I'm booked in for a consultaion in June and hopefully having op in September as I'm on holiday in August and don't fancy risking being taken ill in Turkey and I can't get insurance either. Im having consultation in Leeds with "why go abroad", which is owned by the Hospital Group...which has got rather slated on here due to the aftercare. The package with WGA is £4950, and basically has only a 28 day aftercare package and you have to pay for the fills yourself, but financially thats better for me, I am abit concerned about no aftercare or support but I know a few people that have had it and theres places like this so hopefully I will manage ok, and like all the books say, "the band only does 30% of the work", so I have to have got that strength and will power within me, and I am subborn so am determind to prove everyone wrong that thinks I will fail!!