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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by DebHawk42

  1. DebHawk42
    My surgery was on January 22, 2008 at that time I weighed in at 225. As of May 16, 2008 I was 177. I just had my 3rd fill on my band. Dr Fox says this should be the last fill I will need. I am only 32 pounds from the goal we set. I am so exicted. I cant wait to buy somemore clothes.:thumbdown:
  2. DebHawk42
    I need some help or ideas to help me get over the plateau. I have lost 62 lbs since january when my surgery was. I am now at a plateau. I am only 20 pounds from goal weight. If anyone has suggestions please let me know! Thanks:eek:
  3. DebHawk42
    Got on scale today, was 175. Still on schedule. Bought 5 outfits over the weekend. Summer is coming and need cooler clothes. Even bought a swimsuit which I havent done in years!! A two piece one even, halterkini. Still feeling great!:crying:

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