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Posts posted by Fatboyslim1

  1. I was actually surprised when my surgery/Nut group kept telling me "don't worry about calories, just worry about volume". It's a very proactive university based operations, which seems to be on the very cutting edge of the craft. So far it is working incredibly well. As such, here is the Post 6 week to 3 month plan:

    Diet plan: Three structured meals a day (B,L,D)

    A meal consists of:

    2-3 oz protien (weigh after cooking)

    1-2oz cooked or raw veg.

    * Portion size will gradually increase over time, but remember to stop eating when you feel content or satisfied, do not overfill. Remember to eat slowly chew well to allow yourself to feel full, before you take the next bite.

    Protein: there are no restrictions, but wait 3 months before having steak. Eat a variety of protiens. Protien will be the focus of your diet.

    Vegetables: eat at every meal. Limit starchy veg, like corn, peas, potatoes, Pasta. Etc..

    Drink 2 Protein Shakes per day to maintain minimum 60-80 grams Protein.

    Combined Fluid total of at least 64 oz daily, no caffeine, carbs, sugar, alcohol .

    Do not skip meals.

    Eat just enough, and slow enough to feel full.

    Do Not drink anything from 30 minute prior, to 30 minutes after each meal. Very important!

    Do not chew gum (For the rest of your life)

    Take your Vitamins and minerals.

    So that's it in a nutshell. No calories defined, and I asked several times. They kept saying that if I follow the percentages (Basically 2/1 Protein over veg, with very limited starch) and eat till full, without drinking, it's a slam dunk.

    So far, a lb per day like clockwork.


  2. 1 hour ago, FluffyChix said:

    Sorry to say but this is incorrect information.

    The sleeve was originally designed to be the first step in the DS operation. Not the bypass. It's actually quite complex to do an RNY following VSG.

    Potatoe potato :). While true true, the first was in reference to DS, thereafter original proving ground test subjects were RYGB. Regardless is was conceived as a "first step" for the morbidly obese to allow for easier follow up Bariatric surgery, with less complications.

    i believe the sleeve alone has the highest 5 year rate, for those with a starting BMI of under 40.

  3. Thanks for your support, truly.

    I've actually asked more than one poster to put their diet on a variety of threads. I even put my own typical diet on here as an example. I talked about burn rates, CICO, etc. What however happens is the people who have a "problem" always seem to disappear when someone tries to actually get to the root of the problem. This then leaves other people not knowing what is really happening, and as such puts doubts in their minds about what they can expect.

    Interesting enough, where you do see people "fess up" is on posts where individuals say "I've lost control" or "how do I get back". that's the reality of this entire situation. Many people are actually in the process of "losing control" or on their way "up in weight" but they mistakenly cloud it in "it's not my fault". They don't get the help they need, and 10 other people feel like their chances are futile.

    Part of the problem is also what really constitutes a "slow loser". I would think it would be anyone who loses less than 3-4 lbs per week. I.e. if you are losing 3-4 lbs per week, than don't worry, its all good. If on the other hand you are not losing that much, then lets all talk intelligently and cordially about what may be going on, so we may help.

  4. The most negative statistical outcomes has been directly attributed to "The band" . most insurance companies don't even cover it anymore, and most surgeons will not perform the surgery. I believe one of the easiest ways to counter the negative vibes that you may encounter when talking to someone who "knows someone" that has significantly failed is to merely ask the question: "do you know what type of WLS they had".

    In my experience pre and post op, virtually everyone says the same thing: "they had the band". If so, then just take a few minutes to talk about your surgery, and let them know that there is a significantly higher chance of success with the Sleeve or bypass. In fact if you look up the history of the sleeve, it was originally developed to be a "first step" in the bypass process, as an attempt to have severely obese people drop initial weight to a level which made the actual bypass easier and safer to accomplish.

    What they however found in the majority of cases, was that patients didn't even need the bypass after the sleeve, which is why it is now so popular. The sleeve, and associated nutritional education are on the cutting edge (no pun intended) as a cure of the blight on our populace by the proliferation of cheap easily available questionable food choices. Corporate marketing of non-complex high carbs and calorie laden meals are literally tapping into the same brain chemistry as heroin dealers.

