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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by almostnormal

  1. I went through the same thing! People that I love and that love me, were so concerned about me getting the lap band they were totally bringing me DOWN! "You shouldn't do this" "What if something goes wrong" "Have you really thought about this" "I don't like how this sounds" I could keep going and going. I just had to finally look at these people, smile listen but let it go in one ear and out the other. I knew what I had to do, I trusted my doctor and he too did gastric bypass for the most part, the band was fairly new. Just keep positive, you know that this is what you need to do for yourself. I am so happy that I did the band!! I was 254 when I started and now 151. I am running into people that I've known all my life and they don't even recognize me. It's pretty funny actually. I feel great - I can do yard work now, rake leaves and not need to fall into them to catch my breath. . . LOL The BAND has brought LIFE back to me and I am living again - with a BIG OLE SMILE on my face!!!


  2. We do have the same story . . . .LOL I was so crazed with happiness when I went under the "200" mark. The only time I had see numbers under 200 was on my way up. And I've been "UP" for the last oh.... 20 years. It feels good to shed the pounds! Heck, you know that as you are doing too! good for you!!! good for us both!!!!

  3. :thumbup:I had my band put in January of 2007 - It was done In Burlington Mass. My BMI was 40 and my weight was 254. Today my weight is 151 and I am only 2 pounds away from having a "NORMAL" BMI. WOO HOO!!! I was wearing a size 24 and actually some 26's depending on the brand. I am now wearing a size 10 and depending on the brand an 8. It's all so strange to me as I was overweight most all of my life. I LOVE THE BAND!!!!

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