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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    momof3_angels got a reaction from ChubRub in 15 1/2 weeks post op   
    Everyone (who knows) asks me if I am glad I had surgery.... HECK YEAH! 15 1/2 weeks post op. For the first 2 1/2 months, I lost weight at a quicker than average pace according to what is expected. Then I went through 4 weeks of barely loosing. The scale would go down 1/2-1 pound, then up 2-3 pounds for an entire week, then I would drop 1/2 -1 pounds below that lowest weight that I accomplished the week before. Then I would go up another 2-3 pounds for another week and repeat. It was frustrating, but I knew my body would slow down at some point to "catch up". I also knew that while the scale was barely moving, my body shape was still changing. To date: I lost 21 pounds in the 2 months pre-op. I have lost 48.5 pounds post op. That puts me at a total weight loss of 69.5 pounds since May. I am already BELOW my doctors projected goal weight. I am at a weight that if I stayed here, I would be fairly happy. And then I am only 23.5 pounds away from my IDEAL (in my mind) goal weight. Everyone is commenting on how great I look and it is obvious I lost a lot of weight. People are funny. There are those who know I had surgery and those who are thrilled for me. There are those who know who are jealous I think who needed the surgery more than I do who won't talk to me or say a word (whatever lol). Then there are those who do not know who are obviously noticing and afraid to say anything. And of course, the last group who hesitates before saying "you lost a lot of weight" followed by the long pause "are you OK?" LOL To them I just smile and say "Yes, I lost a lot of weight. I fixed some problems that I had and it is finally coming off". Their reactions are kind of amusing.
    Today, I decided I needed to buy a couple pairs of jeans because none of my old clothes fit me anymore. The clothes I bought in late October no longer fit me any more either. What size did I buy today??? Size EIGHT pants and MEDIUM tops! And they ALL FIT WONDERFULLY! (I am HALF my dress/pants size of 16!!!) I even bought some fun dresses. I don't wear dresses, but I am excited to get these. My shoe size has also shrank. My feet are at least 1/2 to maybe 1 full size smaller. They are actually a little on the bony side right now. I don't remember them ever being this skinny lol. The other new thing that I have noticed? My legs not only look much skinnier, but they are a bit "jiggly" lol. Never before have I been so excited to have my calves jiggle LMAO. My daughter was excited that they jiggle lol. And today, I also took out my "mothers ring" that I haven't worn in nearly a decade. It fits perfectly again.
    So yeah... VSG??? Best decision ever. Even if I can't eat all of the foods I love!
  2. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from ChubRub in 15 1/2 weeks post op   
    Everyone (who knows) asks me if I am glad I had surgery.... HECK YEAH! 15 1/2 weeks post op. For the first 2 1/2 months, I lost weight at a quicker than average pace according to what is expected. Then I went through 4 weeks of barely loosing. The scale would go down 1/2-1 pound, then up 2-3 pounds for an entire week, then I would drop 1/2 -1 pounds below that lowest weight that I accomplished the week before. Then I would go up another 2-3 pounds for another week and repeat. It was frustrating, but I knew my body would slow down at some point to "catch up". I also knew that while the scale was barely moving, my body shape was still changing. To date: I lost 21 pounds in the 2 months pre-op. I have lost 48.5 pounds post op. That puts me at a total weight loss of 69.5 pounds since May. I am already BELOW my doctors projected goal weight. I am at a weight that if I stayed here, I would be fairly happy. And then I am only 23.5 pounds away from my IDEAL (in my mind) goal weight. Everyone is commenting on how great I look and it is obvious I lost a lot of weight. People are funny. There are those who know I had surgery and those who are thrilled for me. There are those who know who are jealous I think who needed the surgery more than I do who won't talk to me or say a word (whatever lol). Then there are those who do not know who are obviously noticing and afraid to say anything. And of course, the last group who hesitates before saying "you lost a lot of weight" followed by the long pause "are you OK?" LOL To them I just smile and say "Yes, I lost a lot of weight. I fixed some problems that I had and it is finally coming off". Their reactions are kind of amusing.
    Today, I decided I needed to buy a couple pairs of jeans because none of my old clothes fit me anymore. The clothes I bought in late October no longer fit me any more either. What size did I buy today??? Size EIGHT pants and MEDIUM tops! And they ALL FIT WONDERFULLY! (I am HALF my dress/pants size of 16!!!) I even bought some fun dresses. I don't wear dresses, but I am excited to get these. My shoe size has also shrank. My feet are at least 1/2 to maybe 1 full size smaller. They are actually a little on the bony side right now. I don't remember them ever being this skinny lol. The other new thing that I have noticed? My legs not only look much skinnier, but they are a bit "jiggly" lol. Never before have I been so excited to have my calves jiggle LMAO. My daughter was excited that they jiggle lol. And today, I also took out my "mothers ring" that I haven't worn in nearly a decade. It fits perfectly again.
    So yeah... VSG??? Best decision ever. Even if I can't eat all of the foods I love!
  3. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to New&Improved in 16 WEEKS AND 107LBS DOWN.   
    Good evening everyone.
    This is my weekly check in.
    I've been on this weight loss journey now 16 weeks today and down 107lbs.
    HW 322
    CW 215
    GW 185-195
    Feeling good still mostly on shakes everyday but starting to try little solid things here and there to work out what I can tolerate.
    I'm 7 weeks post op today but 16 weeks since starting my diet.
    Feeling positive about the future just got some loose skin mostly under my arms & armpits..
    Will need to get into some kind of resistance or weights soon but here in Australia Its summer and heatwave of 100 all week 😭 so not in any mood to workout right now
    Thanks everyone again for your support

