woooo
  • Birthday 01/01/1982

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About Me

  • Biography
    Am so OVER being obese, its time to let the sexy, healthy, thin me out....watch out world, GG is on her way!!! Wooooo!!
  • Interests
    Anything that puts a smile on my face or makes me laugh!
  • Occupation
    I work in the Health and Social Care Field (Adult Mental Health)
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  • Zip Code
    you mean post code?? We dont do zip codes in london lol lol

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  1. hi

    im not sure how many calories i am having at the mo, the protein drinks are 200, the yoghurt is 121 cals and 220 in the soup, but i think that is the full tin and i have half.

    so yes, something like 500. might be a bit more now im havign pureed stuff for tea.

    i have just bought myself a couple of lapband cook books, have been warned they are a bit fiddly, especially one of them. but i like cooking, so it will be nice to be a bit fiiddly. also as my food shopping is costing about ?10 a week instead of ?40, i can splash out on some nice posh food sometimes!!!

    id better go and start pureeing my chicken for my tea, bye for now


    i remember what i was going to put!! was bout shopping bill, it was ?5 for the last fortnight, but think it will stabilise where it is at now, the chicken is 400g, this use to last me 4 days, a chicken breast a day, maybe 2 if i was starving, but it is now lasting forever, in its 25g pieces in the freezer!!! when i was cutting them up they looked tiny, but now its just rite.

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