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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by browneyedgoddes

  1. Hey

    I am new to this web site and I was just looking at different albums of different people. I was banded on 05 20 08 and i am still healing. I am dropping the pounds and I am excited. I am still having gas pains but as long as I am losing wieght I am happy. How long have you be banded and how is it working for you?

  2. Hey

    I am new to the website

    I was banded on 05 20 08. I am just begininng my journey. I am just wondering how this band is affecting others. How long have you been banded? Are you losing at a steady pace?

  3. How does your port flip?

  4. Was just reading through different threads and happened upon yours. I work for the state of tn and was banded on 05 22 08. Luckily my iunsurance does cover it. But like I watch the clients who pay nothing for the premiums have access to health care(good dental benifits for one) that we as employees are denied..



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