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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About fitnessRN19

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  1. Sleeved 12/20. I went back to work last thurs and seriously underestimated how tired I would be. I’m a nurse and I’m exhausted at the end of the day. I’ve been stalled on weight the last week but down 25 since surgery.
  2. Sleeved 12/20 and down 21.5 post op. Stalled though as scale hasn’t moved in a week 😬😬
  3. Sleeved on 12/20. I go back to work this week, a little nervous about that. Feeling okay on soft foods, but really miss things like lettuce. I’m down 21.5 lbs post op. The scale hasn’t moved in a week though which is frustrating. Definitely focusing on my fluids because I get dizzy spells if I only get the minimum in
  4. fitnessRN19


    I’m doing better. I spent Sunday really focusing on my hydration. I added drinking Gatorade and it seemed to help. I see my surgeon Wednesday so I’m definitely going to talk to him about it.
  5. fitnessRN19

    December Surgery dates???

    Anyone else having dizzy spells? I was sleeved 12/20 and started having them the last week
  6. If you were dehydrated how did you know you needed fluids? I’m 4 weeks post sleeve as of yesterday. I’ve felt like crap all afternoon. Dizzy, seeing spots off and on, and it’s weird to describe but it’s like my whole body is pulsating with each heart beat. Anyone else feel like this?
  7. fitnessRN19


    Ended up back at his office yesterday. It’s definitely an allergic reaction from the glue. Steroids for a week. 😢 So I asked about being really tired and occasionally dizzy. He said my body is getting used to less intake and the rapid weight loss. I’m down 20lbs as of today. They like a weight loss of at least 15 in first month so he said I’m an overachiever lol . All in all he was pleased with my progress
  8. fitnessRN19


    Don’t think it’s that. I haven’t taken anything besides Motrin/Tylenol since day 2
  9. fitnessRN19


    @kaylow42 I Did end up allergic to the glue. I finally got that under control and then everywhere began to itch 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s better today thankfully. I did Benadryl around the clock yesterday
  10. fitnessRN19


    Any one else itchy post op? I was sleeved 12/20 and I’m so so itchy the last couple days
  11. fitnessRN19

    December Surgery dates???

    How soon after the sleeve did you have to poo?? I’m day 3 post op, I’ve only had water, popsicles and bone broth and don’t even have an urge to go
  12. fitnessRN19

    December Surgery dates???

    Ugh I think my nerve block wore off :( much more pain than last night. Here’s to hoping my pills work soon
  13. fitnessRN19


    I had the gastric sleeve yesterday. They started me on clears this morning. Did anyone else have a pressure sensation when starting to drink?
  14. fitnessRN19

    December Surgery dates???

    Thank you!!! Good luck Monday! Definitely keep up on the pain medication. The worst part is turning to get out of bed. You don’t realize how much you use your core just to bend your legs lol. You’ve got this!!! Walking is honestly what feels best for me rather than lying in bed.
  15. fitnessRN19

    December Surgery dates???

    I did it!! Sleeve is done! Pain and nausea are under control. Been on the floor 3 hours and have been up to the bathroom twice and done 5 laps around the unit, which seemed to surprise the surgical resident doing her night shift rounds. It’s been an interesting day to say the least. I am super grateful for my wonderful husband for being so supportive and helpful in my decision to have a healthier life. Now time to rest a while!!! Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts and prayers!!!

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