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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Arabesque

  1. Arabesque

    Less then 30 lbs to go...

    Unfortunately, those heady weeks of large weight loss after surgery don’t last. Sigh! We all eventually slow to what is considered a healthy rate of loss: about 2lbs a week +/-which is about where you are now. And even worse, those last few pounds can be a b**ch to lose. I’m talking grams/ounces a week & seemingly more fluctuations. But as long as your general trend is still downwards you’re doing fine (even if seems to be almost flatlining it 😉).
  2. Arabesque

    6 months in…

    Congratulations. You look fantastic. The hair loss usually lasts about 3 months +/- so you are likely nearing the end of it. Yay! I cut mine to just above my shoulders so a year or so later it was back to what it as in regard to thickness. Our starting stats are very much the same - I’m just an inch taller & weighed 5lbs more. I reached my goal at 6 months - BMI of 23 too. (And it seems we had our surgeries at about the sane age - 53??) Yes, I lost more than my goal but it was what my body wanted - my new set point. I’m 4 years out & pretty much maintained my weight (apart from a med glitch which caused a 2kg gain of which I’ve lost half of that so am about 1kg heavier than my initial stabilised weight). To maintain, I really just kept up with most of the eating habits I established while losing. My portions are larger now of course but are what are considered recommended portion sizes of what I eat. Lowish carbs (about 2 serves of whole/multi grains), lowish fat, low sugar (avoid a lot of it & sweeteners too), predominately low processed foods, average 60g protein & average 2L fluids. I eat about 1500 calories a day which is about right for some one my age, height, weight & activity level according to BMR calculators. I don’t consider this a diet, this is just how & what I eat which changed how I look at my eating. I’m not punishing myself or restricting what I eat with a diet. I don’t exercise as such but started to use resistance bands & do stretches about 10 months ago I think - 4 short sessions each day 5 or 6 times a week. I didn’t want muscles as such just definition in my arms & legs which I am achieving quite nicely. Also wanted to keep flexible & to support my back & oozing discs. Am jealous your back pain is gone. Unfortunately, weight loss hasn’t improved my back issues 😩.
  3. Arabesque


    Your hair is dead so all the biotin & collagen may help is any new growth. So you won’t see any improvement with your hair for some months & your new growth has some length. I understood it takes 4-12 weeks to see any benefits to your skin. I took a collagen supplement & silica for months & months but really saw no improvement - was pretty disappointed. My beauty therapist gave me a liquid marine collagen serum ($100 a bottle - yikes!) to apply to my face. I used it religiously for 6+ months & didn’t get results with that either. Just depends on our skin I think. Hope it works for you. Personally I really like Vitamin C & retinol - texture, tone, brightening, etc. I get good results. I use a 15% Vitamin C & 2% retinol (1% retinol & 1% bakuchiol). I also did 4 derma needling RF sessions over 4 months & it’s amazing. I have defined cheek bones again, no more lip stick bleed, & my jowly bits have decreased a lot. It takes three months to see the benefits of each session. Good luck. PS - Neither will stop the hair loss we almost experience after surgery. Our normal hair loss cycle is temporarily accelerated so the extra hair you lose during this time, would have been shed anyway (as all our hair eventually is) just over a longer time frame. Those who swear by it experience their hair loss for about 3 months +/- but so do those who don’t take it so … 🙂
  4. Arabesque

    How much should I be able to eat??

