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Little Debbie 77

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About Little Debbie 77

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  1. Little Debbie 77

    October 2019 surgery peeps?

    My surgery is Friday (Oct 11) And I’m sooooo nervous and excited! I’m having outpatient surgery at a surgery center. I’m self pay, so I’m even more nervous. If anyone out there had out patient surgery, please tell me how you did! It’s here in the USA (California) I’m taking 6 weeks off from work to recover. My BMI is on the low side, 31. No one knows I’m having this surgery. They think I’m having a gallbladder removed. I’m praying that everything goes well and I reach my ultimate goal of 80lbs lost. But right now, all I can think about is, the what if’s.... what if I have complications, what if I only lose 10lbs, what if I can gain, what if, what if, what if! Arghhhhh!
  2. Little Debbie 77

    October 2019 surgery peeps?

    My op is today, I need to be at the hospital at 11. I'm feeling very nervous and tense. I can't help but have doubts the surgery will even work for me, after decades of failed diets it seems to good to be true. But I've seen it work for friends and family, so I'm hopeful. I know exactly how you feel Daisyjayne. My surgery is Friday (10-11-19) It’s going to be outpatient surgery. I’m a self paying patient and I’m soooooooo nervous. No one in my family knows. They think it’s outpatient gallbladder surgery. I’m so afraid it’s not going to work and I’ll be the 1% that gains weight or only loses 3lbs. My BMI is 31 and I need to lose at least 60lbs. I’m hoping to lose a total of 80lbs. I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you nothing but good vibes for your journey ahead
  3. So I’m going to have my gastric sleeve surgery on October 11, 2019. I’m currently weighing in at 190. I had the Oberea Gastric Ball, and only lost 15lbs. I’m terrified that I’m not going to lose anything like I did with the ball (15lbs after spending $10,000 is nothing....if I’m spending that kinda money it better be more than 15lbs!) I’m self paying for the sleeve and it’s much more than the ball was, and I don’t want to be in the same boat as before. I want to get to 130lbs. Has anyone been in my shoes? I know I’ll stall, I’m just deathly afraid I won’t lose more than 15lbs or worse gain it all back!! 🥺🥺🥺
  4. Little Debbie 77

    I haven't told anyone about my surgery

    I’m having my gastric sleeve in October. I had the gastric ball a year ago and got soooo much flack from my family for having that. I’m not telling a single soul. Not my family, not my boyfriend, not work. I’ll just tell my work that I’m having minor surgery and since I’m self-paying, get a doctors note to excuse me for time off and as for my family, I’ll just keep quiet and if it comes up, just casually mention I had hernia surgery or something along those lines and I’m working out and new diet.
  5. Little Debbie 77

    October 2019 surgery peeps?

    I’m having the gastric sleeve on 10/11/19 and I’m sooooooo nervous already!!! I had the Obera ball a year ago and gained all the weight back from that (all 20lbs) what a waste of money that was! And I’m so scared I won’t lose anything with the sleeve to be worth it or worse, I’ll gain everything back like I did with the ball!

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