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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DaisyChainOz

  1. DaisyChainOz

    1st consultation

    It sounds like he is a very good and ethical surgeon. That's great your arms are largely paid for anyway! You can always look at boobs down the line if they bother you! Best of luck with quick wait time!
  2. DaisyChainOz

    A Change is Coming...

    Continue to get well! It sounds like you're doing great so far! Sending Positive vibes your way!! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  3. DaisyChainOz

    7 years post op ๐Ÿฅณ

    I love your posts, you really are such an inspiration!! ๐Ÿ˜ Congrats on 7 years.. wow!๐Ÿฅณ Thank you so much for continuing to be an active member of this site, and for sharing your journey with us still!! ๐ŸŒŸ
  4. Hi guys, I had my Sleeve 9 days ago, and am averaging 430 cals per day. Trying to get my 2 litres of water, but mostly 1.5 or so. Still on liquid diet, having one shake in the morning and 2 x 125ml (half cup) serves of home made soup with protein powder for lunch/dinner. At first the weight was falling off at .5kg (1lb) or more a day. but the last 3 days it hasn't dropped, in fact this morning it was 200 gm (half lb) up. Not panicking, I know that there will be stalls, but I didn't think at this early stage ๐Ÿฅฒ I also know I probs shouldn't weigh everyday, but I *have* to ๐Ÿ˜ Today I thought I might try to up the cal intake a bit and get a bit more steps in. Anyone else have this so early?
  5. DaisyChainOz

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Holy schmoley!! That must have scared the bejebus out of you!!! ๐Ÿ˜… Mine are the exact same brand!!! it must be they go wacky when new battery needed lol! Thanks for the support, it's encouraging to hear someone like yourself who's been so successful with the surgery say you only lost the same sort of amount in the first month. Gives me hope!! ๐Ÿ˜
  6. DaisyChainOz

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    I did have a follow up with the surgeon, however it was a phone follow up as he is some distance away, so no scales! He said not to worry, your body just thinks you're dying, so is holding on to everything! ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I know that's most likely what's happening! But it's just a bit frustrating.. this month, 19 days, I have just lost 1.4kg or 3lbs or so. I will try to trust the process more not get caught up on the numbers! My colleague who started way higher, but same surgeon, same surgery, just hit 40kg loss in 5 months. It's hard not to make comparisons, we talk about this a lot at work. She did have a larger starting weight though, but I know there is a window for the sleeve to do the work, it terrifies me thinking this might not work ๐Ÿฅบ I even had a client today tell me he has lost 20kg since Nov, by cutting out sugar!! Argh! ๐Ÿ˜ง
  7. DaisyChainOz

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Well loss still excruciatingly slow here! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ I had a weird thing with the scales this week. I was 97.4 kg, then the battery died in my scale, so changed it, to find I was up to 98.8 WTF!! Hubster weighed he was also 1.5kg above where he had been. We now don't know if pre or post battery change is correct! And I don't feel like I have lost any, still feeling very fat. Eating an average of 800 cals, but makes little difference if I eat much more or less. It's a bit over a month since surgery, and I have lost 8 kg or 16lbs, most of that in the first week. I am trying to meet water and protein goals, not always hitting it, but do often (avg 67gm from 70 goal) Despairing a bit here tbh.
  8. DaisyChainOz

    New to the group!

    Congratulations on your spectacular weight loss! You look great, and must feel healthier too
  9. I think your awareness and attitude are very commendable! Definitely a lesson for me for the future, I am also inclined to all those bad habits myself, so will have to really keep an eye on things. Some people preach the "don't weigh everyday " mantra, but this is a great example of why weighing regularly is in fact a good idea for those of us that just have to look at food and gain 10lb!! ๐Ÿ˜† You have got this! You know what and how! ๐Ÿค—
  10. DaisyChainOz

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    I am getting frustrated with the slowness of loss. I had the sleeve on 16th of Jan, and initially lost 4-5 kg very quickly, then the last two weeks, I have lost only 1.7kg, (3.5 lbs) I know it can happen, that the body can retain water and itโ€™s not reflecting the loss. I am just venting my frustration. I tried eating more 800-1000 cals last week, nothing, exactly the same weight for 6 days, then a minuscule 100gm loss. It's been frustrating!
  11. DaisyChainOz

