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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by auntlucy

  1. Falcon, my answers to your questions are below:

    1. The scars do get better over time. Mine have gotten quite a bit better. The surgeon says the redness will continue to get better too. I don't think they will go away completely, but they do get better. I use Mederma cream on mine, but I didn't for several months after surgery. I wanted to make sure everything was healed very well.
    2. For pain meds, they prescribed liquid hydrocodone. Yes, I did use it for a few days. I think I even had it re-filled once.
    3. I returned to work after one week. It was pretty rough, and I worked half days for a few days when I returned. But, I probably could have benefitted from staying home a few more days.

    Good luck! I hope that helped.

  2. Here are some things that have worked for me:

    • Sugar free hard candy -- I keep some on my desk at work and in my purse. When I get a craving, it's just a few calories, and it seems to do the trick for me. My favorites are sugar free jolly ranchers and sugar free werther's .
    • Sugar free jell-o. Sometimes I slice up a few fresh strawberries or bananas in it and/or add a little bit of cool whip light.
    • Luigi's sugar free italian ice -- I've only been able to find it at Super Wal-mart. It has 60 calories per serving cup and it comes in a package with lemon and cherry. I love it!
    • Weight Watcher's chocolate chip cookie dough sundae -- has more calories than the other things, but when I'm really craving something, it does the trick.
    • Chocolate milk -- made with skim milk and NexQuick no sugar added powder. It's also a great source of Protein.< br />
    • Crushed ice with crystal light

    Ultimately, we have to work hard on overcoming that emotional eating. That is the real battle for many people. If you aren't already, you might want to think about getting some good counseling to help with that.

  3. I'm 37, and I had LB surgery in March of '08. I think I'm doing great. Even when the weight loss slows down during those dreaded plateau periods, my body is still changing with exercise. I'm almost at the 70 pound mark. I'd like to be at the 100 pound mark by my bandiversary in March. I'll have to pick up my exercise in order to do that.

    You have to be patient at times. Our bodies are mysterious things that we can't always understand what they are doing. You have to trust the process and stick with the program.

  4. You are not going crazy. Many, many people have these ultra sensitive emotions right after being banded. Take it a little bit at a time. Journal your feelings to get them out. Give yourself permission to feel them...it's really ok! But, if you can, give yourself a time limit to feel them. In other words, don't let them take over. Over the next few weeks, you will most likely feel better gradually. Your body has undergone a trauma with surgery, but your emotions are going through an even bigger trauma as you are making so many drastic changes. Hang in there!

  5. When mine started falling out, I talked to the surgeon about it. Of course, he first assumed I wasn't getting enough Protein. I told him I was getting between 60 and 80 g a day, and he said, "You're getting enough protein." He then said that people can lose hair when their weight loss is rapid. He basically said that my body has been under stress/shock b/c of the weight loss, and that it is not uncommon for Hair loss to occur under these circumstances.

  6. T, I think your feelings are very normal. I promise it gets better. You are going through a lot of change at once...changing how you eat and drink; recovering from surgery; dealing with various emotions. Just keep your eye on the prize. Think about the future rather than just what you are feeling today. Remind yourself that you took a very positive step for you. I know it's easier said than done, but it really does get better over time.

    Hang in there!

  7. Plateaus are very normal! I've hit a couple myself. Just keep doing what you are doing and increase your exercise if possible and it will start coming off again. I just had my 3rd fill 1 1/2 weeks ago, and that has made a huge difference. Hang in there! You are doing fantastic...would you have lost 32 lbs in 3 months without the band? I know we all want to wake up one morning and magically be at our goal weight, but it just doesn't work that way. It requires a lot of work, dedication, and perseverance.

