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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by auntlucy

  1. I'm in TX too, and they did ask me my weight last time (so they must have it in the system), but thank God it's not printed on the license.
  2. I want to go parasailing on my trip to Maui planned for next summer. I also want to be able to go hiking to a waterfall. And, I want to be able to do some of the advanced moves in pilates.
  3. auntlucy


    Wow...we're neighbors. My surgeon is actually in Plano. Dr. Stephen Hamn (Dr. Cribbins is his partner). I have been very happy with my choice. Through my research, I found that Dr. Hamn was among the best in the area. Here is their website: Obesity Surgery In Texas - Plano, Dallas, Fort Worth TX. Their staff has been great too...they have not hesitated to answer every question (pre and post surgery). If you call their office, I think they have weekly seminars. I liked it b/c it was in a small setting so you felt more comfortable asking questions. Dr. Hamn was actually the one there to do it. I will tell you that in my experience he is much more personable one-on-one once he knows you are doing the surgery for the right reasons. It's almost like he's trying to discourage people from doing it...he probably sees a lot of people who are just there thinking the band is like a magic wand that you can wave once and suddenly be thin. He will tell you it's not for everyone and that it takes a lot of hard work. Let me know if you have any more questions...I'll be happy to answer any I can!
  4. Maybe he just isn't quite sure what to say because he doesn't want you to think he's unhappy with you the way you are. He obviously loves you and doesn't want you to think you have to do this for him. Ultimately, this is for you! If any of my experience with men holds true, you are probably thinking about it a whole lot more than he is.
  5. auntlucy


    Welcome to the site! We're glad you're here! I'm in TX too! I was banded in March, and it's been great so far! I feel wonderful and am down 50 pounds as of this morning. I have a ways to go, but this has definitely been the right move for me. Where in TX are you? Have you gone to a seminar yet?
  6. auntlucy

    Could use some friends...

    Stephanie, I'll be your friend! Let me know when and how you need support, and I'll do my best!
  7. I didn't think it would happen this week, but when I got on the scale this morning, I had lost 3 pounds since last week. So, I've hit 50 pounds lost! I want to call someone and tell them, but it's too early...so I'll have to get all of my excitement out here!
  8. auntlucy

    lovenox shots

    You know...now that I've slept on it, I think they gave me a shot of it before my surgery at the surgery center.
  9. stop posting advertisements!

  10. auntlucy


    That is so exciting newkimberly! Congratulations! I lost 18 pounds the first 2 weeks. But, I encourage you not to focus on the weight loss immediately after surgery. Instead, focus on letting your body heal. That is your top priority. After your body has healed, focus on the behavior changes that you need to make in order to be successful with the band. If you focus on those two things for the first 6 to 8 weeks, you will very likely lose a healthy amount of weight. Keep in mind that you might hit a plateau at certain points (mine was as early as 2 weeks after surgery), but by focusing on the two things I mentioned above, you won't get as stressed out about the scale movement. Even with my plateaus, I've still lost 50 pounds (as of today!!!) since my surgery date (3/10/08). Good luck as you continue down lapband road!:biggrin2:
  11. auntlucy

    How Long for Approval??

    Mine was really fast...about one week. I have United Healthcare.
  12. auntlucy

    Support Person

    Jim, what a great husband you are! Definitely ask your questions here...of course, keep in mind that things are different for everyone, so ask the important questions of the surgeon she ends up choosing. Good luck as you go on this journey with your wife.
  13. There are times when I eat more than my brain tells me I should, but the fact is that I have very little restriction still. My doctor said I can eat about a cup at each meal (ex: 2-3 oz lean protein and small salad), and right now I do eat a little more than that at times. But, what I try to do is stop eating for 20 minutes after my allotted amount. If I still feel very hungry, I'll eat a little something else that is low in calories (ex: sugar free pudding). I think it's all normal until you reach a good restriction. You might want to talk to your doctor's office or nutritionist about it to see what's right for you.
  14. auntlucy