    12 months post-op gastric sleeve

    Congratulations! You look fantastic, love the cute dress! ๐Ÿ˜
  12. DaisyChainOz

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    I also used a 60ml (2 oz) glass and kept the protein shake cold in a Thermos. Same with broth, kept it warm in one, set 15min timer, and just every 15mins sipped on the "meal" or plain water between. It was a bit tedious, but got the job done! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  13. DaisyChainOz

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    Glad it went so well and you're recovering well!
  14. DaisyChainOz

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Well it took a week, but I shifted 1 kg (2lbs) to now be below 100kg!! 99.9 lol I am taking it!!
  15. DaisyChainOz

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    Doing great thanks, on pureed stage, losing very slowly! I think I am retaining water, trying to up my intake! ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿšฐ๐Ÿ’ฆ Overall feeling positive and learning all about my bodies new normal lol. ๐Ÿ˜ Broke my under 100kg mini goal this morning!! 99.9kg hey, I'll take it! ๐Ÿคฃ
  16. DaisyChainOz

    Treated myself to new hair!

    Love it! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ suits you! I got my hair chopped and coloured (boring blonde though, no funky cool colours haha) whilst off work recuperating. It made me feel like, Yep, this is the start of a new phase! Enjoy your new do, you look awesome!
  17. DaisyChainOz

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    So glad it's all went well for you! speedy recovery!!
  18. DaisyChainOz

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    If you were asking me, I had a gastric sleeve. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  19. DaisyChainOz

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    I am doing well thank you! On purees now, which is great after weeks of liquid, feeling good, learning my limits and healing nicely! I have not lost a lot of weight for a week, but am taking that in my stride, desperately close to.my first mini goal, but not quite there yet! Overall going very well, I can see the differences already, clothes are starting to hang off me! ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for asking, how are you doing?
  20. DaisyChainOz

    Crying during yoga? ๐Ÿค”

    Yoga can be very cathartic! It may have been disconcerting and maybe a touch embarrassing in the moment, but the yoga teacher would have seen it before. It's a good thing to feel that release. ๐Ÿ˜
  21. DaisyChainOz

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Yeah, it's not easy is it! I am trying to think of it as a learning experience, as in I am learning about what's going on with my body. Yes the numbers are disappointing for sure, but I want to be present for the process, the good, the bad and hopefully the not too ugly ๐Ÿ˜‚ It's all part of this experience. Maybe hiding the scales will work for you, I know it wouldn't for me, but we're all different. ๐Ÿค— I hope you find peace with the scale.monster!! I hope I do too lol!!
  22. DaisyChainOz

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Thanks for the detailed reply. It makes perfect sense that the loss is going on in spite of the lack of movement on the scales. My Dietician said the same to me yesterday at our first post surgery apt last night. I don't agree with the "don't weigh everyday" mantra myself. It would be no less disappointing or frustrating to find out after a week the scales haven't moved. for me it would be far worse!! YMMV of course.
  23. DaisyChainOz

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Just a bit of a follow up to this it seems it's is perfectly normal and to be expected. A friend who had the surgery last year sent me this when I was telling her I haven't lost for a week. Sorry I don't know the Author, or which site it is from. It did make me relieved to see its not that my surgery didn't work! Phew!
  24. Ok, so my pre Op plan allows for free grazing on low carb veggies, salad items etc, and one serve of healthy fat per day. So rather than munch on celery orcarrot sticks (which I do also love) I thought why not make them into a faux wrap with Lettuce and avo. I only ate one with broth for lunch, but wow it was great! Anyone else getting a bit creative with their diet?
  25. DaisyChainOz

    Food - Keeping it interesting!

    Still on fluids for a few more days, counting down til Thursday! Yesterday we went for a two hour drive to see some friends, had lunch out with them, there was pizza, hot chips with gravy, hubby had fish and chips on the table it didn'tworry me at all the others eating their yummy lunches! Luckily they had a clear wanton soup dish, so I had that and hubster got the wontons ๐Ÿ˜‚ Today I made a darker version at home with added protein powder and fibre โ˜บ๏ธ Deeeeeelish!!

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