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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Arabesque

  1. Arabesque

    Need new multivitamin

    Unfortunately, nausea is not an uncommon side effect of multi vitamins. I found splitting my dosage helped a bit - I’d take one in the morning & the other at night. Yes, a different formulation or brand can help & is worth trying. Vitamin C, E, B9 (folate) & iron are usually the culprits behind the nausea so it can be worth checking how much you are taking of these. Like do you take iron & there’s iron in the multi. If so maybe take the iron at a different time. It’s also harder in the beginning as we have so little in our tummy there’s not enough there to protect it so nausea results.
  2. Orthostatic hypotension is common after the surgery. That is your blood pressure drops on rising & then resettles again. Did they check your blood pressure sitting & then standing? I had a tendency towards low blood pressure before surgery now it’s something I experience every day & am almost 5 years post surgery. Periods of low energy while losing isn’t that uncommon either. I remember at around the 3 month mark suddenly feeling so tired again. At the time I thought I really should get more active & started to walk on my treadmill. But I couldn’t do it. Was so tired I worried I’d fall asleep as I was walking & I was wreaked after a couple of minutes. That nixed that idea. Plus the doughiness in the head & inability to focus can last well into the second month too. However, what you’re experiencing could be related to having had Covid. Back in the day it was known as a post viral response: lethargy, low energy, cold sweats, blood pressure issues, etc, I used to get burning on the soles of my feet too. Could last for months after having one of the more severe viruses like glandular fever, influenza A, etc. I’ve had two bouts after having pityriasis rosea & then human parovirus. I remember struggling to walk up the two flights of stairs to my apartment & I had a chair placed in front of the white board in my classroom because even standing was exhausting. Now of course everyone calls it long COVID but it’s the same thing. My last thought is you’ve picked up the vertigo virus. It’s a parasitic type virus that attacks when you’re run down post another virus. I got mine after influenza A. The vertigo, lethargy, etc. wasn’t pleasant. Occurred randomly for a couple of years after the initial bout. Generally over the counter anti nausea meds manages the vertigo otherwise a script for stemetil or similar helps. I carried it in my bag just in case I had a vertigo attack. Just some suggestions. Hope you start to feel better soon.
  3. Arabesque

    Surgery Date 3/7

    I think everyone does in some form. Doesn’t mean it will happen though. Yes, a bounce back regain of 10-20lbs is a real possibility but it doesn’t happen to everyone. Whether you regain or not I think depends on a number of factors. Some you can control & manage & some you can’t. Complacency - letting the new good eating habits slide. Not dealing with emotional & psychological issues behind your eating habits. Health & medications - some medications are renown for increasing your appetite or a health situation may arise that limits you in some way. Unsustainable way of eating to maintain - too restrictive & stops you from enjoying & living your life as you want. Life - sometimes throws crap at you & good intentions are the first to go. Commitment - accepting the changes you make have to be forever. I had 40 years of losing & gaining weight. Every diet, dieticians, medications, exercise plans, you name it I did it. I’d stick to it, lose weight & as soon as I stopped I would start regaining again almost immediately. Simply because I went back to eating the exact same way as I did before. I had a low & a high weight I bounced between until the last 4 or so years & my weight exploded. Nothing worked then so surgery was my only solution. Am nearing 5 years & have basically maintained my initial stabilised low weight. Never have been able to keep weight off like this ever. I had a medication glitch but we sorted that & I lost the 5ish lbs I’d gained without doing anything. I work at it every day. I established a way of eating that was sustainable & works for me, my needs & my life. Same with my activity. Don’t exercise as such just do four x 5 minute sessions of resistance bands & stretches 6 days a week - wouldn't burn 20 calories. I’m okay with that because it works for me & I’m happy to do it You have to be mentally ready for this because that’s where a lot of the battle is. Sure the surgery gives you some tools, but for me, the time it gave me while those tools were at their most effective was the biggest win. It was when I examined my relationship with food (the why, what & when I ate) & worked out what I needed to do make be the most successful. I wouldn’t stress about something that may happen because it simply may not. Just be aware of it. You never know what the future will bring & you’ll have built a wealth of knowledge & strategies & have a support team (doctor, dietician, therapist) to help you get on top of it. All the best.
  4. Arabesque

