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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by auntlucy

  1. Unfortunately, I don't know that words can make them change. You might just need to have a discussion wtih her to say, "I respect your opinion. I hope you can respect my decision. You are right that I have tried to diet many times over the years and that I have not been successful keeping it off. I have decided that I need a tool to help me succceed. It will still be up to me to use the tool correctly. This is a very personal decision, and I would love it if I could talk to you about it and find support in you. But, if you can't support it, all I ask is that you respect my decision."

    Ultimately, you are doing this for you, and not her. While it is harder to do it without support, you can do it! The best way to make ehr change her mind is to prove it to her!

  2. It happened to me when I lost a lot of weight in high school 20 years ago (wow, was it really 20 years ago?). You expect it from high school kids, but as adults we really should be able to expect more from our "friends". For those of you who have made the difficult decision to move on from those friendships, I applaud you! That is certainly the healthiest approach, assuming the situation couldn't be resolved. Hang in there Christina!

  3. Everyone, just hang in there. I was where all of you were after my surgery, and now I've lost more than 50 pounds just a few months later. It does work! I know it's very frustrating at times, but just stick with it.

    monicasf, My doctor wanted me walking as soon as I felt like it after surgery. I couldn't lift anything more than 10 pounds (I think that was it) until 7 or 8 weeks out. But, I even started doing pilates (modified) after 3 weeks. You might want to check with your doctor, but it's probably fine to walk.

  4. monicasf, don't panic! It is completely normal. When I started eating solid foodsd again, I gained a couple of pounds, and then I hit a plateau. I still followed the plan and only ate what I was supposed to eat. After a few weeks, I broke through the plateau. Your body is in shock! Just hang in there and stick to the plan. Remember that right now your job is to make sure you make those lifestyle changes. 20 pounds so far is great, and you should be excited about that. Keep up the good work, and you will just keep adding to that 20!

  5. You should really try to get the amount of Protein your doctor recommended. My doctor recommended 60-80 grams a day. I try to get the upper end of that. The Protein will help you keep your energy up and is important to your healing.

    I can't stand the protein shakes either. I used the Protein bullets. Here is a link: New whey liquid Protein 42g - 12 Vials by IDS Sports, supplements.Net

    Each "bullet" has 42 g of protein, and I typically use half at once. You can drink it straight or mix it with Water, juice, etc. My favorite is the fruit punch flavored bullet, and I mix it into a glass of fruit punch flavored crystal light. It saved me!

    Good luck!

  6. Thanks christafin! I am proud of myself, and it's a great feeling. My first 2 weeks after the band I lost 18 pounds. Then, when my doctor put me on solid food, I gained a little of it back. (Don't freak out if that happens.) It's very normal. Your body will likely be in shock after a while and start reacting strangely. My doctor told me after surgery that my job wasn't to lose weight but to let my body heal. He said that after my body healed, my job was still not to lose weight, but to learn how to change my eating behaviors. He said he would tell me when I needed to focus on weight loss. He still hasn't told me, and he doesn't need to. I have hit some plateaus, and that's normal too. I just kept doing what I was doing, and eventually (sometimes after a week, sometimes 3 weeks) I broke through the plateau.

    And no, I have no problems with crackers. I try not to go nuts eating them b/c I need to make sure I have room for my Protein. I need my Protein to fuel my body, but also for my hair. It started coming out about 5weeks ago (even though I was getting a lot of protein). The doctor said my body is just in shock, and he assured me it will grow back. Fortunately I have a lot of hair and no one has noticed, but it does make me nervous.

    Good luck! I'll add you to my friends list, and then you can stay in touch if you have other questions or just need a kind word!

  7. Aunt Lucy -

    Thanks for reaching out. I appreciate your words.

    Today is a good day - feeling pretty strong and surprisingly hungry today. Do you know if it is absolutely necessary to wait 7 days after surgery to begin soft foods. I am so sick of clear fluids I could spit!!! LOL I would love a yogurt or some tuna . . .:tt2:

    Can you tell me about your lapband experience? When did you get banded? How has your weight loss been going? Do you exercise? What do you eat on a normal day? Who was your surgeon? You know the skinny on what to expect basically . . .

    Sure...I actually use a packaged mix that I've only found at Super Target. The brand is called Cugino's Chili Fixin's Mix. But, I don't follow the directions on the package. I brown 96% lean ground meat in a large skillet with 1/2 of a diced onion. When the meat is cooked, I add in 1 14 oz can of diced tomatoes and 1 14 oz can of Tomato sauce. (I like a tomatoey chili!) I also add in the mix and 3/4 can of Water. I let it simmer for half an hour, and it's done! It's so easy, and I figured the calculations out. 1 cup of it has about 200 calories and 26 grams of Protein. I usually make a double batch at a time, and after it's ready, I put 1 cup servings in small ziploc bowls. It's so easy to grab one of those and pop it in the microwave and know that I'll get some great, tasty Protein. I take it to work for lunch a lot.

    I hope that helps!

  8. Aunt Lucy -

    Thanks for reaching out. I appreciate your words.

