I was banded on February 16th at St. Anthony's Hospital in oklahoma City, OK by Dr. Svein Holsaeter.
Although my progress has been good I have been very disappointed by the quality of post operative care. After the surgery the inability of my GI track to hold liquids resulted in serious dehydration, despite drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. I finally went to another physician and the labwork showed significant renal inefficiency. Fortunately no permanent damage was done. Afterwards I had an emergency room visit as my BP catapulted to before unseen levels. The result of being told to eliminate BP medications. It has since come under control and i am taking 1/2 of my prebanding medications.
The moral - this is real surgery and requires significant folllowup. I would recommend to any considering banding to get to a weight loss center that combines the surgery with nutritional guidance and post surgery followup.
No fills to date.
pre op: 318
op date: 302 (-16lbs.)
current: 318/267/180
Loss to date: -51lbs.