    Struggling with being perceived

    I’m not excusing your grandmother, but older people tend to lose their filters & think they can say whatever they want. Not all of course but it seems a lot do. I spend a lot of time saying ‘Mum! You can’t say that’. She’s 84. Out of curiosity, did your grandmother also have dessert? My mother often comments on how large someone is while ignoring how big she is. I had enough one day & told her the person was considerably smaller than she is. Stopped her for a while at least. She was never like this before. Like she never said a word when I as nearing or at my highest weight. It’s probably why I get short with her at times because it’s not who she was. Yes, I do think we can be more sensitive about things people say because of our experiences with bullying & offensive comments. Consequently our immediate thought is that it is another rude & pointed dig. I often wish I was quicker with the pithy comebacks or could politely point out the impact of their words. I also wish I could breathe through or let my negative reactions to certain situations that arise because of my past experiences go.
  5. It’s usually about four weeks before you can lift more than 10kgs/20lbs but please check with your team as to when you can introduce more strenuous activity. Requirements differ plan to plan & patient to patient. Nothing stopping you using some resistance bands at home in the meantime. You’ll tone muscles without straining your abdominal area. (Remember it takes about 8 weeks to be fully healed.)
  6. Arabesque

    How many 2 oz. purees per day?

    2oz is equivalent to 1/4 cup of purée. My plan was 1/4 - 1/3 cup (2-3ozs), three times a day from purée so pretty much like your plan. Honestly I couldn’t eat any more than that but I was a no hunger & no appetite person. Sometime around purées I added a high protein yoghurt or yoghurt drink as a snack to boost my protein intake. But check with your dietician, maybe you can add a high protein yoghurt as a snack too. If you are experiencing real hunger. Never hurts to ask.
  7. How long ago did you have your surgery? If it was recently it could be swelling or internal bruising. If it was a while ago it could be internal or external scar tissue. Next time you visit your doctor or surgeon ask them what they think & what can be done to reduce it if it is something that bothers you. Try gently massaging the scar area with vitamin E oil or bio oil. I used bio oil on my scars & you can hardly see them. I’ve used it on older scars too. It helped fill in a depressed scar that was years old too.
  8. Are you still in contact with your dietician? Might be worth a conversation with them to see if there’s something you’re missing & to get you back on track. Maybe track your food for a week or two as well if you don’t. Can be easy to get a bit complacent about portions, ingredients, etc. as time passes. You could take this data to the dietician too. Have you see your surgeon recently? PS: Can you provide a little more information: type of surgery, starting weigh, weight lost, current weight, how long you’ve been plateauing, etc. It’s very helpful when offering any advice or suggestions.
  9. Arabesque

    How much protein is too much?

    The PPI won’t cause hunger. It reduces the acid in your tummy. You’re ahead of the game if you can differentiate between head & real hunger. Yay! Those distraction activities will help when you are experiencing head hunger. If you feel hungry after you’ve eaten, that’s head hunger too. Try a warm drink instead of a shake. They’re a meal replacement not a snack. Many are advised to wait at least three or four hours between eating & only three meals a day & maybe a snack. I still have times I can feel liquids go down. It’s a bit weird at first but now it’s just one of those things like my vey noisy, rumbling, grumbling tummy. Your experience last night sounds like late stage dumping not the foamies. The foamies (frothy, thick saliva & bringing up what you ate that was stuck or too coarse or too much) occurs pretty soon after you’ve eaten the offending food. Dumping symptoms can include chills, weakness, light headedness, nausea, bloating, heart palpitations & vomiting &/or diarrhoea. Dumping usually occurs if you eat foods that are too fatty, have too much sugar. Even dairy can cause it. It occurs when these foods go through your tummy to your intestines very quickly (dumps through your system). About 40% of bypass patients can experience dumping. Once you work out what causes yours, you can avoid those foods. Some say in time they work out how much of those foods they can eat without experiencing dumping. Worth a conversation with your team to diagnose & management.
  10. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    So excited. I actually found Boursin cheese at the supermarket! We’ll ignore the calories & low protein & reflect simply on its deliciousness. Going to make the zucchini tart again but as mini tartlets for drinks next weekend.
  11. Arabesque


    I agree. Take a breath & celebrate what you have achieved so far. Then, yes, get back in your surgeon/dietician's plan as you were before the holidays. Make an appointment with your surgeon & your dietician. They’ve seen it all before & shouldn’t judge especially if you’re asking for help. Do you track your food? If you don’t maybe do it for a week or so to make sure you’re not missing something. It’s easy to miss something especially if you’ve let things slide or you’ve got a bit complacent about portion sizes, etc. And you can review it with your dietician. Maybe make an appointment with a therapist too to help you reflect on what was behind your slide & help you get back on track mentally & emotionally. All the best.
  12. Arabesque

    Finally reached goal!