  4. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to Krimsonbutterflies in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    There has been food everywhere. All types of food, baked goods, cocktails and utter mayhem!!! My goodness, I abstained from a Christmas party tonight and I'll lay low. I haven't been good with my eating this month, but I'm officially going to get my butt back on track. Going to start my detox program this week and get my head in the game for surgery next month. I'm also tired of seeing food everywhere. I've had to be bluntly honest that I have to practice self-preservation and awareness. There will be other Holidays and birthdays in the years to come. I've worked hard and I can see success through all of the fog. No more indulging in food. Thank you for the post, we are not alone. Not that I want others to suffer, just knowing I'm not alone humanizes the experience.

  5. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to FluffyChix in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Last night we went to our neighborhood Italian place for a Christmas party with friends. And I WANTED PIZZA!!!! But instead, I just weighed in my head whether it would taste that great. Plus would it be worth potentially having RH last night. And would it be worth weighing up to 4lbs more this morning and having a carb hangover. I COULD have had it. I'm at the bottom of my weight window. But instead, I planned ahead and was able to choose to have their yummy grilled chicken and shrimp with broccoli and garlic! We split a Caesar no croutons and it was fab! And this morning I'm back at my goal weight of 130.4lbs!!! What???!!!! So excited.
    That fuels me to make the choices I make. I just dig down and remind myself of my WHY? WHY did I get this surgery!!! You can use this tool too!!
  6. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to MourningTheLossOfBeer in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Look on the bright side, the "calories don't count during the holidays" people are gonna die before you.
  7. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Deedee12 in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Unfortunately, I am still having trouble digesting lettuce so that doesn't work. I am just barely eating tiny bits without it totally making me feel sick. And no... I am not doing breads. That is why the thought of the meat and cheese sounds awful! I have had too much of it. And I agree with the rest. I am being very careful with my choices and when I do allow something, it is in VERY small amounts and I select foods that are not a "slippery slope" for me! Most of the time I am doing great.

