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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by diva

  1. diva

    FAVORITE dance SONGS!!! for wedding!

    Hope I'm not too late! First congratulations!!!! Rihanna-Pon de Replay Black Eyed Peas-Lets Get it Started It Had to be You-Harry Connick Jr. That's Amore-Dean Martin Mambo No. 5-forget Music-Madonna To throw the bouquet Pretty Woman -Roy Orbinson
  2. diva

    OT: Recent Movies

    Da Vinci Code movie-Not so great Da Vinci Code book-Really great Can't wait for The Devil Wears Prada-the book was great and I think it should translate well to the screen Saw Rumor Has It on pay for view-um, ok-a little wierd but ok.
  3. diva

    Welcome to our new moderator!

    Congratulations Wheetsin! I've been on different boards since '97 and even moderated one for a while. It is hard work. The moderators here are great. And I thank all of you.
  4. diva

    Unbanded Spouse

    My husband is fat. He was big young guy with muscles now he's big old(er) LOL! guy with fat. Although his BMI is not as high as mine since he is 6'2" and I'm 5'2", he has more co-morbities. Like high blood pressure and diabetes. I have apnea and high cholesterol which came down super low with lipitor. He's had some bad experiences in the last 6 years with surgeries. A gall bladder that they had to do open surgery and a surprise thyroid problem. It took a real long painful time to get over the gall bladder. He also has had a real problem with anesthesia (sp?). In other words-he's not that eager to have another surgery quite yet. However, since I've been dieting to lose the 27 pounds before surgery he is watching his diet too. And has lost weight! As inspiring as Dawg's piggybacking on his wife's band and succeeding, my husband really needs to get the band. I'm praying I succeed so he will seriously take it under consideration (he "thinks" about it now). Two obstacles I see for that to happen: my program requires a 6 week group, there is no way he could get into Boston in time (even for the latest group) from where he works. I was able to hop on a train. and the surgeons will probably try to talk him into gastric bypass since he has more co-morbities. He absolutely is against the bypass. So...I'll just try my hardest to lose my weight and be positive. The funny thing is-he is loved by women, they think he is such a "teddy bear". He is funny, sweet and good natured. He has fun with it but he completely adores me and is super supportive. I, on the other hand, am a fat woman with no cuddly adjectives attached. Society allows him to walk through life without as much discrimination. This doesn't help push him into the surgery. But as I shrink and get healthier it should help. He will be losing an eating buddy but his sex life will only get better! Everyone keep their fingers crossed that I do ok and he is both inspired and challenged by my success. Because otherwise-I will lose him too soon.
  5. diva

    Hair Loss

    Hi all! Anyone have a particular brand of Biotin you use? Also, where did you all get the Nioxin? Does the Nioxin have a pill too and can you take both? I already have thinning hair and I won't be banded till end of July!!! eeeekkkk help!
  6. Time to love me- Where are you getting your surgery done? I have BSBC MA and I didn't know they had changed anything. You can write me privately if you want.
  7. diva

    Nerve Damage From OR Table

    Just a thought-sometimes a disc in your back presses on a nerve and can make part of your leg numb. This happened to me a few years ago. I missed the bottom stair carrying a plastic tub of laundry. I went down on my knees. My knees didn't hurt, the jolt went to my back. For about 3 months the inside of my right thigh was numb. My doc sent me to an orthopeadic specialist who prescribed physical therapy. No drugs. It eventually went away as my back disc inflammation went down. BTY the orthopeadic guy said this could happen without a sudden fall, it could happen with some sort of pressure affecting the back.
  8. diva

    can i vent for a moment?