    Congratulations but also gracious what an experience. How fortunate you have such a wonderful & caring surgeon who was on top of your symptoms straight away. Hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly. PS: Realising you weigh as much as you did as a child is a head trip. I remember when I realised I must weigh what I did when I was 12. Twelve! Back in the seventies! OMG! And I was just a normal sized child then (before puberty hit.) I actually dug out my tutu from then & it fit (actually was a little big). Freaky!
  13. Arabesque

    How much protein is too much?

    Liquids won’t fill you in the same way as more solid food simply because they pass through your tummy more quickly. As for your hunger, yes there are some people who continue to feel hungry after surgery. You just have to work out if it’s real hunger or head hunger. If you’ve recently eaten you really would be hungry. If you are hungry for a specific food, taste or texture it’s not real hunger. If your tummy is rumbling (hunger pangs) that’s not real hunger either (just your digestive system working). Are you on a PPI? Tummy acid can make you think you’re hungry. The surgery is hard on us emotionally. Plus we experience hormonal flushes which can mess with us emotionally too. Many of us used food to comfort & soothe our self during emotional turmoil but you can’t. And of course you always want the things you can’t have more. It’s not easy to work all this out. It will take time & that’s okay. If you feel hungry, try distracting yourself. Play a game, go for a short walk, water your plants, craft, read a book, ring a friend or family member, check your social media or this forum, etc. Are you just sipping your liquids & leaving a couple of minutes between sips? Try a warm drink. Many of us found a warm drink like a green or herbal tea easier to tolerate as plain water can almost seem heavy in our tummy & for some cold liquids cramp our tummy.
  14. Arabesque

    How much protein is too much?

    If you were advised 65-75g protein as your goal & one shake helps you to reach that goal or just exceed it as this stage you’re doing well. When your nutritionalist recommended 2 shakes did they realise you’re able to get 40-50g of protein in eating real food? To me the goal was to be get all I needed nutritionally from eating real food. I never had another shake after the2 week liquids stage, so from when I began purées. I ate a high protein yoghurt or yoghurt drink to give me the extra boost of protein to help me get near or to my 60g goal. (It did take me a while but my surgeon & dietician were okay with that.) To help reach my fluid goals, I started drinking during the night. still do. Every time I get in or out of bed I drink. Get up to pee, drink. If I’m reading in bed, watching tv, on social media, etc. in bed, I sip regularly. I get in another 8-10ozs most nights.
  15. Arabesque

    Post Sleeve Testosterone

    Interesting question. We women experience a burst of estrogen as we’re losing weight as estrogen is stored in fat. As we lose weight it’s released into our bloodstream. It stops once we get to a healthier weight range & our weight loss has slowed? Your question made me wonder about testosterone. I found this brief article which you made find interesting. It seems testosterone is stored in your fat where it can’t be used by your body & in overweight people it shows as low testosterone levels in blood work. Weight loss results in an increase because you have less fat so less testosterone is stored & it’s available for your body to use. Sounds like good news for you if you are actually producing adequate levels yourself. Worth a conversation with your doctors anyway. https://www.sharecare.com/health/endocrine-system/can-overweight-lower-testosterone-levels#:~:text=Finally%2C testosterone is a fat,being stored in body fat.
  16. Arabesque


    I was given the 1/4 - 1/3 of a cup from purée advice too (slowly increasing to a cup by 6 months). If that’s yoghurt it would be about 2-3ozs. But I agree with the others - contact your team to ask. We have different needs & surgeons & dieticians have different requirements. Remember to eat slowly. Wait a couple of minutes between bites. I used to dip my teaspoon into my purées. No spoonfuls. Try not to eat until you feel full. Those signals are still not functioning accurately because your nerves were cut. (Takes about 8 weeks to be fully healed.) All the best.
  17. Perfectly normal. Things suddenly become disgusting - taste, texture or smell can be the cause. It lasts a couple of months +/-. For me the shakes became extremely grainy & I couldn’t tolerate them & other foods seemed overly sweet or salty. Some find foods they didn’t like before suddenly taste delicious. Good opportunity not to reintroduce certain flavours back into your diet (like sugars) & to try new foods. These first couple of months can be challenging. Trying to find foods your tummy will tolerate. Food you eat one day easily the next day your tummy is no way. Not feeling hungry or interested in eating. … I used to say my tummy was like a petulant, temper tantrum throwing 2 year old. I never knew what the day would bring.
  18. Yes, fish is good especially soft flaky fish. Try poaching them in a broth flavoured with various herbs. Yum! I made a lot of mince meat dishes. Actually I probably only made two or three because I had enough for a week’s worth of meals of each dish 😁. Put single portions in zip lock bags & froze them. Easy to take to work for lunch too. Made meat balls/rissoles, bolognese meat sauce, savoury mince. Ate soft runny scrambled eggs, milky instant rolled oats (transitioned to traditional low processed oats after a couple of months), omelettes, slow cooked stews/casseroles, etc.
  19. Arabesque


