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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by karlee0206

  1. karlee0206

    100 lbs down!!

    Thank you everyone!! I really appreciate the kind words! It’s definitely a journey everyday but I know everyone has it in them and will get there at their own pace!
  2. Hey All! I don’t comment much on here but you all have definitely been a big help to be on my journey!! I truly have loved hearing all of your stories, it has been a big motivational help to me. It’s nice to have a community that doesn’t have judgement and everyone can ask questions and share their stories with each other. I’m about 15lbs from goal and about 8 months out from my surgery. My before picture was from 2018 and probably wasn’t even my heaviest and then right was from yesterday! I think weight loss surgery is a great tool, but it 100% is all mental the rest of the journey. We have to daily make the right food choices and want to live a better life. Thanks for all of your support!! -Karlee
  3. karlee0206

    Pre op weight loss confusion

    Ughhh that’s too bad that they couldn’t give you a straight answer. Is your 6 months through a weight loss center? Mine was so every month I met with a doctor there so she could remind me to keep in track for my insurance and they knew what was required. It did suck not actively losing weight when most people were but it did help me mentally prepare and I could say goodbye to all the food I used to eat and be fine now after surgery. Hopefully you can get it figured out and start your journey!
  4. karlee0206


    I just got tested and was positive for a whey allergy which I didn’t have before surgery so I think it’s definitely possible to develop lactose intolerance. You can try some lactaid pills to help maybe but just make sure it’s an intolerance and not an allergy.
  5. karlee0206

    Pre op weight loss confusion

    Mine went by my surgery weight so definitely call your insurance company and don’t solely base it on what people say on here so you are safe! I was right on the cusp and could not lose more than like 10-15lbs for 6 months. I would gain then lose then lose and gain. I just made sure by my surgery date I was the weight they wanted.
  6. I had no pre op diet because I was told I couldn’t lose weight per my insurance. My doctor was fine with that and wasn’t worried about any fatter liver issues when he went in to operate. I personally enjoyed food I knew I was going to be giving up and mentally that was fine for me and I haven’t had a problem after surgery. Everyone is different though!
  7. karlee0206

    Protein Bar?

    If a nutritionist is telling their patients which are good and which aren’t, I think it’s safe for patients to listen to their advice. I’m sure most of us aren’t eating the bars everyday but when in a crunch or on the go they work just fine.
  8. karlee0206

    Protein Bar?

    At 6 weeks my nutritionist cleared me to have some. She recommended the Built Bars as they were lower in calories. I’m apparently sensitive to whey protein now so they didn’t really stay in me but it was tasty in the beginning lol. I use RX bars now if I’m lower in calories for the day since they have a bit more.
  9. So I was wondering what was the soonest people went out to eat after surgery? I know I can go out with friends and not eat anything, but what was the soonest that you found something on the menu that you could actually eat? Thanks!
  10. karlee0206

    Question about caffeine

    I didn’t have any restrictions pre-op so that wasn’t a problem, but my surgeon had some restrictions after surgery. Caffeine can act like a diuretic so they want to make sure you are hitting your daily water goals before allowing it back. I was hitting my goals right after surgery but waited about a month until I started drinking it again. Good luck though, finals are definitely rough with no caffeine!!
  11. karlee0206

    Newbie - BMI and insurance

    Hey! I unfortunately was in the same situation. I didn’t have any comorbidities and was told not to lose any weight. I had to be in a 6 month program for my insurance and they used the final months weight. So definitely call your insurance company to double check so there are no surprises. Even though mine was odd, it really wasn’t too bad to maintain and get through the program. I would gain a couple pounds, then lose a couple pounds so it all evened out. You probably just won’t have to do a pre-op diet. I had normal food up until my surgery. Good luck.
  12. karlee0206

    Switching to soft foods

    I will be 4 weeks on Thursday, so am still in the puréed stage. We do two weeks of full liquids then two of puréed then two weeks of soft food. I would ease into eating the actual chicken pieces, but I make a chicken salad and then send it through the food processor, still taste like chicken but just has a smoother finish. I love hummus and that was easy to digest and I can do scrambled egg now, but that one I eased into. And you can take soups with chunks, but just throw it in the blender first. Also oatmeal is good, I have a high protein recipe I make for breakfast. So there are lots of choices before you are on the soft food stage. I start mine on Thanksgiving so I’ll be happy to get there.
  13. Hi Rachael! Congratulations on going through the process of getting surgery, it’s a big step to take. I had surgery on Halloween and just went back to work this week. If you have the surgery Friday you will probably stay until Saturday if all things go well, but then only having 3 days at home before going back to work doesn’t seem like enough to me. Your energy will probably be less and sticking to a schedule to make sure you get your fluids and protein is a job in itself not to mention that you might be in pain. I totally could have went back a week after surgery but I took extra to make sure I was healing. I know everyone is different but I would try for a week off, it’s going to be a change in lifestyle so it could be a little hard. Good luck with everything!
  14. Hey All! I know that topic has come up a lot and I’ve tried searching but I was wondering what unflavored high protein powder you guys are using that has low calories. I’m just a week out of my sleeve surgery and I want to make sure I’m getting lots of my protein. I’m not liking the pre-made drinks or some HMR stuff that I have, so I’m hoping you guys know. I heard Genepro has high protein but had some lawsuits and might not be that actual high so looking for other options, maybe Isopure? Thanks!
  15. karlee0206

    October Surgery Roll Call

    I had mine on the 31st! I was doing great with lots of energy and no problems getting my liquids down and no pain, but the last couple days I have had lower energy and pain in my stomach, kinda like cramping. Hopefully if I get more protein I’ll be back to normal soon! Hopefully everyone else is doing well!
  16. karlee0206


    I just had surgery a week ago so I feel you! Everyday I have to mentally tell myself that I did this for the right reasons and it will get better, because I know it will get better so hopefully you will eventually get to that point and see that. Right now every time I see real food I want it, but I know that’s only because I am on full liquids. Hopefully as you progress stages it will get easier, you got this!!
  17. karlee0206

    Late October Sleeves

    I had my sleeve surgery on Halloween as well! Thankfully I haven’t had an GERD issues but they did start me on omeprazale and I will be on this for 2 months regardless if I have any issues or not. While in the hospital I would have hoped that they would have figured things out for you or changed meds, I’m sorry that you are going through this.
  18. I kept seeing people talk about having one done before surgery and wondered too if I would need one, but my doctor didn’t require me to have it or the sleep study before my surgery which is next week. I think if you have had bad GERD in the past or other GI issues then they would want it.
  19. karlee0206

    October Surgery Roll Call

    Thank you guys! Glad to hear that everything has been going well, definitely helps put my mind at ease!
  20. karlee0206

    October Surgery Roll Call

    Congratulations on you guys who have had their surgery already this month. I hope you all are doing well and recovering ok! I just found out yesterday that I will have my surgery on the 31st! It’s crazy that it will be here so soon but definitely excited to get it over with and start the new journey!
  21. karlee0206

    October sleevers?????

    Hey All! I’m kinda new to this site but I just got a surgery date yesterday and I will have my sleeve done on 10/31!! Definitely excited but a little nervous lol. It will be nice being on the journey with all of you and reading all the posts this site has to offer!
  22. Hey All!! I’m going through the process to get the gastric sleeve surgery and just stumbled on this forum. My insurance requires 6 months in our weight loss program before you can get the surgery. I started in April so hopefully end of October, early November I will have my procedure. I see my surgeon for the first time next week (yay)! I notice some of you guys talking about getting an EGD, is this usually very common for the surgeon to require? And any questions to ask the surgeon that you found helpful? Thanks!

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