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AJ Tylo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AJ Tylo

  1. AJ Tylo

    Just not right!

    How to Vortex them First things you have to get a Vortex https://www.amazon.com/LUTANI-BBQ-Kettle-Grills-26-75/dp/B07BP7JFWK/ref=sr_1_4?crid=GUJUNI9LG6TT&keywords=vortex+grill+accessory&qid=1584617398&sprefix=Vortex+grill%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-4 Step one We prefer only wings but get you chicken wings and legs. RInse off and put in bucket, Now the key to this is the brine. To brine use 1/3 cup of salt, 1/3 cup of red hot. Use chicken stock or base. I prefer the chicken base paste. Also on amazon. Add water to cover wings and refrigerate for 12 hours. I do this before i go to bed then they are ready the next day. Step two Remove wings and lightly rinse. Put in zip lock bag - Add wing sauce, butter and pepper and shake it all up. Store for 3 hours or more flipping bag every so often. Step three. Get your grill rocking with the vortex in the middle. The ones i did yesterday the vortex had the grill at 600 degrees Hot as Hell in there. I found it easier to remove the grate and arrange them around the outside off the grill. We wanted a little smoke flavor so i added a chunk of apple wood to the middle of the grate. Put grate back on grill. Close lid. You have to keep the lid closed the heat is going to roll around convection style with the vortex in the middle of the grill. Took about 30 minutes and I did rotate them at 15 min. Skin was perfect, moist from the brine, and perfect taste. On the side we did have a variety of hot sauces, Ranch and blue cheese - Not a wing in site 15 minutes later
  2. AJ Tylo

    What is the deal with toilet paper?!?

    60 plus rolls here - Only cuz i bought by the case long before Corona - Single dad with teen agers so just buy the box Free to any WLS member -Pick up Naples Florida
  3. AJ Tylo

    Just not right!

    Vin I can tell you for sure the surgery is the best thing i ever did! Do not second guess yourself and just for the record i did just eat one wing. You are the same size as me and I can tell you one thing it makes life so much easier, I do not regret anything and Just for the record i went Hog wild eating the weeks before and dang near made me sick every day. From a 4x to a XL in 8 Months - Trust me on this you will not regret anything. Feel free to Pm me with any questions or issues people helped me and i want to pay it forward! Your food tastes change and chicken is one of those thing alot of us just can not tolerate anymore, But I did eat a whole wing and was great, It wont be all fun and games, but the good outways the bad 200 to 1. lIfe will change but for the better. I will Pm you a picture that is in the mens section
  4. AJ Tylo

    What is the deal with toilet paper?!?

    Bunch of wacko people = But anyone near Naples Florida I have 80 Rolls Not because of this I just buy a case at a time for my office
  5. I am bored as hell also but Not in total lock-down yet! Problem is my company is shut down so that free's up to much time, I have decided to go kill every fish in the dang ocean. Everyone i know has fresh fish Including a food shelter i gave a whole cooler to. Going again Thursday - Friday Of course i was no help to this thread but it kept me busy and not bored and tied up your time reading it!
  6. AJ Tylo


    I named mine yesterday "alot smaller: had to figure a name the represents it! Unfortunately Mine is still very vocal to this day!
  7. I am calm as hell just amazed at the amount of insane people around florida! Saw this and cracked me up. Mickey first Now the walking Dead Pun
  8. You need to get your head on straight there is nothing any of us can do, But stressing out and being depressed surely is helping nobody. Grab a buddy and snuggle and play! Watch a movie Not CNN - Be thankful you are alive. This is getting crazy
  9. Yes I did it was the best decision i have ever made.
  10. Perfect keep it up = I was insane moving walking and pushing it hard soon after surgery, I really think it was the key to my fast weight dropping
  11. This is going to be a mess for sure, Nice thing is load up on protein powder and drink shakes all day. I do not feel there will be a food shortage - But who the heck even knows
  12. AJ Tylo

    Can I ask yall a question?

    I am a chef and looked into this = Problem is food costs, Packaging and shipping would eat you up. It would be more cost effective to Keep portion size the same and a WLS patient gets two or three meals from it. The cost per meal would be almost the same but the portion would be Small or half the size, However to make 4 small meals in one package One tray divided into 4 meals actually would work. One labor, One package, One shipping
  13. AJ Tylo

    July 2019 Updates

    Hey finally another fellow July person. Great Job keep it up and ride the stall out
  14. AJ Tylo


    Sorry to here about that, ride it out and keep the faith that soon it will get done
  15. AJ Tylo

    Day 12 feeling really crappy

    Welcome to the club! The first run or few months sucks, You body is healing and you mind is going bat **** crazy, One thing i did see is you are light headed or not yourself. I suggestion you take in a Gatorade zero and are you sure you are getting all the Vitamins and minerals you need. Try upping electrolytes a little and increase your vitamin intake to help you body heal
  16. AJ Tylo

    Tough Time with Liquid Diet

    DO NOT ADVANCE TILL YOUR BODY AND YOUR DOCTOR TELL YOU TO! This is a mind game that we all have been thru, I actually chewed gum after surgery - Be really careful and if you go to fast to the next stage going to be hell and painful. I think you mind is messing with you, Walk the dog, Watch a movie, Get distracted! Nice thing is you are not hungry, Try making yourself some Home made broths or bases, Keep you busy and then you get to eat them.
  17. AJ Tylo

    Skin issues?

    Billions of Gallons of Lotion! Same problem here but i suck at getting the water in.
  18. Are you really hungry? Or is it mind Hunger? Sip base or broth all day - Make your own also, I am a chef so this was easy for me but make this for now Japanese Clear soup. Load the pot up with veggies follow a online recipe or PM me i have a few - No way sipping this if you make it right will you be hungry after WLS. I truly think its mind hunger and very common
  19. AJ Tylo

    Surgery in 2 weeks. Nervous.

    Ok the mind games have started, very common. I use and still do Skin tightening lotions and this hand held thing that heats up and gets cold to tighten skin, However you are going to lose a ton more weight then i did. You have no choice but to lose the weight - You currently were on a path to a coffin! Glad you chose the right journey. As for the skin you can get that taken care of surgically also, There are a ton of posts here on Mommy Makeovers and plastic surgery. Keep you mind on the journey and all will work out, You can live with some lose skin, I doubt you would live very long at 500 pounds
  20. AJ Tylo

    home meal kits?

    I have a friend that Did WLS and she uses sun basket, Still to large to eat a whole meal so she splits each meal into two
  21. AJ Tylo

    Which phase is okay to have smoothies?

    Only 11 days i would wait another week, but try and sip just a little and see how you do,
  22. AJ Tylo

    Post op 5 days HELP

    Try ginger it helped me in the beginning
  23. AJ Tylo


    OH yea this is a tool and you need to get the whole workshop set up - Read this whole site great information and all of us are here to pay back for the ones who helped us 1. Master your vitamins and minerals 2. Read about the head games and mental issues you will get

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
