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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LISAMARIE1158

  1. LISAMARIE1158

    Hello from Ct.

    l was banded on 9/12 by Dr Haag at Bay State Medical...awesome...
  2. l use NUTRITIONGEEKS.COM quite a bit less than GNC for the same products..plus free shipping...they've done great by me...
  3. LISAMARIE1158

    Need help... What would you do????

    l would think positive, have the surgery and then file for divorce..Think about yourself and your children..You want to be healthy and happy for them...There are millions of fish in the sea and soon you will have the confidence to make the changes in your life that you need to make...Do it now while you have him around to handle the kids ....Good luck to you and l wish you all the best
  4. Great pictures and your hard work really shows....Keep up the good work...

  5. LISAMARIE1158

    Tomorrow is the day! : )

    GOOD LUCK for a speedy recovery
  6. LISAMARIE1158

    Tomorrow is the day! : )

    l'm 2 weeks out and feeling great...
  7. LISAMARIE1158

    Psyc evaluations

    Mine evualuation went all the way back to my birth and the eating issues of teenagers and such..They really want to make sure you have no underlying issues with food...You know, anorexia, bulemia...Mine took two appts and was really very rewarding....we went through how people can gain weigh during times of happiness as well as sadness....l didn't hvae to answer any questions on a test, although my sister inlaw did..she failed the first time around...Don't read to much into the questions...Be honest....
  8. LISAMARIE1158

    Can anyone help ?

    restless monkey, you always have something wise to share with all of us...You brighten my days...when l need answers, you always know the answers ..thanks so much for being a cheerleader for some of us...Lisa.....
  9. LISAMARIE1158

    Post-Op Meds (Cost for Self-Pay)

    no post op meds here eiother except Percocet, which is very cheap...under $10.00....Good luck....
  10. LISAMARIE1158

    Can anyone help ?

    They are trying to charge you $2,000 for the seminar? l think l would find another surgeon..Sounds like he will charge you for the air you breath in his office also...Every seminar l ever heard of, was FREE....hummmm maybe he's tring to pay off his student loans...Good luck and never give up hope....
  11. l thought all of it had a terrible smell...the unflovored had a slight taste, but again it was the smell..like l said earlier, perhaps if l had used a sports bottle where my nose wasn't in the glass l could have done. it...l was afraiud to buy it, after having the sample..Yes l also tried the chicken soup...lt was different...maybe not bad..l also tried the strawberry sorbet or raspberry sorbet...still didn't care for it. Good luck and lreally hope its a product for you
  12. when l went to my nutrition appts they gave us samples of unjury..l didn't like any of them...l guess it was mostly the smell...try using a sport bottle so you don't have to small them...
  13. l profer the Vanillia Isopure...l don't think it has any taste, other than vanillia...you can mix all sorts of extracts into it as well as banana and berries...the chocolate tastes just like chocol;ate milk that you would buy at the supermarket all ready made...l have tried many through this process and only recoomond isopure..l buy through NUTRITIONGEEKS.comthe cheapest around..Good luck though..
  14. LISAMARIE1158

    Time off Work

    l'm off for 2.5 weeks..l stopped in my office 5 days post op and sat at my desk for about an hour...l thought l would die sitting there and couldn't wait to get to my home and rest...l know everyone is very different, but its still surgery and it takes a while to get your strength..take time if you can get it...
  15. LISAMARIE1158

    Banded 9/11/2008

    thank you restless monkey..l never knew the answer..These are the things they should tell you being as important as it is..With everything l have read and all the classes l have been to, l never knew this..(lm in the medical field also)..Thank you so much for all your info..keep up the wise words to all of us new comers...
  16. LISAMARIE1158

    Banded 9/11/2008

    Hi Brownw01..l was banded on 9/12 and l have been eating soft foods as well..l don't see whats wrong with it..l mean very soft foods, like you...God it tastes so good...l can understand the liquid phase and stuff but soft foods seem ok too...Good luck to you...
  17. LISAMARIE1158

    Trying to find a protein powder +some general Q's

    l order my powder from NUTRITION GEEKS.COM their prices are great with free shipping...
  18. LISAMARIE1158

    Trying to find a protein powder +some general Q's

    l use isopure..its 25 grams of protein per scoop and almost good...
  19. LISAMARIE1158


    hi Pat..l was done on 9/12 and l also had a very hard time ..Only today am l starting to feel human...l've had plenty of abdominal surgery before and thought this would be a breeze...Unfortunitily it wasn't/...Cheer up, it does get better
  20. LISAMARIE1158

    frequent hick-ups

    l have hick-ups and boy do they hurt...lol...
  21. LISAMARIE1158

    Got my lap band yesterday !!

    Hi Donna..l got my band yesterday also and my day sounded much like yours except l had an allergic reaction to the morphine..l was so sick to my stomach for 12 hours..Feeling a whole lot been today...No real pain, but sore...Good luck to you... Lisa
  22. the less carbs that you eat, the less your body will crave them...Thats why Atkins has been so successful through the years..They keep you at a very low carb level and your body doesn't miss them after just a couple days...Good luck...
  23. LISAMARIE1158

    Tomorrow's the big day!!!!!

    hey Donna....l'm being banded at 7:30 am tomorrow....we share our date...lm a bit scared but oh so ready....l wish you the very best....and l'll be waiting to hear how you did... Lisa
  24. LISAMARIE1158

    I am so freaking bummed!!!!

    just don't give up...the road to get your band can be trying at times but it will be worth the wait...
  25. unjury has a really bad smell to it..the taste is ok, but the smell makes me sick..l have been using ISOPURE and its almost good..Especially the vanilla, bec there is so much you can do with it...Try some proteins now, before you actually need them....Good luck

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