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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by auntlucy

  1. AmyJoy, don't beat yourself up too much. You did it. You know it was a mistake. Now you can choose to do what's right for your healing and health moving forward.
  2. auntlucy

    What is up with no caffeine?

    I was also told it could dehydrate you and that is more of an issue after surgery since you can only take in so much liquid. They probably want you to get off of caffeine before surgery so you don't go into withdrawal.
  3. auntlucy

    Just starting out

    Hang in there Sarah8714! You will adjust to this...it just requires you to change just about everything you do! :biggrin2: I was banded 3/10, and I've found that if I put my fork down between every bite and forced myself to chew each bite until there was nothing left to chew that I did a lot better. Sometimes it takes me 40 minutes to eat my tiny portions. I'm also a TX girl! I live in McKinney (30 miles north of Dallas). Unfortunately I have more to lose than you, but I'm on my "weigh" down! Way to go for getting the tool you need to be healthier! I'm sure it will make all the difference in your life (and your daughter's life)!
  4. auntlucy

    That bandage residue....

    My surgeon recommended fingernail polish remover. He just warned not to get it too close or in the incision. I have to admit that I didn't do that though. I thought it would be too painful if it got in the incision. :thumbup: Plus, I found out I was allergic to the adhesive strips they used, and I had big whelps where the bandages were. So, I just used soap and water and worked on it a little each day until the residue was all gone.
  5. I've only had one fill so far, and am not very restructed. But, here is my typical menu: Breakfast: 21 g New whey Protein Bullet mixed with 20 oz crystal lite...I sip on it for a couple of hours typically Lunch: 2 oz protein (usually chicken or fish); 1 cup salad (mixed greens, shredded carrots, a few nuts, etc) with 2 T fat free dressing Dinner: 2 oz protein and 1/2 c cooked veggies and small piece of fruit if still hungry Snack: if I'm hungry during the day, I may have a small piece of fruit or a sf pudding or yogurt
  6. auntlucy

    Staying the Same...

    I had a very similar experience. Keep doing what you are doing and you will see the results again. I lsot 18 pounds the first two weeks after surgery. Then, the doctor put me on mushies/shredded food, and I gained about 4 pounds back. I just told myself that my body was reacting to the changes and that plateaus are normal.
  7. auntlucy

    Worth it for 40 pounds?

    I'm not trying to talk you into doing it, but I did think through some of those things before I made the decision. My surgeon also told me that the average is 50% of excess weight. But, I told myself that was the average...if I really committed myself to lifestyle, eating, behavior, and exercise changes, my chances of losing much more than the 50% were strong. Plus, my weight has only increased over time. So, if the band can help me maintain a healthier weight in the long run, then I would be doing well. It sounds to me like you are having second thoughts...very normal. I had a surgery date 3 years ago and cancelled it a week before the surgery. It turned out it just wasn't my time. Good luck with making a decision that is right for you!
  8. auntlucy

    Pilates Reformer - Question

    I saved for some time to get my own equipment. It was definitely a dream realized for me. The studio I go to doesn't have night (after 7) or weekend hours, so I was constantly struggling to get there. And since pilates is one of the only forms of exercise that I not only enjoy but CRAVE, it was important to me that I'm able to do it when I want to. Plus, I thought it would help with my weight loss and toning. Have you tried gyrotonics? If you love pilates, you'd probably like gyrotonics just as much.
  9. auntlucy

    Pilates Reformer - Question

    wsw27, I'm glad there's another pilates junkee out there! I've been doing pilates with a reformer and trapeze/cadillac for two years. I was very nervous before my surgery that I wouldn't be able to do it after being banded. My surgeon assured me that I would be able to get back to it, and I did! I followed the same rules after surgery as before...if it hurts, stop. It did take a rew weeks before I was able to get back to all of it, but the good news is that I am back to all of it now. As a matter of fact, I just bought my own reformer cadillac combo so I don't have to be confined to the pilates studio hours! Good luck!
  10. auntlucy

