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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by auntlucy

  1. auntlucy

    Questioning my Inner Circle

    First, I applaud you for making the decision to take care of yourself and get healthy! You needed to make the decision that was right for you (and not your friends), and it sounds like you have done that. I didn't tell anyone until I had already made up my mind to do it. I actually told very few people. I tend to be very private. The few people I did tell, I was very clear with them why I was telling them and what I needed from them (and didn't need from them) to be successful. I told people one on one (not in groups) because it let me tailor the conversation to each person. As you start losing weight, you will definitely go through some changes mentally and emotionally. Your friends likely will too. But, this is about your journey...not theirs! You ultimately need to decide if you will tell them or not. My best advice is to just keep doing what is best for you and don't make decisions based on what's best for others.
  2. auntlucy

    Protein Shakes

    You definitely need the protein supplements. I doubt you can get enough at this stage from yogurt. Have you tried the Protein Bullets? If not, you might want to try them. They are not like the thick powdery protein supplements. They are the consistency of jell-o before it sets and they come in fruity flavors. 1 bullet has 42 g of protein. I divide them into 2 and mix 1/2 with a glass of crystal light. The fruit punch flavored crystal light with the fruit punch bullet is really good.
  3. auntlucy

    Port placement question

    Mine is along the top of my left rib cage. The placement seems to be fine to me. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow!
  4. auntlucy

    Hello from Texas

    Welcome jenz! I'm in TX too! It sounds like you are on your way to bandland! It is such an exciting time. It's so easy to get a little out of control before surgery...treating every meal like your last. I didn't have a pre-op diet, so I really did get out of hand for a few days. If you can, try to shift your thinking before surgery. Also, if you drink a lot of caffeine, try to taper off before surgery. Otherwise, the withdrawal headaches can be miserable. Good luck!
  5. auntlucy

    A Little Overwhelmed!

    Welcome! I'm in the DFW area too. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be happy to help when I can.
  6. auntlucy

    food and other addictions

    I wish I were there to give you a hug...you seem like you could really use one right now! Please know that this post comes from a place of genuine concern for you. I really encourage you to find a good counselor that you feel comfortable with. You need to learn to love yourself...I've definitely had to do this too. I have had two different times in my life when I sought help from a counselor. I don't think there is anything wrong with it...I'm actually very proud that I've done that, because it was doing something for me! I went to one of those counselors for my pre-op psych eval, and she was perfect b/c she has actually had GB. She gets it! It's been 5+ months since surgery for me, and I decided to make an appointment with her again. It was last week, and it was really good to talk through some of my band struggles and how that impacts ME as a person. I'm concerned about you having the band before you are ready for it because it is so easy to self sabotage. If you go through all of the pain of surgery, you want to be ready for it. That includes being ready mentally, emotionally, and physically. I wish you the best as you go down this journey! It is more than just about the weight loss for some of us!
  7. You are welcome! I'm glad you got at least a small fill. Keep in mind that 3 more pounds lost is probably 3 pounds you wouldn't have lost before the band. Treat every single pound like a small victory. Set a short-term goal for yourself. That always helps me. When you eat at a restaurant, ask them to bring you a to go container at the beginning of your meal, and put everything but your portion for that meal into the container. If you are really hungry, eat more protein instead of fruits and vegetables. If you listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. There are days when my body tells me I have got to have a salad, for example.


    It is a very hard process, and I, like you, didn't tell a lot of people. I didn't want them to watch over me like a hawk. I had to learn to shift my perception of food. It's there to fuel our bodies. Just like our gas tank will only hold so much, our bodies only need so much food to function. Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying I'm perfect (far from it!). I also plan my meals pretty much for the whole week. That way I don't have to worry about what I'm eating...I already know. I also try to cook on the weekends so I have ready to go meals for lunch and dinner. That has really helped me. I store them in the portions that I should eat them. I also use www.thedailyplate.com to track my food and exercise. (I do much better with my weight loss when I track my intake.)


