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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MyTurn

  1. MyTurn

    12 page survey? Ack!

    It was my history. How many surgerys have I had and when. What medical problems do I have now? What weight loss programs have I been on and how successful was I? They also asked about my family, i.e. medical history of bros, sis, mom, dad. It really wasn't that bad and as I said before I want to get a copy of it from my surgeon so I don't have to wrack my brain trying to remember everything if I ever have to answer these questions again. Good luck!!
  2. MyTurn

    12 page survey? Ack!

    I didn't really have to fill out a survey. It was more like a History and Physical record. It was quite extensive and complete. So much so I'm thinking of asking my surgeon for a copy of it so I can keep it with me in case I need to tell another doctor about my past or the past of any family member.
  3. MyTurn

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    All the best to you, Bikini. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I really hope this new road we are all traveling brings us to a finish line of good health and happiness. May we have fun along the way!!
  4. What protein drink/powder is unflavored? I tried the isopure liquid and it was awful. Does someone make a real tasteless protien powder/liquid?
  5. MyTurn

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Just found out today I was misinformed about my date. I'm 10/13 not 10/14. Closer to goal!!
  6. MyTurn

    Back on track!

    Yea you is right!! Always good to hear from people who come through the struggle. You guys are the true inspirations. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Central New Jersey. My date is Oct. 14 with Drs. Bertha and Abkin.
  8. PaulaTx, This is great news! As much as I LOVE to read about fast weight loss banders, I think the best for me is the ones who get through the struggle. No weight loss for a while and then BAMM!! It is true "slow and steady" win the race. Thanks for sharing.
  9. MyTurn

    Protein powder

    Aquestion for pre- and post-op clear liquids. Can you use protein powder or do you just rely on the protein in the broth you drink? Thank you. I'm being banded Oct. 14 and I thought I had a handle on all of this. The closer I get the more questions pop into my mind!
  10. MyTurn

    Holy Shiat!

    Hol-lie!! Hol-lie!! Hol-lie!! WAY TO GOOOOO!!
  11. MyTurn

    Halloween 2009

    I know what I'm going to be; the sexiest witch this side of heaven!!
  12. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've put it on my favorite list so I can access it over again. Sometimes I miss things the first time around!!
  13. Terrific!! Would you share what web-site or program you used? Thanks!
  14. MyTurn

    Taken on September 24 2008 - target day.

    What a fantastic story. How great that it's not fiction!! Congradulations and continued success!!
  15. MyTurn

    Banded 9/11/2008

    RestlessMonkey, Thank you for that explanation. I''ll keep it in mind when my turns come up to be banded. I never knew why is was THAT important to be on clears, then full-liquids; now I know. This board is terrific. I tell everyone I know about it. We really learn and share so much.
  16. MyTurn

    PATI SEPT 2007 IRELAND 230 pounds

    Well of course you're smiling, you're in Ireland! My Dad (rest his soul) is from Clare. Saw all your pictures and you look great! Keep up the good work!
  17. MyTurn

    carol's front door

    Look at you and those shoes! You both look great! Congrats and keep fighting the good fight. See you in the chat room.....
  18. MyTurn

    Sept 11, 2008 - 78 lbs Down - taken in the mirror!

    Congrats on your progress, you look great!! Keep up the good work!!
  19. MyTurn

    Well, I did it

    Your just amazing. Glad to know you.
  20. MyTurn

    so its been a W-H-I-L-E

    Kiki, LOL. You think times goes fast now? Wait till you have a baby! The little rug rats are really calenders in diapers! I just can't believe I have a 19 yr old when i still feel 23 yrs old myself....
  21. What a touching story. A loss such as yours would be hard to get past. I'm happy that you see an opportunity in front of you and your ready to grab it up. Keep posting! It helps keep you grounded in reality.
  22. MyTurn

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    WOO-HOO!!! My insurance came through!! The date is in place, the insurance is in place, my head is on straight and I can't wait for the journey to start! I want to "smash" that "pumpkin" open and let myself out.
  23. Just an F.Y.I. if you're interested in going to a support group. St. Peter's University Hosp. in New Brunswick is having one on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. I believe they are also have an introduction to the lap band at 7 p.m. that same night.
  24. MyTurn

    Support Group Meeting

    I went to the meeting and it was wonderful. Sorry if I am repeating myself but I have never meet anyone who's been banded!! It was just great meeting people who have had it done and are on the road to success. What a wonderful group! I can't wait for the next one which will be Oct. 9th at 6 p.m. The plan is to have these meetings the second Thursday of the month. There was also a meeting for gastric by-pass participants. Two seperate meetings at the same time. Mark your calendar!!
  25. MyTurn

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Went to my first support meeting last night. It was wonderful!! What great success stories and a perfect time to ask questions and feel good about this decision. I hope everyone here finds and uses a support group. The person-to-person contact can't be beat!!

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