    I have a question about eating

    beth443, While the band will limit how much you can eat at one time and will have consequences if you don't follow them, you need to keep in mind that the band is a tool, and not that magic wand that we all wish was available. If you went to the hardware store and bought a hammer, it's up to you to use the hammer the right way to achieve the desired results. The band is the same. You have to make changes to what, how, when, and why you eat. There are definitely ways to eat around the band, and I think that's what jrg1979 was referring to. Good luck with your decision. It took me a few years to make it, and so far I'm glad I made it. But, it's definitely a personal decision that you need to make sure you are ready for.
  11. auntlucy

    My first NSV

    Congratulations! I know that does feel great. I've been wearing clothes that I haven't worn in some time. My mom started saying, "Is that new?" And I answered, "Yes, I went closet shopping!" Now she just says, "I haven't seen that before. Closet?":lol:
  12. auntlucy

    I am really struggling

    You can do this! No one ever said it would be easy, and I'm sure we have all experienced similar feeling. Two weeks after surgery, my doctor told me to let him worry about me losing weight. He said my job was to focus on healing my body. Once my body was healed, he told me to worry about learning how to eat the right foods and how to change my behaviors. I too do not feel very restricted (I've had one fill), and there have been days when I've wondered if I'm losing weight fast enough. But then I remind myself that the band is not a magic wand--it's just a tool, and it's up to me what I do with that tool. If you are really struggling with depression through this, you might want to reach out to a counselor (did you see one pre-op)? It might help you to be able to talk openly and honestly about what's going on. I went to a great counselor pre-op, and I told her that I wanted to be able to call and schedule an appointment with her post surgery if I needed to. I haven't yet, but I know that she is there if I need her. Also, I journaled some when I was feeling a little depressed after my surgery, and it helped to get my feelings on paper. I also keep a food, drink and exercise log to stay on top of what I'm putting in my body. You really can do it! It's normal to have these feelings.
  13. auntlucy

    newbie questions

    Well, this is my second time to reply to this thread...the first time my response was deleted when I hit spell check. : ( Oh well, here I go again: 1. how long did it take before you returned to eating normal food -- My doctor had me on liquids for 2 weeks. After that, he had me on shredded and mushie food. Basically I had to food process my approved foods to the consistency of cole slaw for 2 weeks. He had me do that to learn what the consistency should be to help know how much to chew. 2. are there some foods you still can not eat??? -- I only eat what my doctor told me to eat, so I'm not really sure if there are some things that I can't handle. I'm primarily eating Protein (chicken/fish), vegetables, certain fruit, yogurt, etc. 3. did you really give up diet pop??? -- Yep! The hardest for me was giving up sparkling Water. I still crave one, but I've done well with it. Like the other poster, I drink a lot of crystal lite now. There are a lot of flavors, and you can keep it with you and use it in bottled water or at restaurants. 4. how long did it take you to learn to chew your food??? -- probably a week...that wasn't difficult for me. Of course, I've only had one fill and it may be harder as my band is more and more restricted. 5. is vomitting a part of your new life?? -- I have not vomited even once since my surgery. 6. how long after surgery did you return to work?? -- One week (it seemed a little fast for me...it was hard going back to work, but fortunately I have the most understanding boss in the world and she would make sure I left early or worked half days my first week back. Good luck in your decision. I hope my answers have helped. I just encourage you to really think about why you want the surgery. It is not a magic fix. You still have to make the right choices. You just need to view the band as a tool to help you through your journey. I wish you all the best!
  14. I agree with the previous post! You are doing great. 3 lbs in a week is fantastic. I was banded 3/10, and my weight loss in that 11 weeks has definitely had its slower periods. Your body is still adjusting to all of this. The thing that has worked for me so far is to just follow the plan the doctor gave me exactly. He told me to eat protein, vegetables, and fruit...and that's what I eat. He also told me not to worry about losing weight for a while, but to first focus on letting my body fully heal and then focus on changing my lifestyle. He told me he would let me know when to worry about losing weight. (He may never have to tell me that b/c of course it's going to happen when you change the way you approach things. I've only had 1 fill (a few weeks ago) and my second is not for another 5 or 6 weeks. I don't feel restriction. I can eat more than I feel like I should. But, I try to listen to my body's cues of when I'm hungry and full. I don't feel hungry all the time, but I also don't feel full. I'm kind of enjoying the lighter feeling of not feeling stuffed! Hang in there! You really are doing a great job. Tell yourself that!
  15. Honestly, that was one of my biggest fears before the surgery...that people would be watching me and talking about me behind my back. Because I sabotaged myself in the past after I started losing weight and people started talking about it, this was something I had to come to terms with before my surgery. I also was VERY selective in who I told that I had the surgery. I understand that some people are very open about it, and if that works for them, that's great. But, I knew that wouldn't work for me. So, only a select few people that I felt absolutely had to know (at work and in my personal life) know. I've also been very open before and after the surgery about what I needed from those select few in order to be successful. Some of them have been a little "over excited" for me, but I know that is just their way of showing support. Some have started asking how much I've lost, and for me, I'm not really comfortable sharing that number...so I just tell them I'm doing great, feeling great, and trying not to focus on the number. No one has seemed offended by that answer so far. At some point I may be more open about the fact that I had surgery, but for now, I'm telling people who don't know (when they ask) that I'm working very hard--diet and exercise...as we all know on this forum, that is definitely true. So, MSTRINA, I'd like to encourage you today. Continue to do this for you and not for everyone else. You have already had a lot of success! Along the way, people will turn to you as a role model. I say embrace that because sometimes people need to see that someone else was able to succeed! But, at the same time, you should feel very comfortable in telling people what kind of support you need from them. Most people are going to respond well to that. Let them know they are part of your support team in this, and that in order to be successful, you need certain things from them.
  16. auntlucy

