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  1. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from AZhiker in What are you doing with your new weight loss?   
    I am 8 weeks out... so right now a LOT of walking and just restarted Pilates and go back to work next Wed. But I am planning to do my first thru-hike/pilgrimage I. Late May on the Camino de Santiago. Will gradually increase my training over the next 7 1/2 months. And hopefully this will also help me reach my goal weight.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from evilpixie20 in Incision glue   
    I wiped mine with a wet wash cloth and then gently pulled it off at 3 weeks. Incision should be well closed by now.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from gwoodgm in Bizarre... BCBS Federal   
    So, my surgery was pre-approved. I had surgery on the day I was pre-approved for by the doc and at the hospital that was submitted for pre-approval. Hospital was paid. Doc was paid. A third doc was paid... it appears to be lab related, but I have no clue who it is. I can see all of this on the BCBS website. Today I get a letter stating that they (BCBS) have requested medical records from the doc listed below (but no doc is listed below). They state that it is to do a medical review of a service provided the same day as my surgery. They want all H&P documenting prior treatment and results and co-morbid conditions, current lab reports, height weight & BMI, copy of psychotherapy eval and documentation of participation in a weight loss program. To me that sounds like they are reviewing medical necessity of my surgery to pay either the surgeon or the hospital. But it was pre-approved and both were paid! (scratching head here) Besides the lab, the only other physician that may need to be paid is anesthesia, but it is weird that they would do a medical review of that claim. Then I go online to search for the Claim # to get more information... and nothing shows up! So stupid and frustrating. And this makes no sense. I guess I have 2 choices... wait and see how this plays out or call them. And I really don't want to call them lol. Anyone else have this sort of weirdness? I mean seriously, the hospital and surgeon have been paid according to their own claims records... what the heck?
  4. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Deedee12 in 7 weeks post-op today   
    I am SOOOO excited today... I am officially exactly 50 pounds down from my highest weight! I thought it would take a couple more days to get here! 50 down, 41.8 to go! Also very noteworthy... my doctor has my height listed at 5'4". For my ticker I go with that because I want my recordings to match what the Dr's office is recording. Based om that, I am almost at my "OVERWEIGHT" BMI... but my actual height is 5'4.75" if if you calculate BMI based on my true height, I am already OVERWEIGHT! I AM NOT OBESE! Feeling accomplished today!
    Also, last night I did Yoga for the first time since surgery. I didn't do everything, but I did most of it! So... I walked my 2 miles in the early AM, then in the evening I did an hour of Yoga and followed up with 2 more miles of waking before going home! I am HOPING to do Yoga 3 days a week now that I am able to do most of it without worrying about my belly. That is... until I feel ready to go back to Pilates. I really don't like Yoga but I LOVE Pilates. I am until I feel more ready for hard core "CORE" work.
  5. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from HappyHikerGal in 7 weeks post-op today   
    Time is really flying! I am doing well overall. Side effects/complications from surgery were minimal. In the hospital I had 2 dry heave events that felt like I needed to happen to release some pressure/gas or something, and only a couple nausea episodes after discharge. Abdominal pain subsided pretty quickly, except for that main incision site which would have occasional stabbing pain if I moved in a way it didn't like. I haven't had that for about 2 weeks now. Incisions healed very nicely. Energy level is improving, however when I overdo it I am definitely still wiped out. I am much more awake during the day. I can stay up much later than I did before, and still rise early. I sleep better. Still on my CPAP, but I no longer take my medication to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. Haven't taken it for at least a week, maybe two weeks. I also didn't take my restless leg syndrome medication last night and was fine. Wondering if I will be able to stop taking it altogether. Not sure on that one. That leaves me with my metoprolol (for tachycardia/fast heart rate) in the AM, along with Protronix which was prescribed for me to take for 60 days. I haven't had ANY acid reflux since surgery, so once the script is up I will probably go off of it unless I start having symptoms. I think I will be fine, and