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Everything posted by ELENATION
Oh I know! people pay to see them in concert to hear them sing not to hear their political views.....and they don't even take into consideration that not everybody there is going to have the same beliefs as they do.... therefore they just shove them down our throats whether we like it or not....hello! the people are the ones paying for them to be there, they need to shut up! Sally Fields made a fool of herself....
<p><p> </p> <p></p> <p>I totally agree! celebrities may have all the right to have their own opinion, even when they can be very stupid and ignorant.... but we certainly have all the right to hate their opinions! and boy, sometimes I can't be quick enough to change that channel and I have to hear some pretty stupid stuff.... sometimes I can't help but feel sorry for them....because they are so ignorant....all the money and fame in the world can't buy them some properly functioning brains........
Thank you Mousecrazy for your response! Yes, it is indeed inexplicable how some folks, celebrities included kiss up to these people, either they are totaly ignorant or they are as evil as the dictators themselves.... because when they go there to meet with these people, they go to support them and they proclaim it too, as if they were doing a good thing...it definitely doesn't seem to me that they go on a journalism mission.... I still remember the sickening words of Steven Spielberg's visit/dinner with Castro, just to think that there are so many people around the world suffering and so many important causes for us to be involved with and this guy declares the following, it's just unbelievable..: "Spielberg announced that his dinner with Castro "was the eight most important hours of my life."
That's exactly right! we forget what real suffering is.... or those who haven't suffered under a dictatorship can't begin to understand the pain..... THank you, Elena
<p> </p> <p>Oh Annie, I'm sorry about your family. I know exactly how they feel, my family and I were stuck in Cuba for 14 years after Castro took over, they wouldn't let us leave....even when approved by the US government since my dad was an american citizen...they don't even respect citinzenship there....My best friend lives in Maturin, she is cuban and took them over 20+ years to be able to leave, now they are stuck there again....she is also a dentist and her husband a professor, with a bright future and they can't do anything about it. I feel so bad for them, they have suffered enough... I agree, I hope he gets shot before he ruins Venezuela....I'm with you.</p> <p>Hugs</p> <p>Elena</p>
oh...LOL! that's ok....I was trying to tease him a little bit....LOL!
The good news is that after next year, you won't have to put up with W any longer....but you'll have to deal with Rudy Giuliani, I hope you like him!
I'm with you 100%
No one could've said it better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd pay for the billboard!
You are so right! Actually it was a very interesting argument! I have to hang around LBT more...and I will!
Agreed! Even though we've talked for hours now.... I'd like to tell you it's very nice meeting you! and starting a friendship! I do admire your intelligence!
I have to agree on several things with you here.... they have the right to express themselves, they have the right to show how ignorant they are and I also think they are full of crap..... You and I both have the right to disagree, I have the right to be pissed and you have the right to be understanding, we all have to learn to disagree right!
Well, firstly we don't know for sure how their upbringing was, I've read that their father wasn't exactly a role model... But even if they were raised perfectly and assuming they were not motivated to kill their parents out of anger for any reason whatsoever... well, they were definitely motivated by money.....which for them it probably meant power, financial freedom.... and they were plain evil, they loved money more than they loved their parents....should I try to figure out why they chose to the wrong actions? I don't think I have to....again, it's simple to me, they have a mean evil spirit, they were selfish, greedy.... they are many people like that in this world that commit horrible crimes for those same reasons, and I don't think they deserve much analisys.... Murders committed out of anger, greed/money are so common and simple to figure out... Dictators that are power hungry, money hungry that would do anything to accomplish their goals are also so common and in my opinion, the reasoning behind their actions are beyond obvious..
Now it's my time to say, that's where we differ.... sure they have the right to like whoever they want, but really, I do get pissed off when I see these mostly ignorant celebrities behaving and talking as if they actually knew what they are talking about.... why do we have to listen to their stupidities? if I can avoid it , I won't read the articles, but sometimes I'm watching the news and I can't be quick enough to change the channel and I have to end up listening to Travolta telling me to go green when he has 2 private aircrafts and a tanker parked in front of his own house and fully fueled... sure that pisses me! and that's also my right to be pissed! that's good for you that you are much more understanding an civil than I am.... hey, sometimes I wish I was.... that's when psychology and sociology comes in handy, why some are more tolerant than others.....?
"See, that's where we differ. I don't think anyone is completely evil, and I don't think anyone is completely good. I like to try and figure out why some people are willing to go to certain lengths that others are not, just to get the same things that we all crave to a certain extent. Why do some people murder people for $5 when other people won't? I don't think it is a simple as saying that they just don't have values. Why do the lack those values? I ask questions, that's just the type of person I am. I feel the need to understand and to learn. That's why I'm getting a Master's degree and will probably go on to get a Ph.D. I enjoy learning, even if it is just learning about why people use certain reasoning" My opinion is because some people are good and other people are bad, even if they are not completely good or bad, they are generally good or bad, so we act and behave according to who and how we are.... Why they lack values? because they weren't tought those values, therefore they never practiced them, never used them in their lives and obviously they didn't come naturally to them because they have a mean spirit and a darn black heart, to me it's that simple! Hey I love to learn, I read constantly...I only have a bachelors and don't plan to keep on going because I have a very busy life that won't allow me to do it...but it would be nice though... I absolutely love to learn, but certain things and/or persons I find that are not worth to bother trying to learn about them because they are simply disgusting to me and they lack of valuable philosophical information... I've read about the Hitler and the Holocaust to obtain facts and info, which obviously you have done about Chavez and Castro as you said before....but I certainly wouldn't have liked to meet Hitler... from getting informed to actually having to shake hands with a monster like these people, that's a big difference to me.... but hey, we are all different.