    It takes a lot of concentrated effort, over a long period of time, eating very large servings to stretch your tummy out. So you’ll be okay. As to how much you should eat (all because you can doesn’t mean you should) it’s best to check with your dietician because you’ll get different advice from others here - plans are different & we have different needs. For example I was told 1/4 to 1/3 cup from purée slowly increasing to a cup by 6 months. Best advice I ever got was not to eat until you feel full. It takes time for the full message to get through (about 20 minutes usually but more so while your cut nerves are still healing) so by the time you feel full, you’ve eaten too much and are over full. It’s one of the reasons we’re told to eat slowly. As to why you didn’t have a reaction, you may jus have had a lucky day. You may not tomorrow. Even four years out, there are times when my tummy says nope that’s more than enough, even if I’ve eaten less than my usual portion of that food & I feel uncomfortable or my restriction. Yesterday I ate a thin beef sausage & a little lettuce at a BBQ & my tummy protested for an hour after. Try not to skip meals. It’s so important for us to get in our protein, other nutrients, calories & fluids. Life can get busy sometimes so keep some protein shake mix, beef jerky, soup, protein bar, nuts, etc. that can be kept for a time in your bag, car, etc. as grab & go type meals/snacks for busy days.
  5. Arabesque


    Had a presentation lunch today at the family business. Wore navy extra wide leg trousers (bought early this year 70% off - bargain) & surprise … a patterned blouse. I like the style of the top & worn it before but I never feel totally comfortable in it. Just a little pattern averse! Check out my fluffy Pom Pom slippers on the background - super stylish 😁😁
  6. Arabesque

    Pre-Op Diet Question?

    A second the advice to check with your team. Some brands of protein shakes also have protein soups/broths so they may allow you to include those each day. Fingers crossed.
  7. Arabesque

    Waking up from surgery

    Just a bit tired, a little thick in the head for a little while. But certainly no pain. They have you on good drugs pretty much straight away After my gall removal I was having a cup of tea & chatting with the nurse in the recovery room before being released to be taken to my room. (They were using the tea to get my BP up - didn’t help with that but I felt better. Nothing like a good cup of tea!) All the best with your surgery.
  8. Also, hate to tell you @summerseeker, what friends & I call Sahara dessert mouth or Egyptian mummy mouth, is a common affliction of women once we pass a certain age. Sigh! Doesn’t surprise me they didn’t tell you. Though I think it’s one of those things you have to experience to truely understand the pain. I tried a pillow but found it uncomfortable so I just put a hand just above my knees. (It’s how I used to sleep as a child.)
  9. My friend experienced this for about a fortnight until things started to settle & she was eating denser foods (purées). Be wary the wet farts though!! 😉
  10. My friend experienced this for about a fortnight until things started to settle & she was eating denser foods (purées). Be wary the wet farts though!! 😉
  11. This gets bought up every now & again. It happened to me at times. I think it’s because we don’t have the fat around our necks to keep our mouths closed when we sleep. The muscles are probably a little slack because they didn’t really have to work before to keep your mouth closed. Wait until the bony shoulders, knees & ankles actually make sleeping on your side painful. It used to wake me every 2 hours +/- & I’d have to roll over to my other side to tame pressure off those joints. .
  12. Well I had a interesting experience recently. I had to have an abdominal CT (nothing to do with my surgery) & my doctor told me the scan was somewhat inconclusive. It seems I don’t have enough fat around my abdomen for them to see any inflammation & to get accurate images of my intestinal area. I mean … what??? I had to undergo some other testing as a result. I never expected losing weight would result in this sort of problem.
  13. Arabesque

    Horrible rash over whole body

    Keto rash is a new one to me so I did google it. Does your rash look like the keto rash (prurigo pigmentosa)? Certainly the surgery, change of diet, weight loss, etc. are very stressful & it does seem logical that it might unfortunately set off a flare of your eczema especially if that is a known trigger for you. Have they taken you off the Prilosec & offered you an alternative to see if that is the cause? Good luck with the biopsy. Hope they find an answer soon.
  14. Arabesque

    Scared to eat

    Congrats on your surgery. You aren’t alone in what you’re feeling but you’d have to be eating A LOT (calories & volume) to regain the weight you have lost so far. And that likely is not possible as physically your tummy won’t let you eat that volume of food at the moment. You’re still healing, your tummy is very sensitive & and likely intolerant to certain foods. Actually puree can be a bit challenging because certain flavours, textures & smells can be quite horrible which can limit your food options. But you’ll work out what you can eat with some trial & error. Each stage does get easier especially as your tummy becomes less fussy & sensitive & you’re able to eat a wider variety of foods. Stick to your recommended portion sizes, foods, eating frequency & you’ll be fine. (If you didn’t get this guidance from your surgeon &/or dietician ask them.) You won’t mess up & not wanting to will help you stick to your plan. All the best.
  15. Arabesque

    How to get all my protein in?