    Welcome Tammy! Try not to be discouraged by the 6 month diet. Use that time to go ahead and get used to the lifestyle changes (eating slowly, taking small bites, chewing more, not drinking within 30 minutes of your meal, eliminating carbonated beverages, etc.). That way, you will lose some weight and it will make it easier once you do get the band. Good luck on your journey! I know it seems like a long one, but 6 months will fly by. Just think...if you lost an avg of 1 to 2 pounds a week (very possible on WW for most people), you could be down 26 to 52 pounds!
  15. auntlucy

    Needing encouragement!

    thedailyplate.com is a good suggestion. I use it too (should have mentioned it in my earlier post). It does really help me be more conscsious about what I'm eating. I mainly use it to make sure I'm getting all of my protein in.
  16. auntlucy

    lovenox shots

    I haven't heard of them, and my doctor didn't have me do it.
  17. auntlucy

    Am I too old?

    There is a whole thread for people over 60 on the site. Just go to the home page and scroll down and you should find it. Good luck in your decision.
  18. auntlucy

    Needing encouragement!

    tbenson, I agree with Lundy! It sounds like you are doing amazing. You have lost 24 pounds since your surgery in just 36 days! There are many that would envy that. Keep in mind that it's normal to have plateaus (I've certainly had mine.). I think you should just keep doing what you are doing. If anything, change up your exercise and wait it out for another week before you do something like going back on liquids.
  19. My doctor didn't ask me to do a pre-op liquid diet. I was on liquids for 6 weeks after surgery. I don't remember how much I lost before I started eating solid foods, but I do remember I lost 18 pounds in the first two weeks (was only allowed 2 oz 3 times a day plus protein supplements). After the first two weeks, I could have more liquids. I did gain a little bit (a few pounds only) when I started getting more calories, and from what I've heard from others on this site, that's normal. After a week or so, the weight started coming off again. Good luck! I know it seems like there is no way you can make it through the liquid stage. But now that I'm past it, it seems like it flew by!
  20. auntlucy

    Anyone in Dallas Tx

    Welcome Lonestar! I was banded a few days before you. Feel free to reach out to me anytime. We're all in this together!
  21. I'm sure your doctor was pleased. You are doing awesome. I say if you don't need a fill yet, why get it! I've actually been wondering if my surgeon will give me a fill when I go for my fill appointment early July. Part of me feels like I need one b/c I don't feel a lot of restriction, but then when I see the scale moving steadily and at a healthy rate, I'm not sure if I need one yet. We'll see! My foot is feeling better...I'm going to try pilates again tomorrow on it and that will be the true test. I do need to think about my reward for hitting 299! One thing I've been doing is saving money every month so that when I'm ready to go clothes shopping I won't stress out about how much it's costing...I'll just enjoy it. So, maybe I'll put some extra money in that fund. But, I think I may have to go get a pedicure. Keep up the good work and ENJOY YOUR VACATION!
  22. auntlucy

    New East Texas to Thirties Group

    Hi Shelly! Welcome to the 30s group! I'm sorry to hear about your complications, but it sounds like you are getting things back in order. It looks like you have done well with your weight loss so far. I'm not from East TX, but I am from McKinney.
  23. Good for you Tess! 50 pounds is excellent! I'm so proud of you! I'll give you 10 thumbs up :biggrin::thumbup::thumbup::success1:. I think I have 2 pounds to go to get to 50, then, I'll just have a couple more to be under the 300 mark. Can't wait! I had to slow down my exercise b/c I injured my foot. I don't even have an exciting story...just tripped in my garage. But I'm itching to get back to it (that's a good sign).
  24. auntlucy

    Insurance Question

    Dr. Cribbins and Dr. Hamn are partners, so I'm not surprised you had a good experience too.
  25. auntlucy

    Insurance Question

    Maddie, my surgeon is Dr. Stephen Hamn in Plano. I've been very pleased with him and his staff.

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