    I have had good success wtih the band. This past week has been rough though. I've had an upper respiratory infection, and I've gained 7 pounds. I've been eating like I'm supposed to, so I can only assume that my body is reacting strangely from being sick or from the antibiotics. I'm trying not to let it bother me b/c it's completely out of my control.


    Try not to let the scale be your only guide. Have you taken your measurements? If not, you should. When you aren't seeing the movement on the scale, you might in terms of inches or how your clothes fit.


    Hang in there! You can do this! It's not an easy road, but it's a very rewarding one!

  8. auntlucy

    Any surgery Regrets?

    The pain post op was more than I expected, and the liquid diet phase was a bear. But, I would do it all again over and over if I had to. It's the best thing I've done for myself possibly EVER! It still takes a lot of hard work, but it is so worth it! I don't think the fills hurt that much. It stings a little. I was so nervous for my first one and I think I tensed up quite a bit. That first one hurt a little more than the second when I was a lot more relaxed.
  9. Hi Sandra! Sorry no one has responded. :wink2: Where are you on the journey? I had surgery a little more than 5 months ago, and I'm doing well with it. It was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I'm happy to answer any questions or just be here for support.
  10. auntlucy

    Weight Loss to Date

    Congratulations Zia! That is excellent! You should be really proud of yourself. I hope you do something really nice for yourself to celebrate.
  11. It gets so much easier as you go! Believe me, I remember how it feels. You start to question whether or not you can make it and why you did it to begin with. Remember why you made the decision to do it, and stay focused on that. I don't even crave the same things I did before. The hardest part for me is not being able to drink perrier or club soda. But, it's well worth the trade off.
  12. auntlucy

    just signed on

    Welcome to the site! I wouldn't call the liquid stage easy, but it is certainly doable! While you are in it, you don't feel like you will ever be able to eat again, but once you are past it, you can't remember why it was so hard. The best thing you can do is get a really good Liquid Protein supplement. The Protein is necessary for your healing, and it also helps keep your energy up during the liquid phase. I used the New Whey protein bullets mixed with crystal light. I don't care for the thick Protein Shakes, so the bullets saved me. If you have any questions, just ask! I am so happy I got the band.
  13. auntlucy

    Why did they change the home page???

    While I know the ads can be a little big at times, keep in mind that those ads are how the site is paid for and why we don't have a fee to use it. When I start to have those thoughts about the ad, I ask myself, "would you rather pay $19.99 a month?"
  14. auntlucy

    Did you tell others about surgery?

    I've been very selective about who I've told. I've only told a handful of family, friends, and co-workers. It's not that I'm embarassed about it. I'm not. I'm actually very proud of myself for getting a tool to help me. But, I am a very private person. I don't like a lot of attention when it comes to my weight, and I simply didn't want to be the topic of conversation. I also didn't want to feel like people were watching over every move that I made. For those people that I did tell, I told them one-on-one. I explained to them that I had come to the realization that I needed a tool to help me on my weight loss journey, and that after a tremendous amount of research and prayer, that I had made the decision to get the band. I explained the risks to those that I could tell were concerned about surgery. I let them know the path I had gone down. I let them know that I was being very selective about who I told. I asked them to honor that and not share it with anyone. Many people asked what they could do to support me, and I told them what I needed from them and what that would look like in my eyes. I'm very happy with how I've handled it. It was the right call for me. After all, we're all different! So, do what's right for you! When people approach me who also struggle with their weight and genuinely want to lose weight, I'm being very upfront with them about my journey.
  15. It makes me very sad when I read that some of the most unsupportive and rudest comments have come from this site. I try to be very careful about how I word things so as not to offend anyone...sometimes the written word is hard to interpret. I think some of it (just like in the real world) is jealousy. I think other people just don't know how to say things in a constructive, tactful way. For others, I think it's just the fact that they have anonymity and feel bolder than they would if they were standing right in front of you.
  16. auntlucy

    Why did they change the home page???

