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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Bethanyblondie

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/09/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    I live in Colorado. I am married with two kids...one of them born after I was banded! Now we are expecting our third baby in August 2012. Then I'll be back on the weight loss wagon!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    playing music, performing comedy improv, socializing
  • Occupation
    Music teacher
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  1. I am not but My fiancee is, he plays guitar. Yeah I heard about that, the slow down, I don't own a scale (yet) but I have a doctors appt in about an hour so I know she'll weigh me. Probably TMI but I think during my surgury because of the pressure on the abdomin my IUD shifted, so I have to see the gyno (Probably MORE TMI but the hunny said he can feel it, and I got my period 2 days after surgery for the 2nd time this month) so it's basically an emergency appt. Yeah My friend is an art teacher and tells everyone she has the coolest job in the world. I am a music junky. have been involved since I was 14 (R.I.P CBGB'S)

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