    And funny... after posting this another big conversation about lots of very yummy food occurred 5 feet away from me. I walked away from the area because I was in a bad place to hear the conversation about that very yummy food. I waited to go back to my desk when I knew they had returned to work. I sat down. And my stomach promptly started growling. A lot. LOL. Willpower is a challenge for me today! Going to have to make sure I have headphones and music when I return to work tomorrow. It apparently is a must where I sit!
  8. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from SeattleLady in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    OMG, how are all of you coping? Where I work, everyone has been celebrating since before Thanksgiving, with food of course. And mostly crap food (also known as yummy sweets that I can't have). Fortunately, my cubicle was moved away from the kitchen/break room and the table that is often used for storing most of the food for the days festivities (which I could always smell as i worked). But where I am now... there is another table of just sweets about 8-10 feet away max. I see it every time I get up. It is always full of sweet/salty Snacks that I can't have. There is never anything healthy on this table (the other one at least had some good stuff). And if seeing this table of sweets was bad enough... the staff around me are talking about the sweets ALL.DAY.LONG. Overall, I am doing pretty well despite the temptations. At most I have had 1 very small shortbread cookie, but I have had a little caramel popcorn the last few days. Not much, just enough to satisfy me. So all is good there. I certainly haven't gone crazy with my eating. But, I have to listen to the people around me talk about food/sweets ALL.THE.TIME. I do a decent job of tuning them out half of the day, but it is really getting on my nerves yesterday and today. Add to that, my "biggest" co-worker keeps going back for sweets again and again and always say really loudly "calories don't count during the holidays". Being my first post-sleeve holiday season, I am extra sensitive and that statement bugs the heck out of me. I know it shouldn't lol. Ugh. I am sitting here at my desk trying to ignore and certainly not judge those around me for enjoying the holidays and the food associated with it, but it is so hard! And I don't want them to half to change because I chose to have surgery to improve my own health. I think at least the people near where I used to sit were much more aware of my struggle and more thoughtful and supportive about it, and I really appreciated that. They at least didn't "rub it in my face" all day (not that these people are TRYING to do that), and they tried hard to be considerate when by not parading around with their food in front of me. Tomorrow is our "Christmas" lunch. It is our most fun celebration every year. I did OK with our Thanksgiving feast at work, but there were several foods I could enjoy within my diet. I hope to do well again for our upcoming Christmas dinner tomorrow, but not sure if it is possible. I won't grab sweets, but I will probably sample what I can of the regular food. Unfortunately, it sounds like there won't be a lot I CAN eat. I know the main dish this time is sandwiches. I know I can take off the rolls, but I don't really want to eat just the meat/cheese (sick of that). There will be a salad, but I am still not digesting salads very well yet. Then the rest is supposed to be potato/pasta salads and such that I really shouldn't eat (and have no desire to eat). And lots of deserts. And if I don't eat the meal, then the deserts will be calling out to me (my co-workers bring great deserts every year... that I can't eat!). I don't know if I should even go or just go home for lunch instead. I don't know. I don't want to miss out, but I fear this particular dinner might be torture. And not sure what I would want bring to eat instead. I wish I didn't HAVE to bring something as a substitute. They change the type of meal every year, and the last 2 years the food would have been great for me... this year... not so much. Anyhow... sorry for the vent, but I figured some of you would understand whereas no one around me will!
  9. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from JAKE H in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Yep. Just not totally there yet. And I am very aware that these are MY problems and not THEIR problems. I don't expect anyone else to change, but I am learning how to change how I deal with it. Most of the time this hasn't been an issue for me. food is always being brought in to the office. It has just been more excessive this week. Add to that I am kind of sick of eating the same boring stuff over and over. Then all of the food talk on top of that. Put the three things together and I am struggling!

    And I forgot to grab my headphones to bring to work! May run home to get them in a little bit.
  10. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from AZhiker in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    I think I have decided to just go home for lunch during tomorrows party. I am proud of how well I did for Thanksgiving, but I am just not feeling that strong for tomorrow. Next year I will probably go, but by then I will at least be in maintenance! Tomorrow I just need to remember to bring my headphones to work in the AM. Thankfully we don't have work next week. Yay me!
  11. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from JAKE H in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Yep. Just not totally there yet. And I am very aware that these are MY problems and not THEIR problems. I don't expect anyone else to change, but I am learning how to change how I deal with it. Most of the time this hasn't been an issue for me. food is always being brought in to the office. It has just been more excessive this week. Add to that I am kind of sick of eating the same boring stuff over and over. Then all of the food talk on top of that. Put the three things together and I am struggling!

    And I forgot to grab my headphones to bring to work! May run home to get them in a little bit.
  12. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from JAKE H in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Yep. Just not totally there yet. And I am very aware that these are MY problems and not THEIR problems. I don't expect anyone else to change, but I am learning how to change how I deal with it. Most of the time this hasn't been an issue for me. food is always being brought in to the office. It has just been more excessive this week. Add to that I am kind of sick of eating the same boring stuff over and over. Then all of the food talk on top of that. Put the three things together and I am struggling!

    And I forgot to grab my headphones to bring to work! May run home to get them in a little bit.
  13. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from JAKE H in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Yep. Just not totally there yet. And I am very aware that these are MY problems and not THEIR problems. I don't expect anyone else to change, but I am learning how to change how I deal with it. Most of the time this hasn't been an issue for me. food is always being brought in to the office. It has just been more excessive this week. Add to that I am kind of sick of eating the same boring stuff over and over. Then all of the food talk on top of that. Put the three things together and I am struggling!

    And I forgot to grab my headphones to bring to work! May run home to get them in a little bit.
  14. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to New&Improved in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Unfortunately it's a part of life and you will need to adapt to it. Everyday now for the rest of your life You have to be mindful of your new way of life.
    I feel great I can look at people stuffing their faces with junk wherever I go and I know that is not me anymore.
    I don't even want that food anymore. Nor is any food worth giving up my health and the 110lbs I've already lost!
    I'm the healthiest I've ever been in my 35 years and food is now just fuel that is it..
    We need to learn to disassociate food with pleasure. We need to find other things in life that give us joy outside of junk food.