doc prefers to not continue it unless necessary. Yay! And at night I have to take my Lipitor for high cholesterol, but I am going to ask my doc if I can attempt to wean off of it when I lose a little more weight. Cholesterol has been controlled for a couple of years already and losing weight and eating healthier gives me hope that maybe I won't need it anymore. Seriously, the thought of only taking my metoprolol and no other medications daily has me really excited. Diet: I am doing well, but struggling with measuring and tracking. Need to improve on that for sure! I am finding that things that are higher carbs/higher fat do not sit well with my stomach, but that is fine with me since those are things I shouldn't be eating anyway! I usually take a bite or two and then just don't want them. What can I eat? I do well with ground beef, chicken, and Beans as real food sources of Protein. I love them when they are in some kind of a broth. I still really enjoy my homemade chili. I made a huge batch a couple weeks post op and froze most of it... and over the last month I finally finished ALL of it off. It seems to be my most complete meal that I actually enjoy. Debating whether or not to make another batch lol... on the fence since I don't want to get sick of it, you would think I would be already! I am fine with cooked veggies but don't feel quite ready to attempt many raw veggies. I am not doing any breads, rice, pastas etc. I have had a few whole wheat crackers with tuna/chicken salad twice... but not sure how much I want to eat of that even at this point. While I have definitely felt the effects of over eating... I have NOT thrown up even once. (Thank goodness lol) Weight loss? I am doing great, although I am on my 2nd stall right now. The first stall was at 4.5 weeks and lasted probably 5-6 days. Maybe it wouldn't have lasted so long, but I was at Disney with my daughter lol. This time I think it was triggered by me ordering take out from my favorite Mexican restaurant. I ordered healthy options and took several meals to eat it... but I am sure it was loaded with salt and such. I also find that when I order something, I am having a harder time keeping my portions small like they should be. Happened at Disney (though less so) and is happening again this week. Guess I need to not order any food for a while! Anyhow... since last May, I have lost 47 pounds, with 26 of those being post op. I wish it was more, but I think I am still on par considering I started at a lower BMI. I have officially lost more than 50% of my weight to get to MY goal (and only 19 pounds away from the docs goal). And as for the BMI... only a few pounds away from being "overweight" instead of obese! I am walking at least 2 miles every day. I hope to increase to doing this twice a day. I am also debating when to start pilates.
    Anyhow... for any lower BMI people on the fence about surgery... I don't regret doing this for one minute! It is a lot of work. It requires a lot of lifestyle change, with regards to diet and exercise... but it is SO worth it!

    Personal goals going forward:
    Do better with measuring and recording
    Walk more, twice a day preferred
    Consistently make a green smoothie with protein for Breakfast (started this week).
    Attempt to eat small salads for lunch soon

  6. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to Sheribear68 in Favorite clothing post op/weight loss mode?   
    Yes to all of this!
    even now (I hit GW 2 weeks ago) I’m very leery of buying too much.
    I’ve got a job where I must dress in professional attire so I’ve used a combo of consignment store/eBay/FB market place to get most of my stuff.
    I literally keep an inventory of basics and exchange as I size out of them:
    * 1 each black,grey, blue, khaki,olive green pants-I actually have 2 pair grey pants, because I found such a good deal on them.
    * 2-3 dresses that are cut in a way where I can lose 2 sizes before exchanging. - actually I just purchased a 4th dress— a cute knit wrap dress that I’m going to wear with pumpkin tights on Halloween, but who can pass up a versatile black dress in their wardrobe? I’ll wear it all winter with different tights.
    * 1-2 pairs jeans- just purchased some LL bean fleece-lined jeans for winter in addition to my “ usual” pair. Got it off of eBay for under $20.
    * a total of 8-12 tops in variety of colors for work —I’ve had to get more lately to add in some sweaters and warmer clothes.

    * approximately 1 billion yoga pants/workout tops— Give or take a few.

    even though I’ve gone from size xxl/22 to medium/8, I’ve still got a few old sweatshirts and even one old sweater that I plan on wearing this winter.
    sadly all the professional clothes had to be sold/donated.
  7. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to AngieBear in Favorite clothing post op/weight loss mode?   
