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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by browneyedgoddes

  1. browneyedgoddes

    I want some REAL food!?!?!?!?!

    Hey Ladies I just wanted to say that I spoke with my doctor about this discussion that we are having and he stated that a lot of things weigh heavily upon how quickly you are able to eat what you eat when you eat it. Age, BMI, other stomache issues, are just a few of the things that wiegh in on this descision. What is written in books and pamphlets as he states is a "one size " fits all and we all know that "one size " does not definitely fit al. He compared it to the fact that many of his younger patients continue to tolerate Pasta and rice where as many of his older patients can not digest these certain things after being banded. Every one is just very different. Be blessed on your journey's ladies Samantha:smile2:
  2. Did anyone have a change up with their monthly after surgery? I know that Im not pregnant. Already tested myself b4 surgery and after. My husband got scared when he saw all the tests. We have two little ones already. Also what is a realize band that I keep reading about?
  3. browneyedgoddes

    Eating Mushy foods already

    Hey Everyone I just have a couple of concerns and questions. I was banded on 05 20 08. And every since day 3 I have been cheating by eating foods like mashed potatoes and green beans. But the thing of the matter is I have not once vomited. I have lost 11 pounds post op even though I have been eating mushy foods. I know the most important thing is that the doctor's dont want you to vomit to stretch your stomache. I have not vomited not once. It was today though that I ate mushed bannana I got very nauseated but I didnt throw up. I have and continue to lose wieght on because I feel a restriction after eating 3 or 4 bites of my food. I am just wondering if this is healthy for me. I'm not vomiting and I am contining to lose the wieght. Tell me what you think..... Thanks Samantha
  4. Was just reading through different threads and happened upon yours. I work for the state of tn and was banded on 05 22 08. Luckily my iunsurance does cover it. But like I watch the clients who pay nothing for the premiums have access to health care(good dental benifits for one) that we as employees are denied..



  5. How does your port flip?

  6. browneyedgoddes

    I want some REAL food!?!?!?!?!

    Hey Guys I just have a quick question and a confession to make. Ok since the 3rd day after surgery I have been eating mushy food. This is something that I shouldnt have been eating until week 3 or 4 but the thing is the food has not made me sick. I was banded on 05 20 08. I know that to some of you this may seem really bad but the fact of the matter is I have continued to lose wieght because I am only able to eat a couple of bites b4 I feel full. The doctor said the reason he wants you stay on the liquid diet is to prevent you from throwing up the food with will move you band out of place. Well I have not thrown up once. I am just wondering if you all believe that me eating mushy foods at this stage is dangerous even though I am not getting sick or throwing up. Tell me what you think please..... Samantha
  7. browneyedgoddes

    I want some REAL food!?!?!?!?!

    Yes It has been the same for me. Have you considered asking your doctor if you could take diet pills until you have your fill? I was banded on 05 20 08. Since 05 25 08 i have been eating mushy foods which you shouldnt eat until you were about a month post op. Luckily I have not thrown up or felt nauseated until today ( right after eating a this slices banna that I mushed up. I still have been losing wieght because I can only eat a little b4 I feel full. I decided to go ahead and try some mushy food because I didnt want to lose it one day because I was starving and just eat like a pig and then make myself vomit... I hope this helps you......to know that you are not alone Samantha
  8. browneyedgoddes

    slipped up on liquid diet :(

    Don't Feel bad. I was banded on 05 20 2008 and I been check with mashed potates as well but you are right when you eat you can barely get much down before you feel full. I am gonna eat a little here and there and drink a lot of water and add 15 minutes to the 45 minute exercise rountine that I have started. I feel that it is better for me to eat a little here and there rather that losing it one day to the point where I stuff my self like a pig and then end up damaging my band. Be blessed
  9. browneyedgoddes

    I really need some support !!!

    Hey You are not alone. I was banded on May 20th and I have been experiencing all these funny feelings in my stomache as well. I get the fluttering and I also get the feeling that the liquid and food are getting stuck somewhere. I have also been getting spasms here and there. And at night time the gas pains can be horrible. But as each day goes by it is better than the last. At first I felt like I couldnt hardly breathe or catch my breath. Spoke with the doctor and his nurses about all of this and they said that this was all normal....... One more thing..after surgery I didnt really experience pain from the inscisions I experiences pain from the air that they blew up my stomache with to perform the surgery. I had gas pains in my stomache, chest and shoulders. I thought I was having a heart attack. Doc explained all normal. Told me the best thing to do is get up as quick as you can start walking again. Go back to work as quick as you can and he was right. I am not all the way there but i do fill better from one day to the next. I am still having the horrible gas pains but they get better each day. If I eat the wrong stuff they are worse but that is just encouragment for me to eat the right thing.. I hope your journey goes well... Samantha Hope you feel better
  10. browneyedgoddes

    I really need some support !!!