    May I suggest seeing your PCP? He/she may have some good ideas. With all due respect there are a lot of really good diet and health group out there that are not specifically geared toward lapband surgery. The others who answered and who may flame me are really good nice giving people. I understand you joined to find out info for a relative. That is great and I hoped it helped them and continues to help them. Yes, we are all trying to lose weight. But we are trying to cope, understand, share, decide to have surgery. So I mean no harm but I think there are other boards that would be more suited for you to share your particular journey. I wish you luck with your weight loss.
  9. diva

    Job news

    Alexandra, I'm sorry you didn't get the job. It sounded like you were perfect. Although sometimes when you've already worked somewhere, no matter how long ago, they feel they need "new blood" or "fresh ideas". They are not always correct. THE job is out there. I'm sure of it.
  10. diva

    Closet Bandster's pt. 2

    You're welcome. Sounds like you are getting comfortable about your decision. Good luck with your surgery and good luck to me too!
  11. Here's a little poll for the banded::hungry: When you go out to eat at an Italian restaurant what do you usually eat? When you got out to eat at a Chinese restaurant what do you usually eat? When you go out to a Seafood restaurant what do you usually eat?
  12. diva

    Closet Bandster's pt. 2

    I am telling nobody but my husband. My family is also against WLS-Mom because she isn't distinguishing between bypass and lapband. No matter how much explanation she is totally against. So...I have told her I decided against the lapband and am going with the weight control program at the hospital with nutrionist, exercise physiologist and group behavior modification. Everything I am actually doing but just leaving out the surgery part. In NEMC there is a weight control program and an Optifast program along with the WLS. And that is my story to everyone. Reasons for not telling anyone else: 1-my brother who loves me will say I am taking the "easy way out". 2-The rest of friends and relatives will either accuse me of taking the easy way out or watch me like a hawk, offer unsolicited advice and feel I owe them private information about the process. Bottom line-why is it in the US that we feel we must share our private information with everyone? I honestly feel we have become "Oprah-ized". It is nobody's business.(I'm not talking about your spouse) People are curious, some are genuinely concerned, some wish you fail, others may become jealous, some are just nosy. In truth, people are primarily interested and consumed by their own lives. Then you will become "the woman who has that band around her stomach". BTW whatever decision you make-your husband has to be on board. If you want to share join a support group, since your husband is a politician use us. LBT has been more useful to me on this journey than any group in real life. In the civilian world-lapband is an unknown curiousity. Tell your family nothing. If they ask-I'm just watching what I eat. Shut up after that no matter how much they interrogate you. It's called "parroting". Repeat "I'm just watching what I eat" to them no matter how many times they press you. You can say it in different ways but with the same meaning "I've found that watching what I eat is good for me", "Nothing special, just watching what I eat", "No, no particular diet, just watching what I eat". Eventually they will get interested or nosy about something else. Your kids do not have to know. They don't need to know every personal thing about you and your husband. People go into hospitals for tests and checkups all the time. Don't show them your tummy-supposedly the scars fade. Tell them you are getting a hernia fixed. You can't ignore it since you have to recover. But lapband shouldn't enter into it. This has nothing to do with shame or lying or decieving. It has to do with privacy. And we have precious little of that in the world we live in. It has nothing to do with being shallow. It has to do with your health. It is nobody's business. There are some who tell everyone-that is their choice. There is nothing wrong with telling everyone. But there is nothing wrong with not telling everyone either. Your body, your health, your feelings, your life, your future, your self esteem, your journey, you did the work, you did the research, your surgery, your doctor, your confidence, yourself. Read your email name again and again and again. Read the sentence "it will be the biggest mistake of my life" again and again.
  13. Anyone out there never PB'd or slimed? Anyone? If so, how long have you been banded? What do you think your secret is? Or...is pb-ing and sliming inevitable?
  14. diva

    First Fill, no restriction?

