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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by browneyedgoddes

  1. Don't Feel bad. I was banded on 05 20 2008 and I been check with mashed potates as well but you are right when you eat you can barely get much down before you feel full. I am gonna eat a little here and there and drink a lot of water and add 15 minutes to the 45 minute exercise rountine that I have started. I feel that it is better for me to eat a little here and there rather that losing it one day to the point where I stuff my self like a pig and then end up damaging my band.

    Be blessed

  2. Girl

    When you make your mind up about something everything and every body tries to change it. As for your husband you just have to decide to do somethings for yourself. I was banded on 05 20 2008. My husband never really said much. He thought that I wasnt going to do it because it took me so long to do. But he never really said that he didnt want me to do it. He has been ok so far. But the rest of my family has given me crap about it.

    My sister who is one year younger than me kept sayin " well you know what happened to Kanye West Mama" . And she even cried when I made the descision to go ahead and do it. My mother was just saying "you can do it on your own." The thing is I know that I can do it on my own but I just can't keep it off on my own. I lost sometimes 70 to 80 pounds and each time I just put it back on. The band will help me keep it off.

    You just have to learn to pray and make up your mind and say this is what is best for me. I did not come to my descision easily . I began this process about 11 months ago. I made up my mind that this is what is best for me and I wasnt going to let anyone take away from or take away the descision that i made.

    I will be praying for you on your jounery

    I will say this and then i will call it a night...

    Ask your husabnd and your mom

    "Is it better for me to stay this way and lose wieght and gain it back and run the risk of having diabettes and highblood pressure and having a heart attack or stroke


    going under anesthesia for 45 minutes(my doc took 39 min to complete my actual surgery) and living the rest of your life and healthier and better you.....

    You do you!

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