  8. NAME.........................surgery date.....todays date....Lbs lost

    1. SpecialK .................3/17/08........9/7/08............53.9 lbs

    2. scrappy_friend .........3/17/08........9/4/08............54.0 lbs

    3. aJoneen.................. 3/04/08........9/4/08............31.0 lbs

    4. WestCoastMom....... 3/27/08........9/4/08............60.0 lbs

    5. julietj1970................ 3/03/08........9/4/08............40 lbs

    6. SugarBean.............. 3/24/08........9/4/08............88 lbs (30 before surgery)

    7. Tess415...................3/10/08........9/4/08............60 lbs (23 before surgery)

    8. jegtlf.........................3/24/08........9/5/08............56lbs

    9. emmersglue .............3/18/08........9/5/08............48lbs

    10. lglenn3000.................3/17/08........9/5/08............28 lbs

    11. Busy.........................3/17/08........9/6/08............41 lbs.

    12. tp78..........................3/13/08........9/8/08............36 lbs. update 9/25/08....-44lbs


    14. TKT2FLY.....................3/17/08........9/14/08...........63lbs

    15. MSBoss08....................3/06/08........9/17/08..........64lbs

    16. Hazel-Eyes...................3/14/08........9/17/08...........31 lbs

    17. hungry4help..............3/3/08...........9/18/08........65lbs (10 before surgery)

    18. sisterc.....................3/17/08..........9/18/08........28 lbs

    19. Anniedub..................3/6/08............9/26/08........55 lbs

    20. wishin4.....................3/26/08..........9/26/08........48 lbs

    21. AuntLucy...................3/10/08.........9/26/08........64 lbs

  9. Rainer, you can do this! Try to remember your original motivation. Think about your kids. Set a short-term goal. Bottom line, do whatever it takes to get back on track. We ALL have our weak moments where we get off track. I had a bad day yesterday and today with food, but I told myself this afternoon that I was getting back on track, and I have. The biggest change I've probably made in my life is not letting a few mistakes define my future. In the past, when I dieted, I would quit when I got off the diet once. I figured, "well, I already blew it, so why bother?!" Now, I say, "It was a moment in time, and I can choose how I proceed." (I hope I didn't sound too preachy...this simply comes from someone who shares your same struggles and wants to encourage.)

    Good luck!

  10. I've been thinking about this post (and the other similar ones on LBT.com), and I felt compelled to write this. Our society has turned into one where people feel entitled to know every detail of a person's life. If they don't share something personal, it's considered a lie. I'm sure celebrities definitely feel this way...they can't even have privacy in their own homes without the paparazzi invading. And, it even seems to translate to us. Some people have the mentality that if you don't tell people about your weight loss surgery, then you are hiding it or lying to people. I say, if you want to tell people, that's great! But, for those of us who are a little more private, that's perfectly acceptable too! A little privacy is not a bad thing. For some, it is essential to their success.

    I hope my little rant doesn't offend anyone, because that is not my intention at all. I just don't buy in to the notion that people deserve to know everything.

    I have told a handful of people at work and a few family members. When I told them, I let them know why I was telling them and asked them to honor my wishes of keeping it private. More than 6 months later, I do not know of anyone who let me down by sharing it with others. I also let them know what I needed from them to be successful. It has been the right decision for me. A few of the people who know have asked me if I would mind talking to a friend of theirs who is interested in the surgery. I am happy to help anyone who needs or wants to talk about it. Also, if someone with a weight problem genuinely wants to know how I lost weight, I will tell them.

  11. NAME.........................surgery date.....todays date....Lbs lost

    1. SpecialK .................3/17/08........9/7/08............53.9 lbs

    2. scrappy_friend .........3/17/08........9/4/08............54.0 lbs

    3. aJoneen.................. 3/04/08........9/4/08............31.0 lbs

    4. WestCoastMom....... 3/27/08........9/4/08............60.0 lbs

    5. julietj1970................ 3/03/08........9/4/08............40 lbs

    6. SugarBean.............. 3/24/08........9/4/08............88 lbs (30 before surgery)

    7. Tess415...................3/10/08........9/4/08............60 lbs (23 before surgery)

    8. jegtlf.........................3/24/08........9/5/08............56lbs

    9. emmersglue .............3/18/08........9/5/08............48lbs

    10. lglenn3000.................3/17/08........9/5/08............28 lbs

    11. Busy.........................3/17/08........9/6/08............41 lbs.

    12. tp78..........................3/13/08........9/8/08............36 lbs. update 9/25/08....-44lbs