    Hi I was banded on May 20th and it appears that the surgery didnt work the same for me as it worked for others. When most people eat things that they arent supposed to it comes back up but that is not what has happened to me. Of course I have not had a fill yet but after I eat a little of what I am not supposed to eat ( mashed potatoes that shouldnt be eaten until week 4) I get this very full filling that is followed by spasm's. The band is working for us but it is working for us in a different way. The spasm's are a sign of your stoomache telling you that you are eating the wrong thing. This is where I learned how different this surgery is from the gastric bypass. I guess this is where will power comes in but I have quite gotten there yet. The best thing that I can suggest is maybe taking an appetite suppresent. I am going speak with my doctor about taking phentermine until I can get my first fill. I hope everything works out great for you.... Be blessed.... Let me know how your journey continues to go so that I can know what to expect........ Samantha
  11. browneyedgoddes

    Looking for Memphis,Tn LapBand talk

    Terry I meant to say the nurse understood as a woman that you gain wieght during your cycle. Samantha
  12. browneyedgoddes

    Looking for Memphis,Tn LapBand talk

    When I meet with Dr. Woodman the first time I had only done two months of the supervised Dr.'s visit for cigna. During that 4 months I did the shrink visit, visit to the nutritionist, got letter of recommendation from pprimary doc and lost 30 pounds in the mean time. On Feb 11 everything that was needed was turned in but the office did not submit my paper work until Feb 20th to the insurance company( it takes time). They don't just send it right off. At the seminar they made that clear and they asked that we not call the office over and over again because they work as timely as they can. Anyway after all that the insurance company took 2 1/2 weeks to make the descision to allow me to have it. I didnt call the office I let them call me even after I recieved the letter of approval in the mail. But I kept calling the insurance company up until I knew they approved me. About a week and 1/2 after I got the letter of approval Dr. Woodman's office called me and ask me to come in for the visit to schedule my surgery and to talk withDr. Woodman. This is the visit that they say that last about 3 hrs. But it only lasted about an hour and 1/2 for me. I scheduled my surgery for a month later but i could have taken a date 2 weeks later. He told me that I had to lose 5 pounds b4 surgery but I actually lost 6. But the week I scheduled my surgery I was doing my monthly(big mistake). When I told the nurse this she said that Dr. Woodman doesnt believe in women gaining wieght during their cycle. But it didnt make a difference. I wieghed a 1/2 pound more that I wieghed during the last office visit at the wiegh in the day before surgey. I didnt even see the Dr. I just saw the nurse. She was nice about because she knows that as a woman you gain wieght during your surgery. Hope all is well Samantha
  13. Hey

    I am new to the website

    I was banded on 05 20 08. I am just begininng my journey. I am just wondering how this band is affecting others. How long have you been banded? Are you losing at a steady pace?

  14. Hey

    I am new to this web site and I was just looking at different albums of different people. I was banded on 05 20 08 and i am still healing. I am dropping the pounds and I am excited. I am still having gas pains but as long as I am losing wieght I am happy. How long have you be banded and how is it working for you?

  15. browneyedgoddes

    Looking for Memphis,Tn LapBand talk

    Hey Everyone I am from Memphis as well. I was banbded on May 20 2008 so my journey is just begining. Dr. Woodman did my surgery as well. You all are right, he does not have very good bed side manners but when ever I speak to anyone about him they say He is one of the best doctors and he wants the best for his patients and that is all that matters...good luck to everyone
  16. browneyedgoddes

    Feeling kind of depressed at the moment

    Girl When you make your mind up about something everything and every body tries to change it. As for your husband you just have to decide to do somethings for yourself. I was banded on 05 20 2008. My husband never really said much. He thought that I wasnt going to do it because it took me so long to do. But he never really said that he didnt want me to do it. He has been ok so far. But the rest of my family has given me crap about it. My sister who is one year younger than me kept sayin " well you know what happened to Kanye West Mama" . And she even cried when I made the descision to go ahead and do it. My mother was just saying "you can do it on your own." The thing is I know that I can do it on my own but I just can't keep it off on my own. I lost sometimes 70 to 80 pounds and each time I just put it back on. The band will help me keep it off. You just have to learn to pray and make up your mind and say this is what is best for me. I did not come to my descision easily . I began this process about 11 months ago. I made up my mind that this is what is best for me and I wasnt going to let anyone take away from or take away the descision that i made. I will be praying for you on your jounery I will say this and then i will call it a night... Ask your husabnd and your mom "Is it better for me to stay this way and lose wieght and gain it back and run the risk of having diabettes and highblood pressure and having a heart attack or stroke or going under anesthesia for 45 minutes(my doc took 39 min to complete my actual surgery) and living the rest of your life and healthier and better you..... You do you!
  17. Hey Everyone My name is Samantha. I am from Memphis Tennessee. I am a married mother of two wonderful sons (Isaiah and Kington). I am a graduate student and I work full time with the Department of Human Services. I was banded on 05 20 2008 at 7:30 a. m in the morning and this is a whole new world for me. What should I expect? I feel as if I am out of breath easily. Is this normal? I feel like just drinking a cup of tea fills me up. I am also still filled with gas from the surgery. My inscisions do not even really hurt. Is any of this happening for you all as well:closedeyes:
  18. Are you having really bad gas as well? I was banded on 05 20 08 and i feel like all this gas is killing me. What are you doing to help with the gas?
  19. browneyedgoddes

    chest pain? Gas or full?

    Has the gas pain thingie gotten any better for you? I was just banded on 05 20 08 and i feel like this gas is gonna kill me. What is so crazy is that my inscisions don't even really hurt it is just the gas inside of my stomache.

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