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Everything posted by auntlucy

  1. auntlucy

    Insurance Question

    I just noticed that you are in Greenville. I'm in McKinney. Have you found a surgeon?
  2. auntlucy

    Insurance Question

    I have United Healthcare, and I was shocked at how easy it was. I was denied a few years ago under Aetna, and I was expecting it to be a big hassle when I started looking into it again. (I was prepared to pay for it myself if I needed to.) I was shocked when I was approved in less than 2 weeks. I didn't have to have a 6 month doctor-supervised diet or anything. The only true health issues (other than having a high bmi) was sleep apnea. I can tell you that the Company I work for is self insured, so I'm not sure if that factored in at all. I feel a little guilty talking about how easy it was for me since I know it's so hard for so many. Good luck to you!
  3. Congratulations! I remember the day I got my surgery date. I was so excited. They scheduled it for six weeks later, and at the time I felt like it would never get here. But, now that I'm more than 3 months post-surgery, it seems like it was just yesterday. I hope everything goes well for you.
  4. auntlucy


    It is so worth it! I've lost 47 lbs in just a little more than 3 onths. In the past, I've struggled with losing more than 30 lbs...I always seemed to hit a plateau at around 30 lbs, and then I would get frustrated and give up. I expect the weight loss to slow down, and I'm fine if that happens b/c I know that things are different now. I have the tool I need to succed this time.
  5. auntlucy

    Protein Help!!!

    I think GNC sells the protein bullets, but I bought mine online at supplements.net (found them for a better price). Each "bullet" is a cylinder plastic tube that has 3 oz (I think) of the liquid protein. I buy the ones that have 42 g of protein in each tube. They are really handy b/c I can carry a tube in my purse very easily. They come in multiple flavors, but I think the fruit punch is the best. The liquid is sort of the consistency of jell-o before it begins to set. I don't care for them plain, but in the crystal light it's just fine.
  6. auntlucy

    Protein Help!!!

    I completely understand your thoughts about not wanting to lose your hair! My hair is my thing! The good news is that everyone doesn't lose it. I've been pretty obsessive about getting my Protein in, and I have not had a problem with hair loss. I just went and got my hair cut and colored, and she said my ahir looked healthier than ever! (I guess it's all that protein.) I use the New whey Protein Bullets. My favorite is fruit punch flavored, and I mix it with fruit punch crystal light. If you can drink crystal light, you can drink this! I mix 1/2 bullet (21 g protein) with about 20 oz of crystal light. Good luck, and I wish you healthy hair and nails!:biggrin2:
  7. auntlucy

    whey protien bullets?

    I ordered from supplements.net, but it looks like jeremiahsmommy's source has a better price.
  8. auntlucy

    whey protien bullets?

    For me, the protein bullets were the best option. My favorite is the fruit punch flavor. I found that if I mixed them with crystal light that it was just like drinking crystal light. I put the fruit punch flavored bullet in fruit punch crystal light. I like the bullets becuase they aren't thick when you mix them with enough liquid. Plus, you can get 42 g protein in for less than 180 calories! I recommend them!
  9. KelinTx, wow! There are so many of us in McKinney! Maybe we should start our own informal McKinney support group. I just noticed your weight loss, and you are an inspiration! Way to go!
  10. auntlucy

    Finding the thinner me

    Welcome Mrs. J! I can definitely empathize with you. I was on my first diet at age 3. The first diet I remember was when I was in kindergarten (age 5). I remember going to school, and when it was snack time, all of the kids got Cookies or ice cream, and I had to pull out the piece of fruit that my mom sent for me. The only time I've ever been thin was after my mom put me on Medifast (a doctor supervised liquid diet) when I was a senior in high school. I got down to a size 8 (I'm 5'8"), which was small for me. But as soon as they put me back on solid foods, I started gaining. This has definitely been a good move for me so far. I've tried it on my own for most of my life, and I'm one of those people who just needed a tool. Now that I have it, I'm going to treat it well! Keep us filled in about your journey!
  11. auntlucy

    whey protein bullets

    I've tried just about every flavor of the bullets, but the fruit punch is definitely my favorite. I put them in crystal light. My favorite combo is the fruit punch flavored crystal light with the fruit punch bullet. I can't drink the protein shakes...it gives me flash backs from being on a liquid protein diet for 4 1/2 months when I was in high school, and they make me gag now. So, the bullets saved me. Now, I only use them after I get a fill to make sure I get enough protein in. I try to eat my protein now.
  12. Good for you Lisa! I can relate to much of your story. I always thought I should be able to do it on my own. 3 years ago I looked into the surgery and even had a surgery date. But, I kept thinking that I should be able to do it on my own. Well, 3 years later, I had put on even more weight, and I realized there was nothing wrong with admitting that I needed a tool to help me achieve my goals. Good luck on your journey!
  13. I know...in just a few weeks, we should both be at the 50 pound mark. I can hardly believe it! While we still have a ways to go, I have so much confidence that we can do this! I mean seriously, who loses 45 pounds in 3 months....WE DO!:cursing:
  14. auntlucy

    Let's play a game!