    14. TKT2FLY.....................3/17/08........9/14/08...........63lbs

    15. MSBoss08....................3/06/08........9/17/08..........64lbs

    16. Hazel-Eyes...................3/14/08........9/17/08...........31 lbs

    17. hungry4help..............3/3/08...........9/18/08........65lbs (10 before surgery)

    18. sisterc.....................3/17/08..........9/18/08........28 lbs

    19. AuntLucy...................3/10/08........9/25/08........64 lbs


    I added my info above

  12. I started having Hair loss about 3 or 4 months after surgery. Fortunately, I have very thick hair, but it still freaked me out! I spoke with my surgeon, and his first response was that I wasn't getting enough Protein. I told him that I was averaging 60 to 80 grams a day (usually on the higher end), and he took back his words. He then said that just losing weight quickly can cause it to happen b/c the body is under stress from the weight loss. He assured me it would come back in. It seems like the loss has slowed down, and I have noticed quite a bit of new growth. I also take Biotin, but haven't noticed it does much to keep the hair from coming out...but, my hair is very healthy from it!

  13. Welcome! I'm in McKinney. It's always good to have another TX girl here. I know it can all seem really overwhelming at the beginning, but I'm glad I had to go through it all b/c it really helped me get in the right frame of mind for surgery. It really does require huge life changes, but I am so happy I finally made the decision (only took me 2 1/2 years!).

  14. Congratulations Cakes! It is such a hard decision, but once you really make up your mind, you are right that you have a complete mind shift. (At least that was the case with me.) I was banded 6 months ago, and I've lost 61 pounds (28 kilos). I still have a ways too go, but I know that I have a great tool that is going to help me succeed. It is perhaps the best thing I've ever done for myself. I've always been a very confident person, but I'm definitely feeling better about myself than I have in years.

    As far as throwing up, I haven't really had that experience. Twice I've had food get a little stuck, and then it comes up. Both times it was after a fill when I was much tighter. I've had a little hair loss (doctor says my body is in stress mode from the weight loss), but my doctor assures me it will come back. The good thing is that my hair, skin, nails are all very healthy...probably from all of the Protein and Biotin I take to help prevent Hair loss. You mentioned your friend has a friend whose teeth have rotted. If I were guessing, that's probably because she's not getting the proper nutrition if she only eats chips. I would say those types of stories are very few and far between, and I have to question why someone would allow that to go on for 8 years...they could always have the band removed.

    Good luck! I think you will find a lot of support here.

  15. This is a fabulous recipe. I served it at a dinner party. It's super easy (much easier than the title sounds) and it tastes great!

    Whisk the following ingredients in a small bowl

    • 1 t wasabi paste (can find it on the ethnic food aisle in most grocery stores)
    • 2 t light soy sauce
    • 2 packets Splenda
    • 1 T lemon juice
    • 1 large clove garlic, minced

    Heat fry pan on the stove on a medium heat. Once the pan is hot, spray pan with cooking spray.

    Dip the 1 pound salmon (I have mine cut into serving-sized filets) in the mixture, and put it in the pan. Spoon the remaining mixture on top of each piece of salmon. Cook on each side for 4 or 5 minutes until cooked to your liking.

    It's great just like that. If you want to make it extra special, you can make a Creamy Wasabi Sauce to eat with it. Just mix the following in gredients together and serve on the side:

    • 1/4 c fat free sour cream
    • 1/4 c low fat mayonaise
    • 1 1/2 t light soy sauce
    • 1/2 packet splenda
    • 1 t wasabi paste

    I promise it's really easy and people will be very impressed! Better yet, 4 oz of salmon prepared has 199 calories and 24 g Protein. 1/4 of the creamy wasabi sauce has 37 calories.

    (It'sfrom the Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery cookbook)

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