Exactly my point, people that follow celebrities and actually would have sex with them, disgusting.... people that may want to meet W Bush or Clinton, whether I like one or the other, I don't think I would go the extra mile to meet them, because I think that I have a good idea of the reasoning behind their actions...However, neither one is a dictator, or a murderer...so meeting them is pretty much normal to me, but wanting to meet Bin Laden, Hu Jintao, Castro , Chavez, don't see the point, unless you work for the media and are in charge of interviewing them as your job, or unless you actually like them....and that's the reason why Penn and Spacey went to meet him in my opinion.... they certainly didn't go there to work for CNN as interviewers, so what other reason could they possibly have? do you think they are interested in psychology or sociology, I have a feeling they are not.....maybe I'm wrong...
Well, In my opinion, mostly everybody would like to be powerful, be rich....just like them, but the difference is that I have moral values that will stop me from doing just about everything to get that power or money or both...Chavez, Castro and others don't have values, again, they are just simply evil people, I don't see complexity ....sure we all do have different reasoning for doing even the same things....to me, tha'ts not so interesting or complex, that's just the fact that we are all different and therefore behave different, is that so interesting? I guess not to me.... actually many times from looking at people's actions, I can tell what their reasoning is behind it....and that's the case for me on Chavez and Castro.... their actions speak for themselves and to me, it doesn't take much analysis to figure that out.... Maybe you are a deeper person than I am....who'd knew....all these years I thought I was pretty darn deep....
Yeah well, again, I don't see the complexity of their reasoning or methods, I don't find it interesting enough to meet them, it seems so simple to me, they love power at all cost, and they will do ANYTHING to obtain that power, they are just evil... I've never thought that dictators in general are interesting , strange or odd people at all, I actually think they are just power hungry and plain evil.... I just can't imagine Chavez having a great intelligence or a great mind.... all you have to do is listening to him talking... he just wants power and money...
Hey, I guess we all think and feel diferent...I had 14 years to satisfy my curiosity about dictator's behavior.......you haven't....that's fine..
So what? Hitler did too! He was nuts! He was evil! maybe he had some childhood issues, who cares, really, but mainly he was just an evil person and he did have a huge impact on the world, but I certainly wouldn't have liked to meet him! I don't think that even with a deep interest in psychology and sociology, I wouldn't have benefited from meeting him....he would've probably lied to me about the reasons he had to do what he did and tried to convince me that he was actually a good person... frankly I couldn't believe one word he would've said, and it's the same way I feel about Castro, Chavez, Sadam Hussein , etc.... It would be foolish to believe that you will get the actual truth out of any of these liars....
Hey, you have a point there, I'm sure I would want to know about people with strange behavior, but I guess this is so old to me and so clear to me that I feel that I don't really want to learn anything else about them, see, in my opinion, they are evil people, not complicated, complex , odd, or strange, they are both along with some other dictators around the world just pure evil people and finding out why the behave that way seems a waste of time, there is good and evil, they are evil....why some people are evil? because they just are, I would love to deeply know why some people are such great decent human beings also, but it's pretty much common sense, they choose to be that way, we all know right from wrong...when it comes to evilness, I think it works the same way, they are just bad, horrible evil people with evil minds.... they choose to be that way, why their brain chooses evil over good? again, I believe it's their choice, sure, they may have some insecurities or childhood issues, but hey, don't we all, that doesn't mean that we all become evil....so again I have to say, to me, there is not much to learn about their behavior, I actually think they are stupid simple evil people. Am I rambling on? oh well....sue me!
Oh no please you shouldn't need to apologize, I just wonder if you are that interested in psychology and sociology, why haven't you researched on Castro and Chavez, since you consider them historical figures? you may not want my advise and that's ok, but that may help you know a little bit about them, which I can already see that you don't know much.... I mean, just in case you don't have the pleasure to meet them some day... And the fact that I was born in Cuba and lived through 14 years of Castro's communist regime makes me just a little bit knowledgeable to talk about Castro and his little friend Chavez...and their twisted minds....
LOL! I have to laugh again, of course I'm not curious! I was born in Cuba in 1962, just 3 years after Castro took over and lived there for 14 years, I know exactly what Castro's and Chavez's reasoning is, who are by the way exactly the same.... Chavez being tutored by Castro... they are both power hungry totalitarian dictators and I know how people like them think, I don't need to meet them or interview them to know it.....and Chavez a historical figure? funny again! in my opinion he is nothing more than a monkey that can't even express himself correctly. It's actually embarrassing to hear him talking.... I often wonder if he even has any kind of education...if he does, I wonder where he got it.... No, no curiosity here about Chavez...! I'm curious about real historical figures though........
Honestly, I think some of these Hollywood people are so used to the adulation and the fame and of course the money that they actually believe they are so smart and important....when in fact most of them have merely a high school diploma.... and they feel that their opinion matters, which at least it doesn't to me! they are so ouf of it as far as living in the real world........ yet, they think they know it all.....in my opinion, a lot of them are so fool and by siding with Chavez or Castro, they are letting the world know how ignorant they are, because if they really knew who these are, they wouldn't even get close to them... I honestly think they DO know thety are not going to acomplish anything by meeting them.... but they have nothing better to do with their time and also a little extra publicity, even if it's bad publicity...
Yeah, LOL! I'm sure he is a really incredibly interesting person. If you ever meet him, you may want to ask him why is he taking over the private industry? do you think he may be a communist? hhhhhhhhmmmmm I don't know. Otherwise, why would he be taking away people's properties? things that people have worked so hard their entire lives for? I wonder...I'm sure he has a very valid reason to do that among other great things he is doing.....he's not a bad guy, he is just misunderstood and incredibly interesting! I don't know why it just doesn't do it for me....you know, the picking his mind thing........ silly me