    It’s a shame you didn’t enjoy yoghurt that’s where I got my extra protein in each day. It was my allowed snack (could have fruit or yoghurt, 1 snack per day). Have you tried blending it with milk to make a yoghurt drink? You could get 20-30g of protein depending on the yoghurt brand you use & how much milk you add. I sipped it in the afternoon. It counted as a fluid as well as protein - yay! I know some people add protein powders to various drinks or make their own smoothies blending it with fruit &/or vegetables. Protein water is another option. Hopefully your dietician will come up with other suggestions.
  16. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Actually most of us eat pretty much a recommended portion in our maintenance. It just looks small compared with how much we used to eat for a meal before surgery - double, triple or more an appropriate serve. Some meals may be a little less because of what else we’ve eaten during the day & how hungry we feel. You’re only a little way out from surgery & still healing & recovering so yes some days will be harder than others, some foods will upset you more or sit more heavily in your tummy & you are eating much smaller serves. It does get better. You work out your cues, you’re able to eat a greater variety of foods without issue, & your portion sizes will slowly increase to appropriate serving sizes. In time you’ll look back & realise this time, though sometimes frustrating & upsetting, didn’t last all that long & was so worth it. All the best.
  17. What you’re experiencing is very common. It annoys me that surgeons & support teams don’t explain these things to their patients. It would save so much angst, frustration & fear like you are experiencing. The change your tastebuds (& often sense of smell too) is temporary - up to a couple of months. It’s pretty common after surgery. I embraced mine which included an oversensitivity to anything sweet & never introduced it back into my eating. For others it’s an opportunity to try different foods. And others discover foods they didn’t enjoy before are delicious & become a regular part of their eating. The metallic taste & often strong body odour is a result of ketosis - fat burning. We want this to happen but it too passes - I think about 2 months for me I carried breath mints, tooth paste & brush, mouth wash, deodorant, body wipes,etc. with me to help combat the odour & foul taste. The drop in energy is a result of the lower calories & what is a pretty major surgery. It too passes. You may find it happens at random times while you are losing too - just your body getting used to the changes. Try adding an electrolyte drink to your daily fluid rotation for an extra boost of energy especially before you do any exercising. You’ll be okay. All the best.
  18. Arabesque

    How soon after surgery...

    Everyone’s rate of weight loss slows but when that begins to occur is another of those individual things. Certainly the closer you are to goal the slower the loss & you’re about 3/4 of the way to your goal now (how fabulous is that). But 2lbs a week isn’t slow just slower than what you first experienced. That rate is generally considered a healthy rate at which to lose in the wider weight loss & health community.
  19. Arabesque


    Agree totally with @SleeveToBypass2023. Also add that consciously or subconsciously many of us were more agreeable, more compliant, pretended to be happier, etc. when we were large so we wouldn’t draw attention to ourselves, or restrict what others wanted to do, etc. I used to ensure I worked harder & longer than others so no one could think I wasn’t pulling my weight (unfortunate pun) or my weight limited me from doing my job. You are likely feeling more confident about yourself too & so more confident & stronger about sharing your true opinions & feelings & not just going with what others say as well. Just like you’re learning & discovering things about yourself, your family & friends will need to learn about the real you & the you are becoming too.
  20. You may not be eating enough given you are male & going to the gym. Have a chat with your dietician & review what & how much you’re eating & your current activity. Are you hitting your protein & fluid goals? I wasn’t eating much at three months & get only being able to eat what you can physically eat. But I’m female, way shorter & certainly wasn’t very active when losing so it wasn’t as much of an issue for me. I agree with adding an electrolyte drink to your fluid routine. The extra boost of energy was a blessing on busy/active days. PS. Give lamb a try & see how you go. It’s more tender than pork which can be dry & then difficult to eat. Also chicken thigh, which is more moist, tender & flavourful than chicken breast, maybe easier to tolerate. I ate a lot of minced meat dishes (meatballs, savoury mince, bolognese with zucchini noodles, etc.) in the first months so give that a try too. And congrats on your weight loss!
  21. Arabesque