    Don’t apologise. There’s some sort of glitch that’s been happening on & off for a while. Seemingly takes forever fir a reply to submit & post. I’ve had a couple of occasions when I’ve clicked to submit & it never posts. So I’ve also clicked it twice to make sure it posts & suddenly doubled posts. You’ll see couple & triple posts scattered throughout a number of threads. 😁
  20. I split my vitamins & meds across the day. One multi, my PPI & vit D in the AM & the second multi & HRT in the PM. Didn’t hurt me or affect my blood work. As long as you’re taking them. Routines are essential.
  21. It seems okay but it might be best to sit down with your dietician. Were you given any targets? I wasn’t given any other targets than 60g protein & 2L fluids & a nebulous low fat, low sugar, low carbs & given no calorie guidance. Others are given very detailed macros they’re to meet & there are differences in those too. But then we are different & have different needs & our surgeon & dieticians have different requirements. Oh & don’t worry you won’t gain weight eating less than 700 calories.
  22. Arabesque


    I wasn’t required to track. I sort of did initially on random days for own curiosity. I did keep to the portion sizes I was given. I still do random checks to keep me on track & ensure I haven’t let things slide especially with new foods or recipes. I check protein, sugars, calories but don’t keep a formal record. I keep a mental tally of my daily protein intake but only because I have a protein malabsorption issue. It works for me & that is the key: finding out what works for you. If that’s tracking great. If it’s random tracking/monitoring or it’s none at all that’s great too. As long as it allows you to maintain, is manageable & not consuming you, all is good. I put on a good 2kgs/5lbs at the two year mark but didn’t know why. We worked out I wasn’t absorbing my HRT after my gall removal (why I don’t absorb protein too). Was put on a HRT patch & I slowly lost half of it over about 6 months again without changing what I ate or my activity. I’ve pretty much lost another kilo and now, nearing my 5 year mark, am pretty much what I weighed at my initial stabilised weight depending on the day. I should add I am very careful with what I eat & how much I eat. Still eat slowly. Still take small bites. Still eat to a routine most of the time around what & when I eat (I’m a clock watcher for my meals & snacks). Still very conscious of whether I am really hungry or just head hungry. Still very conscious of eating what I need not just how much or what I want to eat.
  23. Yes we are told to avoid NSAIDs because they are so harsh on everyone’s tummy nit just ours because of our much smaller tummy the effect is concentrated & a greater risk of ulcers. In the first months we’re not eating anywhere near enough solid food to provide any sort of protective barrier in your tummy either. Excedrine does contain a NSAID as well as aspirin & caffeine. (Remember we’re often told to avoid caffeine too at least for a while). Contact your surgeon & ask about alternatives pain medications you could take like maybe the triptan meds (e.g. imigran/sumatriptan) which are prescribed specifically for migraines. I find paracetamols & aspirins useless too - might as well have a tic tac. My surgeon allowed me to take NSAIDs at the two year mark with my sleeve: one tablet at a time, not on consecutive days and always, always with food in my stomach. I don’t need to take them often, < 5 x a year & usually only need one, which is why I think he said I could take them. Don’t beat yourself up about it though. Sometimes we just have to make the best decision we can at the time. It was once so you should be okay.
  24. It was a while ago now but I remember I still wasn’t hitting my protein goal. I wanted to do real food only too & plus I found the shakes disgusting & never touched one after liquids. For breakfast I scrambled eggs with extra milk & took three days to eat them or ate rolled oats again made totally on milk & took three days to eat a serve. Lunch & dinner were often just protein (maybe 2 ozs) & nothing else or with just a green bean or two or a small cauliflower floret with dinner. And yes I’d take a while to eat that - 45 mins +/-. After a week or two on soft food I added a high protein yoghurt or yoghurt drink as an afternoon snack to burst my protein. I wasn’t hungry or really interested in eating. I simply couldn’t eat more than I was but I was following my surgeon’s portion size recommendation of 1/4 - 1/3 cup from purée slowly increasing to a cup by 6 months If you are worried by getting your protein in try protein water. You’ll get about 16oz liquid, 15g protein & about 70 calories. So fewer calories (if you count calories) than a shake (which is really a meal) but not as many nutrients. Just watch those with added sugar or sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners.
  25. Beautiful china & cutlery @NickelChip. Such lovely patterns. I love vintage/antique cutlery & china too. I have my grandmother’s best china she got when first married so about 70 odd years old. It’s not an expensive collectable brand like Wedgewood, Spode or Royal Doulton but beautiful & very special to me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
