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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by thelonedaisy

  1. gals what has worked for me and i have lost 7 pounds in the last 3 days!!!!

    if i am hungry i eat 5-7 bites of food

    if i am hungery before the next meal i will eat 2-3 more bites

    at the next meal i do the same and it has worked.

    7 pounds in 3 days i am sooo stoked.

    i found that to say i can only have 1/2 cup and that is all didnt work it was putting limitations almost like a diet. but when i decided to eat a few bites and a few more if i was still hungry.

    now when i say hungry i am talking about actual grumbling in your belly not just the desire to eat!

  2. Count your blessings. I am only down 10. And I don't get my next fill until early December. This really stinks. I lose the week after a fill, and then struggle for the rest of the month to hang onto it. I hope the madness ends soon.

    you should be able to call your doc office and request a fill sooner.

  3. i hear you about the diet thing but i am finding that it still plays a role in how i eat i cant just decide i am going to eat chocolate (unless period time ;0) i have to chose how an what i am going to eat. which in essence i suppose could be considered a iet of sorts. but no more get skinny quick diets for me.

    slow and steady wins the race as far as i am concerned

  4. I SURVIVED MY FIRST FILL!!!!!:cursing:

    for those of you wondering how it feels and if it hurts this is my story:

    i went in laid down (my 5 YO son came with me) doc came in and spent the majority of his time trying to find the darn thing!!!! once he did he put in the needle and have you ever had a MMR shot???? thats what it feels like.

    he got the nenedle in and then lost the port again ugh the needle grazed the port and scraped which sent my blood curdling from the sound.:unsure:

    he took out what was in and then put that plus 2 cc;s more in for a total of 5cc's.

    i drank and feel fine.

    i am on fluids for 2 days including today then back to mushies for 2 days and then on to reg food. i really havent gone to reg food bc the mushies have been o for me for now. should i have the desire for real food i will prob try that the end of the week.

    hope this has helped anyone who is looking for how it feels and if not well thanks for reading!!!:huh2:

  5. hi all i cant believe i just am finding this thread.... shows you how obsevant i am huh :tongue:

    i was scheduled for my first fill last friday (yesterday) and they called and rescheduled for next friday :lol: but it gives me a chance to get to my first goal!!!!!

    20 pounds lost!!!

    my goal is 12 pounds a month.

  6. <HR style="COLOR: #cdccde" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

    so i didnt get a chance to measure myself before the surgery so i measured about 1 week after surgery so now that you know that i have news!!!


    AND............................................... ......


  7. the thing is when you are totally healed and have the doc approval you can eat those things you love you just have to use your head when doing it.

    so dont eat 3 slices of pizza eat 1

    instead of 5 oreos eat 2

    instead of mcd's fries milkshake and burger get a chix wrap

    you can still eat it isnt like you are never going to enjoy food again.

    you just have to adjust the way you take it in.

    if that didnt make any sense i am sorry.

  8. as long as the inches are coming off the weight will follow...

    now that is easily said and not so easy to hear i know.

    i have been banded for 3 weeks now and have slowed my weight loss to almost a standstill but i also have no fills either that will come next week.

    you are probably replacing the fat with muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.

    so as long as the inches are coming off i wouldnt worry to much as the weight will follow.

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