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Brave Heart

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Brave Heart

  1. Hi FatBoy Slim,

    It's a year later. How's it going for you? I was banded on Valenties Day 2008 and feel I've reached a plateau. I hve just started minimal exercising but the weight loss is noticable (45 lbs). I tipped the scales at 284 and can actually fit clothes I haven't worn in years. Dr. Fielding did my surgery. I need some inspiration right now as it seems it's taking longer for the pounds to drop. :-)

  2. Hi all,

    I'm from BK also--was banded on Dec 31, 2007, by Dr. Ren at NYUMC.

    I've managed to lose about 30lbs since first starting the liquid diet on Dec. 17th (now two months gone). I've hit a sort of plateau right now, which is fine, I guess. I had my first fill on January 22nd or thereabouts. I had been having restriction up til then, but I pressed my luck. It seemed as if right after I got the fill, I could suddenly eat alot more than I used to be able to eat. It was like the saline they injected into my band had voodoo juice in it, and all the junk I'd been able to successfully cut out of my diet, I was craving like mad. My discipline has taken a huge nosedive, and I'm feeling a great deal of disappointment in myself lately. I know this is just a phase, but it still really bothers me. Plus, I got some bad news today on my insurance coverage-seems that our coverage has been suspended because OXHP raised their monthly rates via COBRA; we needed to pay an extra 17 bucks per month back in December, but the news about the rate increase somehow never made it to our mailbox so we had no idea about it until they unceremoniously yanked our coverage this week for non payment of said 17 dollars. What??!! We're fighting it, though, so wish us luck...but I don't have any expectations that they'll restore our coverage, unfortunately. The nature of the beast is to try and get as many of us who desperately need coverage off the rolls. I'm trying to see if we can qualify for individual insurance, but that may be too expensive, too. Ugh!

    well, just wanted to vent a little about these frustrations...but if asked if I'd do this all over again, I would--in a heartbeat, even if I only lose these 30lbs!!


    Good luck, fellow brooklynites,


    r.Fielding did my band. Hope all has gotte better for you

    Braave Heart

    (That's because my surgery was on Valentines Day) :-)

    Hi Maribel,

    I'm from long Island But D

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