    Jan and Bernadette, Who did your surgery at NEMC. I am just finishing up now-I hope to be banded late July or early August. What a commitment NEMC is! Also-how do they do the fills? Do they use a flouroscope or a tilt table? Who actually does the fill-your surgeon or someone else? Thanks in advance all your help- I can't wait for this to be over with so I can get going!!!
  15. diva

    Pills and Supplements

    I need to lose 28 pounds before surgery. I am aiming towards the last week in July or the first week in August. I am in full blown menopause and my appetite is scary. Its an actual appetite-not head hunger-like growling in my stomach kind of appetite. Ah-hormones. My band doc gave me a scrip for phentermine, its for 15 mg. I can take it 2x a day or once a day. The scrip is for 60 pills. It is saving my sanity. And it putting a rocket up my butt by jumpstarting the weight loss by allowing me control over my appetite. I think of it like the band- a tool which helps me to the right thing. I am finally eating right and good. Keeping to 1,000-1,200 calories a day. The doc will need to check my blood pressure every 2 weeks. BTW the only problems I have besides being fat is apnea & high cholesteral which is controlled big time by 40 mg of Lipitor- I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure. I took 2 for the first 4 days, one after breakfast and one around 3:30. I always eat before taking one-something solid like a sandwhich or a lean cuisine. Never on a slim fast or something like grapes or yogurt. I don't get any jitters if I take it with a solid foundation in my stomach. After the first 4 days I am now taking only 1 late morning. My stomach has went down and I don't need 2 to keep control. I have used it before and lost 30 pounds but of course put it back on after I went off them. Which is why I am being banded. As a baby boomer and child of the sixties- I have taken real street speed , nothing like a baggie full of black beauties in your freezer to let you eat nothing but cheetos while loosing weight and cleaning the whole house in 15 minutes while rocking to Led Zepplin. I have yet to even vacuum since I've been on these! LOL I say if your doctor feels based on your history (and this is my lap band doc not my PCP) and you are being monitered and you practice some common sense and you don't have high blood pressure or heart problems then go for it. And you have got to eat. No flirting with fasting or forgetting to eat. Thats when you get the willies. You gotta eat. BTW I've also been on Meridia in the past and it did zip. And I don't recall the name of that other drug that blocks fat but gives you a very attractive side effect of oily bowel discharge (can you say romantic? hee hee hee) Anyway-To each his own but I am happy to have a some help.
  16. Hi, If you are willing to go to Concord (which I understand just started the program) then why not go the extra 15 miles and go to Boston???? You have your pick of the finest hospitals in the world. I'm using Tufts NEMC but there is also Brigham & Womens, BIDMC/Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical Center to name 3. And you don't know till you try about your insurance. Unless you don't have any at all. Go up to the "search" button at the top of this page. Look under Boston. BTW I don't know a thing about the NH hospitals at all. Good Luck!
  17. Wow.. you guys are great! I keep thinking I will have to eat soup everytime I go out to eat in a "nice" restaurant. It's not like I eat fancy at home so I can practice if I can tolerate something or not. I am terrified of having to PB in the middle of the meal. You all give me hope-just eat sssllllooooowwww and sssmmmmaaaalllll it sounds like. (Date to talk with surgeon is fast approaching, I should have a surgery date for end of July or early August) Keep answering folks-I love you all!!!!!!!
  18. diva

    Two Important Points To Remember

    I think it has to do with a foreign object in our bodies. My mom had a hip replacement and she also has to take antibiotics before teeth cleaning, fillings etc. Anybody know the details?
  19. Very cool. Airlines should charge a certain $ amount per mile. With an extra $100 for first class. First come first served. I hate going nuts trying to get a good deal. On a plane I could be paying $300, my seatmate $250, across the aisle $450, 2 rows down $180. There should be no personal income tax similiar to Florida. Teachers should get paid as much as celebrities or even better vice versa Waitstaff should stop referring to the guests as "guys". As in "How you doing guys?" "Are you guys finished?" Mullett hairstyle should be outlawed Cars should be priced with one price like Saturn There is a seperation between church and state. Marriage is for any committed people no matter straight or gay. US healthcare should be completely overhauled Everyone should be required to watch "An Inconvenient Truth with Al Gore" movie Everyone should repeat after me: "Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction" Trucks and cars should have seperate roadways similiar to the Garden State Parkway When I tell people I am from New Jersey originally and they say "What Exit? in their pathetic Joe Piscopo imitation-it should be legal for me to bitch slap them. Menopause should be condensed into a 2 week time frame with spas available to women for the entire 2 weeks Just some random ideas
  20. diva

    Have you ever???