    It’s been a struggle, especially in the beginning. I invested in belts, but that only goes so far. I keep a minimum of a few basics that I fit at all times: one pair of jeans, one pair of black pants, a black skirt, a pair of white pants, and then whatever tops are seasonal. I can mix and match things easily. I also have blazers, because these can be worn open when they are a bit on the small side, so they last a while. Dresses that can be cinched with a belt when they get big are great.
    I shop second hand for the most part, either thrift stores or Poshmark, but stick to those basic pieces. I consider it more that I’m renting clothes rather than buying them at this point.
    I have somehow maintained a business casual look with just a very basic wardrobe. It’s tempting to buy a ton now that I fit in regular sizes and the world has opened up, but until I stabilize I’m keeping it under control (mostly).
    Sometimes I wish I could just wear baggy sweats and t-shirts and save the money, but somehow I think it would be frowned upon at my job 😂 Besides, loose baggy clothes billowing around me drives me nuts! Thrift stores have been my saving grace.
  8. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from dena81 in Almost a week since the surgery and adjusting   
    Hang in there! I am 7 weeks out and my stomach still feels like it is asking to eat, but I have learned to ignore it because I know it is constantly active/churning still. I eat when I think I should eat and ignore it the rest of the time! It isn't to bad, just a constant something going on down there lol
  9. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Mrs. Mercedes in Almost a week since the surgery and adjusting   
    My energy increased at 6 weeks, so you are almost there! Don't get me wrong... I still get wiped out if I overdo it, but I have more energy than I have had for years.
  10. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to JRT Mom in Favorite clothing post op/weight loss mode?   
    Comfy clothes is all I EVER wear. I HATE shopping for clothes and would rather be comfortable than stylish.
    I'm lucky that I chose a career where I get to wear scrubs every day!
  11. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to Lynda486 in Favorite clothing post op/weight loss mode?   
    I have been relying on comfy clothes to get by. My first day back to work I wore a long sleeve t-shirt and black work out pants. I can wear jeans now, so when I go somewhere it is jeans. I happened to save my smaller clothes, so I should be okay for awhile.
  12. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to Mrs. Mercedes in Favorite clothing post op/weight loss mode?   
    Enjoying shopping again will definitely be one of my favorite things about this journey!! 😊😊 Depending how Strict your work dress code is, I suggest black stretch pants and long tunic tops. Stretch pants are practically one size fits all Cuz they stretch to fit and then go back to being tiny when you wash them. Dress Barn has lots of clothing like this and you can usually find a store in the outlets. Have fun!
  13. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Mrs. Mercedes in Favorite clothing post op/weight loss mode?   
    Just curious what is your favorite type of clothing to wear after surgery during rapid weight loss.
    For me it is workout clothing! Not because I LOVE to workout (I don't)... but it is just so comfy! That... and when I bought some to start walking again I grabbed a size smaller on the "chance" it will fit soon... I got home and put it on it was perfect because it stretches. I have lost enough weight that I feel like I look pretty good in them (could be better... but gotta lose more weight lol). And I love that they are snug but stretch and comfy. Going back to work soon and I would give anything to be able to wear them to work! I basically no longer fit pretty much everything that was in my closet, so I donated a bunch of clothing already and took another huge stack of clothes out of my closet to sort through a second time before donating. Essentially, my closet would be practically empty except I have purchased even more workout clothes. I did keep a couple dresses that were in there from when I was a little bit smaller, a few sun protection shirts that I can wear over tanks even as I shrink a little bit more, and a few sweatshirts that were either slightly small on me or I will still want them when they are big on me. I did have to buy a couple work outfits, but I picked pants that are slightly tight but stretchy so they will fit a little better as I lose more weight. Shopping at an Outlet store so I am getting "new" clothes at cheaper prices. Can't wait until I go down another size!
  14. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Mrs. Mercedes in Favorite clothing post op/weight loss mode?   
    Just curious what is your favorite type of clothing to wear after surgery during rapid weight loss.
