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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About bandsmom74

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  1. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I had my first post-op visit with my Dr. today...doing swimmingly! He told me I'll be under 200 lbs next time I see him- in a MONTH. I can't believe that could be true, its incredible to me and I still can't fathom the possibility of being under 200! I can actually notice the physical weight loss today (I'm down 13 lbs since surgery). I see it in my hips and face! Struggling, struggling with the liquid diet though. I have 10 days of that total and I will be done 1/28. I have hunger, I have cravings. Big time. But yet I don't want to "eat" (drink, heh). I'm siiiiick of the shakes, tell you what. lol. Its very weird. One of the biggest cravings I'm having is - strange enough- sauteed fajita veggies...which I won't be able to have until March. And food commercials are the devil. That is all.
  2. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    This is very, very similar to my progression. I'm over the liquids and its day 6. Haha. We can do it though!
  3. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Thanks for the tip!
  4. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I've been having headaches too, and same with the Tylenol vs. Ibuprofen. Definitely trying to hydrate too. Hope you (we haha) feel better soon. So here's a weird one. I didn't know that the protein powder curdles and gets gross. Anyone have any tips on mixing? Don't have a blender and was hoping to avoid getting one. Ha.
  5. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Hi everyone, just wanted to Pop in and give an update. I was sleeved yesterday around noon EST so still under 24 hours post op. Everything went wonderfully, I was on clear liquids just a few hours after, tolerating well. Pain is honestly petty minimal for me, I’d have to say a 4 on a scale of 10 is the worst I’ve felt. I had my last pain meds at midnight and since my pain is even more minimal now (1-2) . I have a lot of pressure in my abdomen but In weird spots. Lower right and at my sternum. Incision areas aren’t painful. Been walking walking to move the gas through ( quite successfully) haha! Best wishes to those still go on their surgery’s and a quick and speedy recovery to those who are on the other side! 🙂
  6. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Good luck to everyone going in this week, like me (Wednesday). 😊 my insurance finally approved me Friday afternoon and I had my pre-op hospital admissions and testing done today. Great hearing the updates from those who already had their surgeries this month...It’s definitely helping to calm my nerves some! I do wish I had a time for Wednesday, they will call me tomorrow after 5 pm and tell me when to report. I go on clear liquids after dinner tonight and then NPO after midnight tomorrow which isn’t bad at all. ( 🤞🏻 to score an early time but with my luck I’ll be the last surgery of the day, haha. )
  7. bandsmom74

    Happening so fast

    Yes. 15 days. Its killing me, I guess there was an unexpected opening to be scheduled for my surgery and I was slotted in but I didn't find out until last Fri (Jan 3rd)- I am scheduled for Jan. 15th. It was submitted to Insurance that day and I am still awaiting a decision and I am being told its very common to take the maxiumum amount of time for approval in January as the companies are slammed with requests due to patients changing coverage. So after thinking the earliest I'd be scheduled was to be Mid-Feb, I'm now on the will it happen or won't it rollercoaster and its freaking me out cause its like 6 days away! FWIW I am also in FL, and I have BCBS Federal and I had to do a 3-month supervised diet. My first visit was Aug 13th and I am now scheduled for Jan 15th...so it went quite fast.
  8. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Just curious, is anyone who is scheduled for next week still awaiting insurance approval? Or anyone who just had the surgery not get approval until the few days prior? I am scheduled for Wed. 1/15 and I still do not have approval. I'm being told this is very common in January as the insurance companies are bombarded with requests due to people changing coverage. It's really stressing me out at this point...I am not a fly-by-the-seat of my pants person. Tell me I'm not the only one?
  9. bandsmom74

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I literally just found out a couple of hours ago that I am scheduled for Jan. 15th! I'm so excited (and freaked out!). Best of luck to all the January folks!
  10. bandsmom74

    Married with WLS

    In my case I am having the surgery because my husband already lost over 100 lbs on his own. I tried to keep up with him but he was a maniac after being diagnosed with HBP and Type 2 diabetes and lost it in less than 6 mos. I am struggling trying to lose on my own, as I always have after 25+ years of obesity. I am really looking forward to a new and healthier. more active lifestyle with him!
  11. Hi there! I have, and the gradual elimination process worked well for me. I still have to eliminate or drastically reduce my caffeine but I have managed to eliminate soda, and almost completely sugar- which if you had told me that 3 months ago I would have died laughing. Making changes in incremental steps was definitely what worked for me, and I wish you the same success! YOU CAN DO IT! I hope I am there with all of you January folks, my final visit with my Dietitian is Tuesday, I have completed all of my pre-requisites (except the endoscopy which is scheduled after final clearance from my Nutrition team), and have lost the 10 pounds required by my surgeon (11 and I will keep going!)! Fingers crossed!
  12. Did you lose cravings for specific foods or trigger foods? (For me it's sweets!)
  13. bandsmom74

    Pre-Op Roadblock- WWYD?

    Oh my gosh thank you all for the wonderful responses, sounds like I am correct in thinking that the Sleep Specialist is the way to go! Its so encouraging to read that it may not delay me after all! Thank you!
  14. Hi There! I am looking for a little insight- I am curious is this situation has happened to others, and if so how it was resolved. I am pre-op for a Sleeve Gastrectomy. I have completed all of my requirements (3-month medically supervised diet, Psych consult, Nutrition consults, Fitness consults, lost the 10 lbs my surgeon was requiring) and my final weigh in is this Tuesday. My issue is I am caught in a loophole of sorts regarding the Sleep Apnea testing. I had my first Sleep Apnea test (in-home) done in September. I came back diagnosed as having Obstructive Sleep Apnea. So my surgeon called and said I had to contact my PCP to order the 2nd test- this In-Lab titration, which I am reading is when I would receive my CPAP and they would monitor my sleep to determine the proper therapeutic settings. My PCP- while definitely being onboard for the surgery will not (cannot?) prescribe the titration, and that they would refer me to a pulmonologist. So I called my surgeon's office to tell them that and they basically said that they've never heard of this happening before, etc etc. and to instead call the office of the Dr. who read the first test and did the diagnosing. SO I did that- and that Dr. won't refer me for the titration either and instead referred me to a sleep specialist. I called my surgeon at that point and the person I spoke with wasn't very helpful, just basically said I had to "get it done" in order to get the surgery. I'm also a bit salty because I have great insurance and don't even require referrals for specialists so I suspect that if I could somehow contact the titration center that I could schedule it myself. Its also frustrating since I am so close to surgery and the situation resolving itself with the weight loss. I'm definitely not resistant to getting the CPAP though if that's what it takes (even though extra expenditures are definitely a concern- which is why I'd rather not get roped into a treatment routine with yet another specialist). So...my question is, has this happened to anyone else? How did you resolve it? If you were me, which route would you choose? I'm leaning towards the sleep specialist over the pulmonologist but then wonder if I'll get flak from my PCP. And I suppose this may delay my surgery now because I'm reading that once I finally get the CPAP I will have to do 30 days with it? (My surgeon hasn't confirmed this). Any experience, insight, or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

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