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Gastric Bypass Patients
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ChubRub last won the day on May 18 2023

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About ChubRub

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    Bariatric Evangelist

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  1. I don't remember exactly, but it was crazy fast (like how we lose in the first months after WLS). It was around 10lbs the first week, then 3 lbs a week after that...so maybe 4-5 weeks in total? You are doing great, and yay that you are already looking ahead to a little plastic surgery as a reward for your hard work. I also think PS helps you maintain b/c you look so freaking good that you aren't going to mess it up! LOL!!!
  2. ChubRub

    No more saggy arms for Sophie!

    Oh wow!!!!!!!! You look amazing already!!! Congrats on the arm surgery!!!! I had my arms done last year, and OMG, I love my new arms! I love yours too!!!!! So exciting for you!!!! Can't wait to see how you continue to progress!
  3. Congrats on your success thus far!!! My stats are in my signature, but I had WLS in December 2019, which seems like a lifetime ago, although it's only been 5 years! I maintained at 112-118 for the first 4 years, and then last year I regained about 20lbs. I decided to try Mounjaro and quickly lost the 20lbs, and am back to maintaining, and this morning weighed in at 116 (daily weighing is a must for me! LOL!). I didn't really have an hurdles or obstacles, and I confess that I sometimes feel a little guilty that's in been so easy! I'm turned 50 this year, but I feel better than I felt when I was 30 (and look way better too! LOL!!) I also have had a few plastic surgeries along the way, which I also highly recommend if you can afford it. I'm a brand new me!! 🙂 Best of luck to you in your journey to a new YOU!!!
  4. Have you tried GU or any of the other energy gels? I've used them for cycling, and they work well. I've also heard people make a simple PB&J, cut into small pieces and frozen the night before, and it thaws during the race or run, etc. Also try bananas, as they are usually offered on the race course. As I'm sure you already know, you don't want to try anything new on race day, so you want to get it figured out and practiced with ahead of time. Good luck!!
  5. ChubRub

    Breakfast suggestions

    I did protein shakes and greek yogurt for breakfast for my first year. Boring, but yummy and satisfying!
  6. I had my initial consult in October, and my surgery was done in December. My health insurance was going to switch on January 1st, and even though the new insurance would have also covered WLS, both myself and my surgeon thought it would be easier to just push everything through quickly and get it done under the 1st insurance. If I didn't have the insurance issue, it probably would have more like 3 months, but they bumped me up a month, which I loved of course!
  7. My husband went on a camping/hiking/biking trip with his buddy. While he was away, I got caught up in my feelings, wishing that he and I could do something like that as a couple, but knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep up, would be uncomfortable, tired, sweaty, etc. I started googling, found a surgeon who was having an initial class for potential patients, and signed up for the class. A week later, I picked up my husband from his camping trip, and told him I was going to have WLS. I was scared to tell him, but he was so supportive, and I knew I'd made the right decision. It's been a dream life ever since!!! We still talk about the day I picked him up from his trip and announced my surgery! LOL!!
  8. ChubRub

    2 Days!

    You are off to a great start! Best of luck with the surgery!!
  9. ChubRub

    embracing it

    I love getting 2-3 meals out of 1 restaurant meal! I'm a cheap date! LOL!!!!
  10. ChubRub

    Ever changing bra size

    I lived in sports bras for about a year! This one is mt favorite, b/c it fits like a regular bra, no uniboob! https://www.amazon.com/SYROKAN-Support-Racerback-Lightly-Underwire/dp/B0722VV42X/ref=sr_1_9?crid=78LPY63G5L37&keywords=syrokan+sports+bras+for+women&qid=1684006010&sprefix=syroken%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-9
  11. ChubRub

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    Hello and Welcome!! Fingers crossed for a quick insurance approval, and then you will be off to the races!!
  12. ChubRub

    Tummy tuck garment - size?

    I would get the Medium. Order if from Amazon, and if it's too small, you can quicky exchange it. I would also recommend getting a garment that covers the thighs b/c you want it to be tight, and not dig in. I would think the ones that stop at the hips, would dig in and irritate the skin. Good luck!! Don't forget to take lots of before and after pics!!
  13. Surgery was yesterday, and it went great. My pain is minimal. Feels like i just had some dental work done, but the pain meds are really doing their job! I had a quick post-op visit this morning, where they removed my gauze and gave me a compression garment. I will wear the garment 24/7 for the next 2 weeks, After that, I will just wear it when I'm sleeping. Not sure if I mentioned, but for the fat transfer, She used lipo to take the fat from my inner knees. She said that knee fat is stubborn which makes it great to use for tat transfers. I also get the added bonus of getting a little jump start on my thigh lift, I go back on Tuesday to get my sutures removed. Also, I'm allowed to take a shower tomorrow night! Woo hoo!! That's all for now!! 🙂
  14. ChubRub

    Pre-Op Toxicology Screen

    Not Kaiser, but in my case, they did a nicotine test and a pregnancy test on the date of surgery.
  15. ChubRub

    Surgery day!

    Best of luck to you!!!!! You've got this!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