    For me it is workout clothing! Not because I LOVE to workout (I don't)... but it is just so comfy! That... and when I bought some to start walking again I grabbed a size smaller on the "chance" it will fit soon... I got home and put it on it was perfect because it stretches. I have lost enough weight that I feel like I look pretty good in them (could be better... but gotta lose more weight lol). And I love that they are snug but stretch and comfy. Going back to work soon and I would give anything to be able to wear them to work! I basically no longer fit pretty much everything that was in my closet, so I donated a bunch of clothing already and took another huge stack of clothes out of my closet to sort through a second time before donating. Essentially, my closet would be practically empty except I have purchased even more workout clothes. I did keep a couple dresses that were in there from when I was a little bit smaller, a few sun protection shirts that I can wear over tanks even as I shrink a little bit more, and a few sweatshirts that were either slightly small on me or I will still want them when they are big on me. I did have to buy a couple work outfits, but I picked pants that are slightly tight but stretchy so they will fit a little better as I lose more weight. Shopping at an Outlet store so I am getting "new" clothes at cheaper prices. Can't wait until I go down another size!
  15. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Lbtnew in Top Ten NSV   
    Only 7 weeks out... but so far:
    Bought sneakers a half size smaller because my feet are thinner again
    Down from size 16 to size 12 (snug, but not a 14)
    More energy during the day, staying awake much later
    sleeping better at night, no longer taking medication to help me sleep. Also had to tighten my CPAP headgear straps
    Comfortably taking 2 mile walks again... DAILY in the AM! And starting to add a 2nd walk in the evening
  16. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from AZhiker in tropical smoothie sadness   
    This is what I am doing... making green smoothies using Kale, Spinach, and mixed berries. Sometimes I use other mixed fruits. I add my Protein Shake to it if I want my protein... or Water when I don't. We need Protein first, then nutrients. I am doing a 2 in one most mornings. But I will not order them anywhere, they are always higher calories because they add more juices and or sugary fruits than I ever would at home. I am 7 weeks out and have been enjoying my smoothies for the past several days.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Krimsonbutterflies in IV Bars?   
    They are called IV Bars (the old name for them anyway) because they were originally opened to use IV fluids to treat hangovers. I do not think they are well regulated, but some have good oversight (have to do your research). They have expanded their businesses to hydrate for a multitude of reasons and many are overseen by actual medical professionals now.
    In general, they are a trendy waste of money because most people can hydrate on their own... and if they can't, they usually need medical attention. But... seeing as how bariatric patients can't always take in enough fluids, it kind of seems like a waste of medical resources to go to an urgent care/ER when you can just go to these places. Personally, I have the medical knowledge to know what to look for while there and proper procedures. Just don't know if I am ready to trust them lol
  18. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Krimsonbutterflies in Post op hunger pains   
    It might just be your stomach still making noises just because. That is what mine seem to be. But when I think they might be "hunger" related, I drink something. Thirst is often confused with hunger... even for non bariatric people. We just were never taught to try to drink first to see if it is really thirst or hunger, so we usually go for food.
  19. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Panda333 in IV Bars?   
    I should add... I have been a little behind in fluids ever since surgery... as my stupid day shift nurse didn't up my fluids post-op like she was supposed to. I noticed, but was still too out of it to advocate for myself. The night nurse caught it, but I think I was already behind by then. And not dissing on nurses... husband and I are both nurses... just didn't like my day shift nurse... had her after surgery and the next morning and was less than thrilled with her both days. Luckily hubby was taking better care of me, as did the night shift nurse.
  20. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Panda333 in IV Bars?   
    Just curious if any of you have gone to an IV bar to help with hydration. If so, how was your experience with it? I am tempted, but resistant lol. I know I am dehydrated, but not to the point of going to an urgent care. I feel like getting a 1 liter bag of IV fluids would make me feel so much better, but don't know if I am ready to jump right in with a place that isn't really a hospital/urgent care. I also don't like that they let the bags go in over an hour... although I am sure my kidneys/heart can handle it... I just prefer slow and steady.