    Today is a good day - feeling pretty strong and surprisingly hungry today. Do you know if it is absolutely necessary to wait 7 days after surgery to begin soft foods. I am so sick of clear fluids I could spit!!! LOL I would love a yogurt or some tuna . . .:tt2:

    Can you tell me about your lapband experience? When did you get banded? How has your weight loss been going? Do you exercise? What do you eat on a normal day? Who was your surgeon? You know the skinny on what to expect basically . . .

    christafin, I'm happy to help! You really need to follow your doctor's directions. Basically, they want to keep your stomach as still as possible so it can heal. When you put food in it, it churns and grumbles and can hurt the healing of the band. I know it's hard, but it will be over before you know it. Did your doctor tell you to get Protein supplements? That helped me. I used the Protein Bullets. It comes in a tube and each tube has 42 g of protein. I used half a tube at a time. You can either drink it straight or add it to Water or crystal light or juice. It has the consistency of Jello before it sets. I like the fruit punch flavored bullet mixed with fruit punch crystal light. Getting the protein in will definitely help you feel fuller and keep your energy up. My doctor let me have sugar free popscicles, and that helped to feel like I was eating something. I also bought a slushy machine that crushed ice. I added crystal light to it, and I'd crunch on the ice. If you tried that, it might help trick your mind.

    I was banded March 10th, so it's been a little over 4 months. I've lost 52 pounds as of last Sunday. I even lost 2 pounds on my vacation last week! I feel like I'm doing very well. I stick to the program that the doctor and nutritionist recommended which is high protein. I try to get 80 grams a day. I've had 2 fills so far and am up to 6 ccs in a 10 cc band. I've only PB'd once when I accidentally swollowed a bite of food that was too big. I eat small bites and chew, chew, chew! I try to stick to around 1100 calories a day. Here are some typical things I eat:

    • Breakfast: Yoplait light yogurt or 1/2 cup egg beaters (sometimes with vegetables and cheese) -- I don't typically eat much for Breakfast after my last fill because I seem to be tighter in the morning.
    • Lunch: 2 to 3 oz of chicken or fish with a small salad or fruit; OR 1 cup lean chili (I make my own) with a few low fat crackers
    • Dinner: similar to lunch
    • Snack: sugar free pudding, fruit, additional protein, etc.

    I am so happy I had the surgery. My surgeon was Dr. Stephen Hamn in Plano. I've been very happy with him. I find that I don't crave the same things anymore. I've shifted to thinking of food as fuel for my body. Occasionally, I'll indulge in a treat. My favorite thing is Paciugo (italian ice cream). I get a small cup of that and am in heaven. It's made with milk instead of cream so it's healthier than regular ice cream.

    I do exercise 3 to 4 times a week. I'd like to do it more but it's really hard with my schedule. I do pilates and swim.

    Hang in there! You will be on soft foods before you know it! You can do this. Just take it minute by minute.

  9. Welcome christafin! Hang in there! It gets a whole lot better. The early days were much more difficult than I had anticipated too, but now that all seems so long ago.

    Let me know if you need anything or have any specific questions. I'll be happy to help a fellow TX girl!

  10. Melody, hang in there! You are definitely not alone in your feelings. Visualize how great it will feel when you are eating healthier food and losing weight! Think about some of your goals (wheter running in a 5K or fitting into a certain size) and visualize yourself achieving them. Think about the future long-term satisfaction you will feel rather than the short-term pleasure you might feel from a couple of slices of pizza. You can do this! You also said that everyone in your house is overweight....think about the example you are going to be for them. You should be very proud of yourself for handling this in a constructive way by venting here rather than going for the milkshake!

  11. With only 200 calories a day, your body is probably in starvation mode and is trying to hand on to everything. Can you get more Protein Drinks in to increase your calorie intake? Of course, you need to follow your doctor's advice. The weight WILL start to come off...this is the time for healing, so try to focus mainly on that. Good luck! I know it's awfully confusing at times...our bodies are strange, mysterious things!

  12. I'm back from vacation, and I weighed this morning. It looks like I lost 2 pounds while I was gone! Yeah...I met my goal!

    The best part is that I never felt deprived. I made healthy choices but got things that I love. I had a few bites of things from other people's plates, and it was amazing how just the taste of it seemed to satisfy me.

    Thanks for the support that you all gave me!

  13. Great thread! I'm thankful for the following:

    • I have lost 50 pounds!
    • My back doesn't really bother me anymore.
    • I can now swim 30 or more laps in the pool! (before I could maybe do 5 or 6 before my legs would start cramping so bad that I couldn't go anymore)
    • I am thankful that my parents and best friend have been there with me every step of the way!
    • I am thankful that I finally got to a point where I was ready for the band!

  14. I have seen several posters on here who go to weight watchers. If you think it would help you hit your goal and then maintain, I think that's great. I don't think you even need to tell them about your surgery if you don't want to. It's just a tool that you have used...you have still done all of the hard work to make it happen!

  15. Christine, I think 35 pounds in 4 months is great! That's a huge accomplishment and you should be very proud of it! You are averaging more than 2 pounds a week. My surgeon said his goal for his patients is 1 pound a week. You are doing twice that. Even if you just lost 1 pound a week for the next 8 months, you could probably lose another 35 pounds! That's 70 pounds in a year! Would you have been able to do that prior to the band? It would have been very difficult.

  16. I would definitely call your doctor's office and see if there is anything they can do. Explain your situation just like you did here.

    In the meantime, I have found that when I lost weight very quickly that I tend to gain it back faster. Your body just might be leveling off a bit from the more rapid weight loss. You can certainly try tracking your food intake to try to keep you more in check.

    Good luck! I feel for you!

  17. kgloverii, thanks for your thoughts. I actually do have a very healthy attitude about food. I believe food is there to nourish and fuel our bodies, so I only try to put in things that are healthy. When I say "bad foods", those are some of the things that I have tried to stay away from because I know myself. Just like an alcoholic needs to stay away from alcohol, there are certain things that are trigger foods for me that it's just better that I avoid as much as possible. Plus, if I were to eat a slice of cake, I'd have a hard time getting the nutrients in on the calorie intake I'm trying to stick to. But a few bites of something here and there won't kill me. And, I also believe that God wants us to enjoy food on occasion. Thanks again!

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