  15. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from JAKE H in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    My whole office knows now too... but my work "moms" who would help me are no longer near me Like I said, mixed blessing because there is usually more food where I used to sit... but I don't have the support system where I sit now. And there is a division of the two spaces.
    I did Disney a few weeks post op. I wasn't tempted by the bad food. I had more issues of "what CAN I eat?" than "how do I prevent myself from eating all this good food". And the fact that everything is overpriced helps say "No, I am not wasting money on that Churro that I can only take 1-2 bites of" lol

  16. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from AZhiker in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    I think I have decided to just go home for lunch during tomorrows party. I am proud of how well I did for Thanksgiving, but I am just not feeling that strong for tomorrow. Next year I will probably go, but by then I will at least be in maintenance! Tomorrow I just need to remember to bring my headphones to work in the AM. Thankfully we don't have work next week. Yay me!
  17. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from AZhiker in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    I think I have decided to just go home for lunch during tomorrows party. I am proud of how well I did for Thanksgiving, but I am just not feeling that strong for tomorrow. Next year I will probably go, but by then I will at least be in maintenance! Tomorrow I just need to remember to bring my headphones to work in the AM. Thankfully we don't have work next week. Yay me!
  18. Haha
    momof3_angels reacted to mousecat88 in cheater cheater   
    So, I don't really ever cheat. Aside from a few mozzarella sticks, I've stuck to the plan. Yes, I've gotten dumping A LOT because stuff on the "plan" isn't always Kosher for my particular tummy.
    But today. Today I set myself for failure on purpose. I ate a shortbread cookie, a ferrero rocher, and a cordial cherry. At the same time. Yes. The epitome of all that is sugar and anti-WLS. I warned my coworkers that in 20 minutes I would be dying. I knew it would happen. I did it anyway.
    It only took 10 minutes. I spent half an hour in the work bathroom foaming and dry-heaving. I dry-heaved so much snot up my nose started to bleed... profusely. I was hot. I had heart palpitations. I couldn't speak for an hour.
    It wasn't worth it. LOL. But damn the "normies" have it good being able to enjoy those treats without weight issues or dying in workplace restrooms.
    And no. No plans for a repeat ever again. So that's my contribution to the cheat thread. Except this cheat was a big one with consequences of suffering. lol.
    Don't cheat, kids.
    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to AZhiker in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    But you've lost 68 pounds!!!!!! Woo hoo!!! And you will continue to lose during the holidays while the rest of them gain! They can have the sweets, but you will have sweet revenge!
    I always have a Protein Drink and/or a can of a favorite Soup at work or whenever I go to a party. Then I am never blindsided and hungry at the same time (deadly combination.)
    You can do this! The party will be over soon enough, but you will still be on on track. In another month, all your co-workers will be whining about how much weight they gained, while you can smile smugly with even more weight gone.
  20. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to always in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    This is your new forever...Make a dish and bring it that you can have...Do something with fat free pudding, there are so many recipes. You said it yourself the biggest girl in the office hit that table so many times. It made me sad she had to make a joke over the calories to justify her eating so much. If you can't stand it what I do is pick the one I want and just put a drop on the tip of a spoon. You realize it wasn't as good as you built it up to be in your he a d. You have to think is the next bigger bite worth all I have done today to stay on the plan. 99% of the time I can walk away the other 1% yup I take the bite. Then for the next few hours my stomach sounds like a thunder storm, I only threw up once. Sorry for all the stress eating at functions esp at holidays are tough now add depriving yourself BA hum bug
  21. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from Deedee12 in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    Unfortunately, I am still having trouble digesting lettuce so that doesn't work. I am just barely eating tiny bits without it totally making me feel sick. And no... I am not doing breads. That is why the thought of the meat and cheese sounds awful! I have had too much of it. And I agree with the rest. I am being very careful with my choices and when I do allow something, it is in VERY small amounts and I select foods that are not a "slippery slope" for me! Most of the time I am doing great.