    Doctor in Dallas?

    I used Dr. Hamn, and I've been very pleased! His office has been wonderful and patient with me as I've asked a lot of questions. Good luck in your choice. What I will tell you is that you need to be comfortable with your surgeon. This will be a long relationship, and you need to feel a connection with him/her.:cursing:
  17. auntlucy

    Seeking a battle buddy...

    Hi wombat712! I'm also a TX girl who lives in McKinney. I'm so encouraged to find this thread. I was banded in March, and I feel like I'm doing very well. But, I struggled with the decision to do this for a few years. I actually had a surgery date two years ago but backed out b/c my insurance wasn't going to cover it and I felt like God was telling me it was too big of a rish to take without insurance. Looking back on it, I really believe I wasn't ready for it and God knew that. This time I was ready and God paved the way for me. I was approved in less than 2 weeks. So far, everything has gone well. Like many, I had more pain post-op than I anticipated. We all need tools to help us accomplish things. In my book, the sin is not taking advantage of the tools God gives us. I'm saying a prayer right now for all of you tonight!
  18. auntlucy

    What is your typical daily diet?

    Here is typically what I'm eating in a day: Breakfast - 21 g protein supplement (New Whey Protein Bullet) mixed with crystal light Lunch - 2 oz chicken, 1 cup salad (lettuce, carrots, fat free dressing, and sometimes I add low fat cheese, walnuts, dried cranberries, etc.), small piece of fruit if I'm still hungry Dinner - 2 to 3 oz fish or chicken and 1 c veggies (1/2 c if cooked) Snack - maybe a sf pudding or yogurt or piece of fruit or low fat string cheese So far, so good!
  19. auntlucy

    Where are you....and what do you do?

    Hi everyone! I'm from McKinney, Texas. I work for an airline as a Senior Director of Strategic Planning. So far, so good with my surgery! I was banded 3/10 and have lost 37 pounds. :leaving:
  20. auntlucy

    Beginning the process

    I too was very private (and still am) about my decision to have the lap band. I had my surgery on 3/10/08, and I'm very glad that I had it. I've already lost 37 pounds and I feel great. Try to let go of the "shame" that you mentioned, but know that this is a very personal thing. Noone needs to know about it. People have started noticing that I'm losing weight, and I just tell them I'm working very hard and eating healthy...all true. You can do it!

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