    Mine is back to normal now...just tried it, and I see the new threads just like I did a few days ago. Very happy!
  17. auntlucy

    My first NSV! Share yours as they happen!

    I'm not feeling well, so I went to the doctor today. The bad news is that I have an upper respiratory infection (Yuck!). The good news is that I had a NSV! In the past, they have always had to use a larger blood pressure cuff on me. It's always so embarassing b/c they try the regular one and it doesn't work on my fat arms. They have to go find the one larger cuff that they have in the whole office. But, today, she used the regular cuff on me, and it worked! Yippee! If I would have felt better, I probably would have jumped around the office.
  18. auntlucy

    Why did they change the home page???

    I don't like it either...plus, you have to use the horizontal scroll bar to see the whole screen. I sent them an email asking about it, so if I hear back, I'll post an update.
  19. First, 30 pounds is amazing! You are doing great. When are you scheduled to have a fill? Your first fill should help some, but some people don't feel a lot of restriction for a few fills. Try not to let that discourage you. Ultimately, you have to be the one to make the changes to the way you eat for your band to be successful. So, make sure you are making good food choices. I am very careful about what I eat now, and I've really made a shift from eating what I want to eating what my body needs to fuel itself. Ask yourself if you are physically or emotionally hungry. If you are truly hungry, eat a few ounces of lean protein or fruit and vegetables. A lot of times that is how I can tell if I'm emotionally hungry b/c I won't want to eat the protein...I'll want something else. I know it's not easy! But, you really are doing great.

  20. For me, it was a very personal decision. I made up my mind that I was going to have it before I told anyone. Then, I made the decision to only tell a handful of people that I felt like needed to know. I told my parents, my brother and sister-in-law, and an aunt. I told a few people at work that I have a lto of lunch meetings with. I knew it would be fairly obvious during the post-op liquid stage. When I told each person, I let them know what I needed from them. I let them know that this was a very personal thing to me and that I wasn't planning to tell people. I explained the procedure to them and old them I had done my research. I asked them if they had any questions or concerns that I could answer. I found that if I set the stage and let them know what my boundaries and needs were, most people responded relatively well. My brother seemed to have the hardest time with it. My sister-in-law shared with me that it was because he just didn't want anything to happen to me. When people care about us, they sometimes display it in odd ways, so keep that in mind. Ultimately, you can tell as many or as few people as you want. For me, I didn't want everyone analyzing every morsel that went into my mouth or passing judgment. I didn't want to be the topic of conversation or rumors. So, I told very few. It was the right decision for me. Good luck!
  21. auntlucy

    Hello from Texas!

    Paula, it sounds like you are doing great! You can make it...just a few more days. We all struggled with the clear liquid phase, but it will be over before you know it. Just make sure you are getting enough protein. I used the protein bullets...it is a clear liquid. The protein really helps! Did your doctor tell you you could have them?
  22. auntlucy

    What have you eaten today?

    No, I didn't eat breakfast yesterday. I was running late for church and ran out before I could eat anything.
  23. I've only PBed once in the 5 months I've had the band. And, while it was a little gross, it wasn't a bad as I thought it might be. It was a few days after my 2nd fill, and I was eating some salmon. A piece slid right down my throat as I was chewing. I feel very fortunate that I've had such an easy experience. But, I follow the guidelines I was given to a T, so I think that's probably part of it. Good luck!
  24. auntlucy

    Hello from Texas!

    Welcome barburrito! You will definitely find the support you need here. I'm happy to help in anyway I can. Feel free to reach out to me here anytime. I live in McKinney and work in Dallas. Where are you?
  25. auntlucy

    question on eating steak

    I do ok wiht the finer cuts of steak...tenderloin or filet. Of course, that's what I preferred before surgery too. I also have no problem with lean ground beef. If the beef has too much gristle, I don't even try it. Unlike some of the other posters, I don't have any problem with chicken. I even ate some sausage yesterday and did fine with it.

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