I am so bummed out... I went to my seminar today. it was two hours away, but I was almost an hour early. The seminar itself went great. I really liked the doctor very much -- he was informative and very thorough. There were also patients of his who spoke about their experience with the band, and lots of before and after pictures. I figured the worst case scenario would be the six month supervised diet, although two of my DH's coworkers (same insurance) said they did not have to do it. Still, I was prepared to hear that. Everyything was great until I handed in my paperwork, with no personal physician info. I told them that I could give them a doctor's name that I had seen, but it had been a long time since I'd been there. It was then that I was told that I would need proof of a doctor's having seen and weighed me at least once a year for the last five years! I have not done anything medical for the last five years besides a flu shot! When I explained this, they just kept saying to "think back". I have not forgotten -- I have not been to the doctor! I did fill out a detailed diet history. What in the world am I going to do now? When I asked them this, they just said I could "self-pay". This is simply not an option for me. I'm sorry this is so long winded, but I would very much appreciate any ideas. Thanks! And congratulations, Cathy!