    And funny... after posting this another big conversation about lots of very yummy food occurred 5 feet away from me. I walked away from the area because I was in a bad place to hear the conversation about that very yummy food. I waited to go back to my desk when I knew they had returned to work. I sat down. And my stomach promptly started growling. A lot. LOL. Willpower is a challenge for me today! Going to have to make sure I have headphones and music when I return to work tomorrow. It apparently is a must where I sit!
  22. Like
    momof3_angels got a reaction from SeattleLady in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    OMG, how are all of you coping? Where I work, everyone has been celebrating since before Thanksgiving, with food of course. And mostly crap food (also known as yummy sweets that I can't have). Fortunately, my cubicle was moved away from the kitchen/break room and the table that is often used for storing most of the food for the days festivities (which I could always smell as i worked). But where I am now... there is another table of just sweets about 8-10 feet away max. I see it every time I get up. It is always full of sweet/salty Snacks that I can't have. There is never anything healthy on this table (the other one at least had some good stuff). And if seeing this table of sweets was bad enough... the staff around me are talking about the sweets ALL.DAY.LONG. Overall, I am doing pretty well despite the temptations. At most I have had 1 very small shortbread cookie, but I have had a little caramel popcorn the last few days. Not much, just enough to satisfy me. So all is good there. I certainly haven't gone crazy with my eating. But, I have to listen to the people around me talk about food/sweets ALL.THE.TIME. I do a decent job of tuning them out half of the day, but it is really getting on my nerves yesterday and today. Add to that, my "biggest" co-worker keeps going back for sweets again and again and always say really loudly "calories don't count during the holidays". Being my first post-sleeve holiday season, I am extra sensitive and that statement bugs the heck out of me. I know it shouldn't lol. Ugh. I am sitting here at my desk trying to ignore and certainly not judge those around me for enjoying the holidays and the food associated with it, but it is so hard! And I don't want them to half to change because I chose to have surgery to improve my own health. I think at least the people near where I used to sit were much more aware of my struggle and more thoughtful and supportive about it, and I really appreciated that. They at least didn't "rub it in my face" all day (not that these people are TRYING to do that), and they tried hard to be considerate when by not parading around with their food in front of me. Tomorrow is our "Christmas" lunch. It is our most fun celebration every year. I did OK with our Thanksgiving feast at work, but there were several foods I could enjoy within my diet. I hope to do well again for our upcoming Christmas dinner tomorrow, but not sure if it is possible. I won't grab sweets, but I will probably sample what I can of the regular food. Unfortunately, it sounds like there won't be a lot I CAN eat. I know the main dish this time is sandwiches. I know I can take off the rolls, but I don't really want to eat just the meat/cheese (sick of that). There will be a salad, but I am still not digesting salads very well yet. Then the rest is supposed to be potato/pasta salads and such that I really shouldn't eat (and have no desire to eat). And lots of deserts. And if I don't eat the meal, then the deserts will be calling out to me (my co-workers bring great deserts every year... that I can't eat!). I don't know if I should even go or just go home for lunch instead. I don't know. I don't want to miss out, but I fear this particular dinner might be torture. And not sure what I would want bring to eat instead. I wish I didn't HAVE to bring something as a substitute. They change the type of meal every year, and the last 2 years the food would have been great for me... this year... not so much. Anyhow... sorry for the vent, but I figured some of you would understand whereas no one around me will!
  23. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to FluffyChix in Foods you can no longer tolerate   
    We were out this weekend and didn't have time for lunch so we stopped at a Circle K to get fresh brewed Decaf. Instead of half n half (to me = empty cals), I found the Fairlife CorePower chocolate milk in their fridge and so I used that for Creamer instead. 170cals; 26g protein; 7g carbs; 5g sugar (lactose=milk sugars).

    Here's Premier's nutrition panel:

    It's not so world-breaking diff! And the taste was Just. Like. Chocolate. Milk. Seriously. Hold me.
  24. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to darcyjae in Foods you can no longer tolerate   
    I’m not sure I agree with this assessment by the nutritionist. Most people got to be obese by eating many non-healthy foods. For some, “new foods” might comprise healthy food they’ve never tried. I think trying out new healthy foods is smart, to replace poor choices, and a broad variety of options probably makes weight loss more sustainable. My current staple foods include a few things I’d never had before surgery. Perhaps the nutritionist was talking about unhealthy choices?
  25. Like
    momof3_angels reacted to FluffyChix in Tired of the Holidays/Going to work/Constant food   
    You know, it wasn't willpower. It was YOU creating new neural pathways and making up new rules about how to navigate through mine fields. Give yourself powerful credit! Congrats. And way to have an action plan for tomorrow!!!
    I can't tell you how many times I close my eyes during commercials on TV at night! I can't tell you how many times I walk away from conversation centered around foods. It doesn't bother me anymore to do it. I just go, "Meh. Not today Satan."
    You got this. Congrats!! Embrace food aversion and restriction. It's a very finite window for us to maximize!

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