  21. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from HappyHikerGal in 7 weeks post-op today   
    Time is really flying! I am doing well overall. Side effects/complications from surgery were minimal. In the hospital I had 2 dry heave events that felt like I needed to happen to release some pressure/gas or something, and only a couple nausea episodes after discharge. Abdominal pain subsided pretty quickly, except for that main incision site which would have occasional stabbing pain if I moved in a way it didn't like. I haven't had that for about 2 weeks now. Incisions healed very nicely. Energy level is improving, however when I overdo it I am definitely still wiped out. I am much more awake during the day. I can stay up much later than I did before, and still rise early. I sleep better. Still on my CPAP, but I no longer take my medication to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. Haven't taken it for at least a week, maybe two weeks. I also didn't take my restless leg syndrome medication last night and was fine. Wondering if I will be able to stop taking it altogether. Not sure on that one. That leaves me with my metoprolol (for tachycardia/fast heart rate) in the AM, along with Protronix which was prescribed for me to take for 60 days. I haven't had ANY acid reflux since surgery, so once the script is up I will probably go off of it unless I start having symptoms. I think I will be fine, and doc prefers to not continue it unless necessary. Yay! And at night I have to take my Lipitor for high cholesterol, but I am going to ask my doc if I can attempt to wean off of it when I lose a little more weight. Cholesterol has been controlled for a couple of years already and losing weight and eating healthier gives me hope that maybe I won't need it anymore. Seriously, the thought of only taking my metoprolol and no other medications daily has me really excited. Diet: I am doing well, but struggling with measuring and tracking. Need to improve on that for sure! I am finding that things that are higher carbs/higher fat do not sit well with my stomach, but that is fine with me since those are things I shouldn't be eating anyway! I usually take a bite or two and then just don't want them. What can I eat? I do well with ground beef, chicken, and Beans as real food sources of Protein. I love them when they are in some kind of a broth. I still really enjoy my homemade chili. I made a huge batch a couple weeks post op and froze most of it... and over the last month I finally finished ALL of it off. It seems to be my most complete meal that I actually enjoy. Debating whether or not to make another batch lol... on the fence since I don't want to get sick of it, you would think I would be already! I am fine with cooked veggies but don't feel quite ready to attempt many raw veggies. I am not doing any breads, rice, pastas etc. I have had a few whole wheat crackers with tuna/chicken salad twice... but not sure how much I want to eat of that even at this point. While I have definitely felt the effects of over eating... I have NOT thrown up even once. (Thank goodness lol) Weight loss? I am doing great, although I am on my 2nd stall right now. The first stall was at 4.5 weeks and lasted probably 5-6 days. Maybe it wouldn't have lasted so long, but I was at Disney with my daughter lol. This time I think it was triggered by me ordering take out from my favorite Mexican restaurant. I ordered healthy options and took several meals to eat it... but I am sure it was loaded with salt and such. I also find that when I order something, I am having a harder time keeping my portions small like they should be. Happened at Disney (though less so) and is happening again this week. Guess I need to not order any food for a while! Anyhow... since last May, I have lost 47 pounds, with 26 of those being post op. I wish it was more, but I think I am still on par considering I started at a lower BMI. I have officially lost more than 50% of my weight to get to MY goal (and only 19 pounds away from the docs goal). And as for the BMI... only a few pounds away from being "overweight" instead of obese! I am walking at least 2 miles every day. I hope to increase to doing this twice a day. I am also debating when to start pilates.
    Anyhow... for any lower BMI people on the fence about surgery... I don't regret doing this for one minute! It is a lot of work. It requires a lot of lifestyle change, with regards to diet and exercise... but it is SO worth it!

    Personal goals going forward:
    Do better with measuring and recording
    Walk more, twice a day preferred
    Consistently make a green smoothie with protein for Breakfast (started this week).
    Attempt to eat small salads for lunch soon

  22. Thanks
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Kaswhy in Today   
    Good luck to all of you having surgery this week!
