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AJ Tylo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AJ Tylo

  1. AJ Tylo

    Vsg or rny and why?

    Sleeve cuz that is what the doctor said is best for me! No regrets or issues
  2. 23 hours total stay start to finish but i had a bad ass Robot
  3. AJ Tylo

    Medical marijuana card

    Ok i live in Florida where this is totally out of control, So you have a little pain, anxiety whatever there are much better solutions then getting stoned on the highest grade THC products I am not a smoke and never liked it but I have a huge vodka issue! So this is just my view You are getting the WLS for one reason to get healthy, Hitting THC and Drinking will never mix with this! So get all you tools in a row and get clean and healthy! I just do not get how trying to balance addiction to food with a addiction to THC will ever work. Get all the way in or jump out
  4. If your not hungry like me do not eat - But keep your shakes and small little bites of food Shred the weight off
  5. This is just my experience and unfortunately i went from being a large guy to thin, I have lost all the fat but he will loose alot of muscle also, I have begun to add muscle but slowly, I was on a mission to shag the pounds regardless of the muscle loss, If i was to go back i would focused on losing weight but working out also to keep the muscle.
  6. AJ Tylo

    Preop and smoking

    I was never tested for smoking and i actually smoked in the parking lot on my way into surgery, I then lit right back up as i walked out of the hospital. This is my goal this year to quit smoking I have smoked thru this whole journey, Really sucks to do all this work and still know you are killing yourself another way. But as a long time smoker I know what a b***h it is to quit and feel you pain. But do not let smoking take this tool from you! Trust me on that
  7. AJ Tylo

    Pre Surgery jitters

    Nobody here went into the hospital second guessing and not nervous! You are typical The only regret i had was not doing it 15 years earlier = Best decision i ever did!
  8. AJ Tylo

    March VSG day four

    Ok you are typical and from reading your post the Mind Games have started, You are correct you were given a tool but you have to now work this tool, It is very early for you and everyone on this site has gone thru what you are going thru, First things first is your plan, You will will be amazed at the results but Currently your whole existence is focusing on this surgery, Start to get back to normal You will not be the one that eats nothing and loses nothing, You follow a plan and you will shred the weight! Just look at the lower right side of this site 5 million pounds the members here have lost! NO doubt you will run this number up higher! Not possible to use this tool and not shred weight, Unless you go off. One of the hardest things the first month is to get off the obsession of the surgery and new life style and back into a normal routine. Everything has changed and for the better! Keep moving forward and kill the obsession with food. F@$ck Food! IT is not easy we have all been there, Treat food like Gas. You need a little gas to run a car and a little food to run your body. As i sit here today i remember the first few months and change of lifestyle, I crashed big time, but i recovered and got going on this journey. The discomfort and pain will go away quickly So today go do something you want to do and enjoy the day Congratulations and every day it gets easier and smother
  9. AJ Tylo

    Approved and ready!!

    Why are you exicited about getting healthy? Just kidding welcome to the club and this is the best decision you have made! Read this whole site and rape all the information you can from here, You are getting a tool and you and only you have to get the workshop set up and ready! soon you will be a official loser like the rest of us! Pounds that is
  10. AJ Tylo

    Nausea after 28 months

    Go to your primary care doctor or any WLS doctor in your area, You do not have to see the same doctor
  11. AJ Tylo

    March VSG day four

    Welcome to the group Enjoy the journey it will be fun - There are bumps and hurdles but once you get rolling you will have the time of your life
  12. AJ Tylo

    Pre-Op Diet

    I had to do 7 day liquid diet Post OP and 10 days liquid diet after, I doubt you will only have 2 days surgery
  13. AJ Tylo

    Sleeve surgery/Back surgery

    There is no way shedding a ton of weight is not going to help your back issues! Last week me and my two teanage boys were at the grocery store - I handed both my kids just half of what i lost 80 pounds of potatoes and ask them to carry them around the store, They could not do it. That is 4 20 bags and it wore them out after 10 minutes. Now to try and carry 7 20 pounds - That will not be good for the back - Bottom line less weight will help you back out
  14. AJ Tylo

    Patient Seminar Tomorrow

    Everything you want to know is on this site, so you have a great tool here, But ask anything you want to know about,
  15. AJ Tylo

    Good News Today

    Congrads enjoy and welcome
  16. I did also was not that bad a bottle is not that big i think only around 4 ounces - Dont panic you got this
  17. AJ Tylo

    The Maintenance Thread

    I have read a lot of people crash at 3 years even my own doctor warned me, Guess we will see, At this point i do not see how you can feel so good and healthy and slip back to being miserable and unhealthy? but only time will tell. I have the dang flu right now and it has whipped me, Never been this sick in my life, Can not eat or barely drink Not been a good week so far, It appears to be going away slowly but wow knocked me to the ground fast
  18. AJ Tylo

    7 days Post Op and scared

    Seems you are on course - Follow your plan to the ounce -
  19. AJ Tylo

    Heating Pad for incision pain

    Only thing i used was some CBC lotion but i had no pain, You really have to walk the gas out, Keep moving bend over as much as you can, twist around but walk walk walk, I see no reason a pad can not be used
  20. AJ Tylo


    Stop wieghing yourself and this is a Journey not a Sprint. Stay on the plan and get healthy. You body is healing and getting adjusted to the hell you just went thru - HERE I GO AGAIN 3 WEEKS 10 POUNDS 3.333333 POUNDS PER WEEK 333333 P/W X 52 WEEKS PER YEAR - 150 PLUS POUNDS THIS TIME NEXT YEAR! You are fine it is your mind that is messing with you
  21. AJ Tylo


    I have looked like a Homeless guy for the last 6 months, I have now just started picking up a few things that fit. I did this as a way of reminding me how dang fat and out of shape i was. I had a huge wardrobe of huge clothes so i have donated Lawn and Leaf bags full of clothes. I am never going back to that size would rather be dead! Sure has pissed off the kids walking around in big baggy clothes for the last few months
  22. Yes that looks like a long day foir sure = Do not panic yet See what they find out after more tests. Could be as simple as a fat tumor and be removed easy. Hope it all wor4ks out for you
  23. AJ Tylo

    Meal delivery service

    If you can afford it and it fits your needs DO IT!
  24. AJ Tylo

    The Maintenance Thread

    There is no way i would go back to the old ways - healthy fats and only healthy foods, No way i will ever go back to the old days, Yes i was being a smart ass, but in reality it is a pain. The working out has definitely added a little muscle and really tightened up the loose skin only after a few months i can see the difference. One thing i have never had during the journey is lack of energy so that is one issue I got away with. Been thru a lot and My nutra girl is very experienced with Cancer patients, WLS and others. The only reason she is assisting me is because of a mutal friend. She is a conceir nutra to the Naples Wealthy!
  25. AJ Tylo

    The Maintenance Thread

    Definatly not waiting till year 3 Gotta throw the Anchor on weight loss out now. High calorie good foods here i come! Dammit that wont work i hate eating, Do they make a calorie pill? JK Getting a whole new plan this month from the Nutritionist she says she can fix this!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