    The food industry makes in money in carbohydrates, not Protein. Protein is expensive. Carbs are cheap. When you go out for your "reasonably priced" Pasta meal, consider that 85% of what is on your plate, cost them 10% of what you are paying. The protein then eats up 75+% of their costs. Unfortunately they are typically covered in sauces to make you think they are all the same thing. Not! The cheap carbs are what cause the problem and they are the majority of most meals.

    As a side note to all of your "banders" who have succeeded. Bravo! I know it cant be easy.

  5. 17 minutes ago, froufrou said:

    Actually, I did not lose it in 12 months. I had sleeve surgery in 2017 - had a leak and was in hospital for 3 months, lost some. Gained a lot back. Had Bypass surgery in February. Have lost and gained and lost again.

    As for 'fake news'... Do you really believe that everyone loses at the same rate regardless of age, gender, genetics? Really? I'm not sure your science holds up.

    But, at the end of the day, you have you ask yourself at some point... is it better to be right or kind? You have proven your point and made sure people know you are right. Now it's time to be kind.

    Whether it is physical or mental, there are people who lose slowly and you have made your point on the scientific aspect of this. Now it's time for you to let people talk about what they want and need to talk about as part of THEIR weight loss journey. You do your journey and let others do theirs.

    I am over 60 years old and rather sedentary by nature. So let's see, that blows the old and no exercise theory. Oh year, I have high BP and am hypoglycemic with borderline t2 diabetes . So there goes those false flags.

    what I believe is, it is much "kinder" to be honest with people that you can really help, than it is to be complicit in prepetuating a false narative to appease a few people who have other issues or motives.

    Holy crap, there are posts that claim individuals burn 3500 + calories per day and can't lose weight ! How do you think that resonates with an obese bed bound individual who is trying to make an intelligent decision about the rest of their life ?

    So no, as long as this urban myth thread or one like it exists, I will post the science. Sorry.

    And as you say, people can and should talk about their weight loss journey (I'm one of them). But this is a feedback forum, and it would seem that if you want to really help people, you have to call out the BS.

    put another way: put down the bagel !

  6. 33 minutes ago, froufrou said:

    I'm a slow loser too. I have a lifetime of a mindset to work against, a body that just doesn't like to give up weight easily and I'm getting older. But, the one thing I have figured out is to not give up.

    To the people who have jumped in to this thread to prove their points about science... can you now leave it at that and move on? I think the point has been made.

    Sorry, but No.

    You are not a slow loser. You have lost 129 lbs in 12 months. You are a perfect example of how wonderfully this system works. The OP and others who obviously DO NOT FOLLOW THE PLAN state that they do "follow the plan" and can not lose weight, or even worse, put on weight. They then push this self fulfilling failure in a manner that makes people think that WLS does not work.

    There is far to much good to be had with this type of surgery and follow through, to allow it to be muddled with absurd fake news about how weight loss does not run parallel with CICO.

    The Slow Loser concept is a myth. You seem to be a perfect example of that. Congratulations!

  7. 3 hours ago, Serengirl said:

    right but Im not in a coma. I have an apple watch and they have been proven to underestimate what you burn in a day. Its not hard to calculate how many calories you burn all day long between apps and the watch. You can get a pretty accurate sense of what your full burn is for the day and per workout in addition to steps etc. My resting ,metabolic rate - if i laid down all day is around 1900 (lowballing) add in my workouts and my daily activities and its really easy to burn another 2100 ontop of the 1900. burning 3500 calories (which includes the 1900 -ish) over the course of a day is super easy especially if you aren't sitting around all day. And again, I am lowballing numbers.

    I agree completely that you can burn 2100 calories per day on top of your standard 1900+/- daily burn.

    in fact there are a few Olympic trained athletes that can actually do that, but not every day. So what you must be doing is marathon running at least 20 miles every day, and on the "off days" mountain biking for 6 plus hours! Then in your spare time do just regular stuff to burn the daily 1900+/- metabolic norm.

    clearly I can now see that you don't intend to post false information, you are just really really confused about CICO. I don't mean to be disrespectful when I say that, I think you need to look at the reality of what you said, and how that horribly wrong statement and associated concept may be affecting your progress.