  23. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from HappyHikerGal in 7 weeks post-op today   
    Time is really flying! I am doing well overall. Side effects/complications from surgery were minimal. In the hospital I had 2 dry heave events that felt like I needed to happen to release some pressure/gas or something, and only a couple nausea episodes after discharge. Abdominal pain subsided pretty quickly, except for that main incision site which would have occasional stabbing pain if I moved in a way it didn't like. I haven't had that for about 2 weeks now. Incisions healed very nicely. Energy level is improving, however when I overdo it I am definitely still wiped out. I am much more awake during the day. I can stay up much later than I did before, and still rise early. I sleep better. Still on my CPAP, but I no longer take my medication to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. Haven't taken it for at least a week, maybe two weeks. I also didn't take my restless leg syndrome medication last night and was fine. Wondering if I will be able to stop taking it altogether. Not sure on that one. That leaves me with my metoprolol (for tachycardia/fast heart rate) in the AM, along with Protronix which was prescribed for me to take for 60 days. I haven't had ANY acid reflux since surgery, so once the script is up I will probably go off of it unless I start having symptoms. I think I will be fine, and doc prefers to not continue it unless necessary. Yay! And at night I have to take my Lipitor for high cholesterol, but I am going to ask my doc if I can attempt to wean off of it when I lose a little more weight. Cholesterol has been controlled for a couple of years already and losing weight and eating healthier gives me hope that maybe I won't need it anymore. Seriously, the thought of only taking my metoprolol and no other medications daily has me really excited. Diet: I am doing well, but struggling with measuring and tracking. Need to improve on that for sure! I am finding that things that are higher carbs/higher fat do not sit well with my stomach, but that is fine with me since those are things I shouldn't be eating anyway! I usually take a bite or two and then just don't want them. What can I eat? I do well with ground beef, chicken, and Beans as real food sources of Protein. I love them when they are in some kind of a broth. I still really enjoy my homemade chili. I made a huge batch a couple weeks post op and froze most of it... and over the last month I finally finished ALL of it off. It seems to be my most complete meal that I actually enjoy. Debating whether or not to make another batch lol... on the fence since I don't want to get sick of it, you would think I would be already! I am fine with cooked veggies but don't feel quite ready to attempt many raw veggies. I am not doing any breads, rice, pastas etc. I have had a few whole wheat crackers with tuna/chicken salad twice... but not sure how much I want to eat of that even at this point. While I have definitely felt the effects of over eating... I have NOT thrown up even once. (Thank goodness lol) Weight loss? I am doing great, although I am on my 2nd stall right now. The first stall was at 4.5 weeks and lasted probably 5-6 days. Maybe it wouldn't have lasted so long, but I was at Disney with my daughter lol. This time I think it was triggered by me ordering take out from my favorite Mexican restaurant. I ordered healthy options and took several meals to eat it... but I am sure it was loaded with salt and such. I also find that when I order something, I am having a harder time keeping my portions small like they should be. Happened at Disney (though less so) and is happening again this week. Guess I need to not order any food for a while! Anyhow... since last May, I have lost 47 pounds, with 26 of those being post op. I wish it was more, but I think I am still on par considering I started at a lower BMI. I have officially lost more than 50% of my weight to get to MY goal (and only 19 pounds away from the docs goal). And as for the BMI... only a few pounds away from being "overweight" instead of obese! I am walking at least 2 miles every day. I hope to increase to doing this twice a day. I am also debating when to start pilates.
    Anyhow... for any lower BMI people on the fence about surgery... I don't regret doing this for one minute! It is a lot of work. It requires a lot of lifestyle change, with regards to diet and exercise... but it is SO worth it!

    Personal goals going forward:
    Do better with measuring and recording
    Walk more, twice a day preferred
    Consistently make a green smoothie with protein for Breakfast (started this week).
    Attempt to eat small salads for lunch soon

  24. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from ColoradoCanuck in How did you tell your little kids about WLS?   
    With the 13 year old just be honest, as teens want basic facts. With the 6 year old let them know the doctor is going to fix your stomach so you start feeling better and healthier, but that you will be sore and tired for a few weeks. Answer questions for both as age appropriate.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from ColoradoCanuck in How did you tell your little kids about WLS?   
    With the 13 year old just be honest, as teens want basic facts. With the 6 year old let them know the doctor is going to fix your stomach so you start feeling better and healthier, but that you will be sore and tired for a few weeks. Answer questions for both as age appropriate.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