    Family :cursing::smile::smile:
  15. auntlucy

    How late is too late?

    First, you are not a flunkie! Good job on maintaining your weight loss. But, it is NOT too late! As you know, your band is just a tool, and the hard work is up to you. You choose what you eat. You choose how much you exercise. You choose whether or not to get fills. All you have to do is make a choice! Choose to be healthier and continue down your weight loss journey with your band! I know I'm making it seem very simple, but ultimately, it really is. Find a doctor in your new area and schedule an appointment to get a fill. If you aren't already tracking your calories and exercise, start doing that (check out www.thedailyplate.com). Take some small steps so it doesn't seem so overwhelming all at once. Congratulations on your life changes...they sound like some good ones.
  16. auntlucy

    I'm new

    Orange, I'll certainly pray for you too. Are you exercising regularly. If not, you might want to add some walking. If you are exercising, you might try switching up your exercise routine by trying a new form of exercise for a while. You have done great so far and are already a great success story! While you have more to lose, you should be proud of yourself.
  17. auntlucy


    I tried to anticipate some of the emotions before I had my surgery, and then I decided in advance how I would deal with them. Of course, there have been a few things that I didn't anticipate, but for the most part, my pre-planning has helped. I would encourage you to find a good counselor (perhaps the person who did/does your psych eval) that you can talk with if you need to after your surgery.
  18. I lost 2 more pounds this week! So, just a few more to go to be in the 2's! It's funny, b/c Tess's post was a great idea and it really has helped me stay focused this week. Thanks again for the great post Tess!
  19. auntlucy

    I shouldn't have told people.....

    Allison, I feel for you! Hang in there and try to work through this with your friend. He obviously cares about your well-being and isn't sure how to help you. If he's someone who can't seem to keep his big insensitive mouth shut, maybe the two of you could come up with a code word for when he feels he just can't keep his comments to himself. At least that way he would get it out and no one else would know what he's talking about. Plus, if you told him that, he might realize how ludicrous it is that y'all were having to come up with a code word. :frown:
  20. auntlucy

    high protien suggestions

    Jilian, I really like the New whey Protein bullets. I mix them with crystal light, and it's basically just like drinking crystal lite. You can also just take a shot of it without adding it to anything (it's sort of the consistency of Jello before it sets). I think the 3 oz size has 42 oz of protein and around 180 calories. That could be a great way to get extra protein in. I would make up a big glass and sip on it throughout the morning. Good luck!
  21. That is so great that you and your cousing are both getting banded. You will both have built in support! My best advice for you is to enter into it with the right frame of mind. In other words, do this for your health. After the surgery, don't focus on how much you are losing. Instead, focus on doing the right things to let your body heal. Once your body has healed, turn your focus to changing your eating behaviors to go along with your new healthy lifestyle. You will likely have periods when you don't feel like the scale is moving as rapidly as you think it should. Try not to get frustrated and remember that your body is going through a lot of changes. Just keep doing what you are supposed to do and wait it out. Before you know it, the scale will start moving again. Good luck to you and your cousin both! This has been a great move for me, and I'm so happy I made the decision. :frown:
  22. auntlucy

    Does this "burp" last forever?

    I hardly ever burped before surgery, but I also found that I burped a lot for the few weeks after surgery. The good news is that (in my experience) it went away over time. I did find that after my first fill I burped more, but again, that subsided. If your experience is like mine, it should get better!
  23. I'm trying to get some work done at home, and I can't seem to pull myself away from this site! :incazzato: I think I'm addicted!
  24. Way to go Tess! That's great! The scale hasn't moved much for me this week, but I know that sometimes it's like that, so I'm not discouraged by it!
  25. auntlucy

    Anyone in Dallas Tx

    Welcome Waynette! Wow...there are quite a few of us in McKinney! Please let me know if there is any way I can support you as you start your journey.

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