    Calf Pain

    They are awful. I used to get them at night & be woken by the pain of the knotted muscle. Try adding an electrolyte drink to your fluids or take some mineral salt tablets. You’re probably lacking in magnesium, sodium or some of the other micro nutrients because of your current restrictive diet.
  22. Arabesque

    Slow Weight Loss

    From what I understand, weight loss post revision is always slower than the rate at which you lost with your original surgery. Plus you’re losing from a lower weight (if I read correctly) so that will result in a slower rate. What does your team say? Are they concerned? When losing I only had one snack a day: a high protein yoghurt or yoghurt drink, or I had some fresh fruit. Check with your dietician for what’s best for you & your needs. I never exercised but I lost all my weight & more. Exercising only contributes to about 10% of the weight you have to lose. So in your case if you want to lose those 45lbs, exercising will only result in about 4.5lbs. Of course many other benefits to exercising especially for your family history. Maybe start with walking. You don’t have to go to a gym. All I do now is stretching & use resistance bands. Do about 4 sessions of 5-10 minutes of various activities. Mainly for my back & to remain limber. All the best.
  23. Arabesque

    Noisy stomach

    Mine wasn’t this noisy before either which is why I asked the doctor. I swear I can hear gurgling even as what I drink goes down my esophagus. Maybe all my fat muffled the sound before 🤣🤣🤣. Oh, that’s an unexpected issue with the antibiotic. Glad you checked & stopped it.. Hope the doctor gets back to you soon.
  24. Arabesque

    Noisy stomach

    The rumbling grumbling tummy is just your digestive system doing what it’s supposed to do - digest food or so my surgeon’s colleague told me. I describe mine as my own personal poltergeist rattling the chains & moaning. Mine’s growling now 🤣🤣🤣. Most tummy rumblings aren’t a sign of hunger like we used to be told. As to the cramping & large BM, that may not be related to anything but maybe your bowels not fully emptying the previous days. Check the side effect of the antibiotics to be sure though. I know some can cause diarrhoea not sure about the reverse. I can get diarrhoea (very smelly & cutting pains befits hand) if I don’t have my PPI or haven’t eaten for a while. The acid builds up & irritates the intestines. Maybe the acid irritated your intestines enough not to cause diarrhoea but & a clean out??? If it occurs again give your team a call.
  25. 41 days out & nearing the end of the soft food phase I was only eating 1/4-1/3 cup of food so really just a couple of bites. It took me 6 months to be able to eat about a cup & then another year to be able to eat about a recommended portion of most foods. I still have my restriction. I don’t feel it every day of course because I learnt not to eat until I feel it but that took time. There are days when it kicks in earlier than I expect - ate something more dense or rich, something that sat too heavily in my tummy, ate a little more quickly, or for some other reason my quirky tummy has that day. Some people can eat more from early on but it’s an individual thing. I remember saying to my surgeon at 8 months I can only eat what I can physically eat & he agreed. Do check with your team though to be sure everything is okay. If they want you to eat more you may have to eat your smaller meals more frequently. E.g. 4 or 5 small meals vs 3 meals of the size they recommend to meet goals. Worth discussions with your team. The healthy way of eating comes as you progress and are eating a wider variety of foods. At the moment you’re still healing & recovering & slowly introducing foods into your diet. In time you’ll work out how & what you want to eat in the long term. Think of the time you are losing weight as your time to learn better habits, about better nutrition, making better choices & what way of eating works best for you. I.e. a sustainable way of eating so you can maintain your weight that isn’t restrictive but complements how you want to live & enjoy your life.

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