  8. Karen - well said, but unfortunately there are people on this thread and elsewhere who constantly push the completely absurd narrative that a significant caloric deficit is not directly resultant in weight loss. It is ridiculous and quite frankly harmful to the hundreds of thousands of people who could be greatly helped by WLS but are reluctant because they read fake news.

    People can rant to themselves that somehow they are not directly responsible for their failures but I take extreme exception to shouting a false narrative to the world as some BS attempt to hide their own guilt. Even worse than that is the self fulfilling prophesy cycle that the fake narrative creates.

    Sorry, but I simply can't stand by silently in the face of nonsense .

    As for sticking to a plan in the long term for sustained health weight, that's going to be a struggle for us all. However that has absolutely nothing to do with losing weight do to CICO.


  9. 17 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    So, update.... I gave all of my bread and crackers to my stepdad. Just better NOT to have it in my house. I will still allow it if I am out at a restaurant... but it doesn't need to be in my home where I can just eat it every meal. Already dropped 2lbs by reverting back to my strict bariatric-friendly diet. I plan on having some falafel on a pita for lunch today - my "bready" treat for the week - going to lunch with a coworker.

    Great job seeing an issue, addressing it, and then seeing a positive result! Bravo !

  10. 8 hours ago, Serengirl said:

    we can agree to disagree and this is a place for those who dont lose in a typical fashion I am losing slowly I NEVER said i haven't lost any weight at all but I can indeed go weeks and weeks without losing and since all of my food is premeasured by the containers i buy them in- eg. premiere shakes- i know their exact calorie counts. In fact except for having sushi maybe once a week all of my food (greek yogurt, cottage cheese, premiere shakes) comes in pre measured packets for that very reason so I CANNOT underestimate or overestimate my food amounts. So feel free to hit up another thread if you dont agree. Also please dont tell ME WHAT TO DO or not to do. Its my G-d given right to have my opinion and last i checked I live in a free country where speech is a constitutional right.... I am entitled to be frustrated and feel overwhelmed. I am HUMAN. Hence this thread is a Support thread - not a "please dont type something I don't want to read because Im a snowflake thread" Feel free to not visit this thread at all if it offends you so much.

    Of course you are free to say anything you want, so say it. Post your stats and timeline. Post what you ate per day for the past 5 days so we can see how our diets compare, to help us all be more successful.

    my diet is pretty easy and does not deviate

    morning: 100 calories of egg beaters with a little grated cheese.

    snack: 30 gram protien shake 120 cal

    lunch : tuna or chicken with Tomato 120 cal's+/- (If I am out, I usually get half a sub with no roll or dressings)

    dinner : 4oz fish or chicken with a few veg - 150 cal's+/-

    snack : 30 gram protien shake 120 cals

    one Apple per day : 100 cals.

    basically 700-800 calories per day, and rather boring.

    Losing a pound a day, priceless!

  11. 22 minutes ago, Corlissak said:

    Good morning everyone! I am SO glad I found this forum. I have been in what seems to be 3 month stall. Trying not to get frustrated but I am. I am going to see a Bariatrician at the end of this month to see what's going on. I have changed the way I eat and exercise but to no avail. What are some things you all do when you experience stalls?

    Eat less calories , because it is the ONLY THING that controls your weight +/- a small percentage.

  12. It's a valid fear when you look at the statistics. However keep in mind not a single person who has gone through WLS since it was originally invented, failed unless they simply ate too much.

    Probably most of us got to an unhealthy weight becuase we drew off of our childhood eating habits, aggravated by today's corporate food pushing culture. We were never really taught how to eat well, over an extended period of time.

    We have now been given an opportunity to begin again, and much like everone on here can probably learn any new skill for a job or hobby, we have to use this opportunity to learn new eating skills. After that, it's just a matter of being an expert at your own nutrition.

    People learn new skills all the time. Kind of like "don't put your hand in a hot stove". It's up to each of us to learn, the just follow through. Hopefully if we keep this in mind, we won't be mere statistics.


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