    Being completely honest...I am happy to see someone overweight in the same place as me-that means I won't be the fattest person there. Sounds terribly selfish and horrible but its the truth.
  21. You really look terrific! Congratulations!!!!!
  22. diva

    Boston Hospitals??

    That is great Seminole-may I ask where do you live anyway? I am so glad you had a good experience with NEMC.
  23. diva

    Mexico or States

    Thanks Amy, I absolutely agree about clinics vs hospitals in Mexico or the US. Anyone having surgery in the US needs to research the actual individual doctor and the hospital too. Because it is my opinion does not mean I am looking "down" on it-I disagree with the choice due to worry and concern. But I respect your research and doing what is best for you. Best of luck with all your surgery. And say hi to Tampa for me, I went to school at USF.
  24. diva

    Mexico or States

    Dear Sherri, I apologize for the word "some". I should have written "I am glad you saved money". Because i am. Best of love and luck with your surgery.
  25. diva

    Mexico or States

    It seems to "politically correct" to be very careful and not say anything negative about Mexico or Mexican hospitals on LBT. I have noticed that if anyone even hints that a Mexican facility or doctor may be the best choice for someone who lives in the US they are kind of jumped on. However, that said. This is a poll and everyone is allowed to give their opinions. NurseNora-thank you. My opinion is that anyone on this board who lives in the US, has had any surgeries in Mexico and have had smooth sailing are extremely lucky individuals. May God bless you. However, I think it is an unwise decision to have life altering surgery in a foreign country particulary a country who is almost 3rd world. The possible land mines of problems are amazing. I understand cost facture -absolutely. I would not be able to afford the band if my insurance did not pay. But I equally could not afford the band if I had to pay for it in Mexico-lucky you that you have access to 7-10k in a bulk sum. I would simply would not get the band. I would fight my insurance company and work within the system the best I could (or possible help change the system if nec.) The cost facture aside. you talk about the expertise of the Mexican doctors, that they have done so many more lap band surgeries than some US docs. I am sure that is true as the band is new here. That is why I chose NEMC over a more local hospital -over 1500 lapband v.s. a few hundred- of course I choose the more experienced. But experience based on what? The sheer numbers do not guarentee the surgeries are being done correctly. My US doc has experience based on schooling, organizations and yes, our govt. The term Board Certified is not just a title in name only. "A board-certified physician is one that has successfully completed an educational program and evaluation process approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties, including an examination designed to assess the knowledge, skills and experience required to provide quality patient care in a specific specialty." Who is holding the Mexican docs responsible? Their govt. Their own people suffer from substandard medical care. We send "Doctors without Borders" from the US to help them. I am happy your Mexican facility was "spotless" and "beautiful". How about the countryside, the cities, the sanitation? The last time I was in Mexico I had a lovely vacation. But I drove through cities made of boxes, sewage matter in the streets and never dared drink the water or eat fruit with the skin still on. The basic poverty structure of life there has to slip over into any facility. You say you could get complications anywhere. Absolutely-but then what? These obesity centers don't seem (some may be, I am sure but not all) to be attached to a major hospital. What if you needed blood? Were you satisfied the blood supply had been tested for AIDS? Hepatitis? What if you had a heart attack or a stroke? Would they have access to the latest medicines, machines or a board certified cardiologist? Yes, bitterOldHag, I see from your post that your facility did have these on-hand. I am glad for that for you. Does Mexico have any stringent rules or governing system that checks on sterile instrument, rooms, the usage of gloves, the careful disposal of bodily fluids? Maybe they do. Maybe it was part of your research and that would be great...if it is true. So go ahead and flame me. I expect it. I am not being politically correct. I am being completely honest when I say God bless each and everyone of you who had your surgery in Mexico. I am glad and thankful you are fine and thriving. I am glad you saved some money. But more than anything else- I am thankful nobody had to save your life.

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