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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by auntlucy

  1. auntlucy

    Help!!! I have failed!!!

    Jorge, don't think of yourself as a failure! You are definitely not one! Go get your first fill, as that should start to give you some of the restriction that you need. Keep in mind that you may not have perfect restriction for a while, so start today to get back on track. While the band is a tool, it's up to you to make the changes necessary to make the tool work. Are you tracking your food intake? that really helps me. I use www.thedailyplate.com, and I find I do much better when I take the time to track it...makes me more conscious of what goes in my mouth. Also, really think about your food choices. On days when I seem hungrier, I let myself eat a little extra, but I choose to eat lean protein. I know it's hard to make these changes (we are all in this together). Hang in there and go get your fill! Be proud of yourself for taking the step to get the band...that is big accomplishment in and of itself!
  2. Good luck southerngirl! I'm sure everything will go well! Let us know...
  3. auntlucy

    How do you handle emotional eating?

    I bought sugar-free gum in just about every flavor...have a big bowl in my house and in my office at work. When I felt like eating, I just chewed a piece of gum. I haven't touched the gum now in weeks. I know I've seen some people on this site say that gum was a no-no, but my doctor/nutritionist never mentioned that. I'm just careful not to swallow it.
  4. I get so tired of ordering salads, so I find myself ordering chicken fajitas at Mexican food restaurants. Last weekend I went to The Cheesecake Factory (known for enormous portions) and ordered the chicken avocado club sandwich. I asked for no bread and no french fries. It was quite yummy (even though the waiter looked at me kinda funny). Oh well, I enjoyed it! I'm actually not eating out nearly as much. I find that I have more optoins when I eat at home and I can make it now the way I like it.
  5. Ebeth, I'm one of those serial rules followers! I've done everything by the book. The reason for the liquid stage is to allow your body to heal. Solid foods are harder to digest, which can impact the healing. So, I would encourage you to get back on the liquids. After all, you've gone through a lot to get the band...you might as well take the best care of it possible. Good luck!
  6. I am so sorry for your loss! My dog is definitely a very important part of my family! So, I completely understand. I'm tearing up just thinking about losing him. You will be in my thoughts and prayers over the next few days.
  7. auntlucy

    Hair loss

    I'm taking one 5 mg capsule of Biotin a day. I bought the smallest capsules they had, and I haven't had a problem swallowing it, but I'm also not very restricted yet. Biotin is in the B-vitamin family. A biotin deficiency can result in weak or brittle hair/nails as well as hair loss. Here is a link for you to learn more about biotin: Biotin Good luck everyone...this has been one of the hardest things to deal with for me. I know I shouldn't be so vain, but I've always loved my hair, and the thought of losing it is tough. We all have our things, and that is mine. I'm doing better with it now.
  8. auntlucy

    Hair loss

    I started noticing it a couple of weeks ago myself, and I had a mini-meltdown. My hair has always been my thing. I have been getting about 70-90 grams of protein a day already, so I really don't think mine is a protein deficiency. I picked up some biotin at the health store, and that seems to be working. I'm planning to ask the doctor when I get my fill next week.
  9. Don't get some of us wrong...I don't think we are lying about it by saying we are exercising and changing our eating habits. Those are both true. I tell people when I'm comfortable and if I think they need to know. If someone was struggling with a weight issue and they approached me, I would tell them. I would also ask that they keep it to themselves. I think it's important that we remember that the band isn't our magic wand that is waving away all of our bulk...it's just a tool and it's up to us to use that tool correctly.
  10. I only told a handful of people, and I'm happy I've stuck to that. It's good to have a few people that you can talk to about it, but I just didn't want to deal with being watched like a hawk! Sure, people notice that I'm losing weight, and when they ask what I'm doing, I tell them that I'm eating small, healthy portions and exercising. All of that is true! They don't need to know that I also got a tool to help me! Go with your instincts....occasionally I feel guilty for not telling my grandparents, but then I remember how judgmental she can be (even thought I know she loves me).
  11. auntlucy

    Not drinking enough water?

    Try adding crysral light to your water. My favorite is cherry pomegranite.
  12. auntlucy

    Here we go....

    They should give you a list of what to eat (I mean drink)! The first few days for me was clear liquids...low calorie non-acidic fruit juice, broth, sugar-free jello, etc. Honestly, I wasn't hungry at all for the first several days, and I had to force myself to sip liquids. Good luck!
  13. I would also ask the following: success rate/mortality rate pre-op diet required? type of band they use how much does the band hold how soon do they do first fill? type of support their office offers (do they have a support group, do they mind calls about your questions, etc.) More importantly, I would see what kind of rapport you develop with the surgeon and his staff. It is really important that you be able to comfortably talk with them about your concerns. Good luck!
  14. auntlucy

    New to Band World

    Welcome slim1! I am glad that I was banded because I'm feeling better than I have for quite some time. I am proud of myself for getting the band, which is the tool taht I've needed for quite some time. It was hard for me to admit that I needed help. I felt like I should be able to do it on my own, but the bottom line is that I wasn't doing it on my own. I have a ways to go before I'm at "goal", but I have a hope that I will be able to achieve it!
  15. auntlucy

    Newbie here...

    Welcome Melissa! You have found the right place to get good information and support. Let us know what questions you have, and I'm sure we will all do our best to help.
  16. auntlucy

    Can tolerate everything--Need help!

    I am saying this with love...just because you can tolerate everything doesn't mean you should eat everything. It's important to your overall success that you make behavior changes. It doesn't mean you won't ever eat a chip again, but you shouldn't make a habit of it as it will hurt your overall weight loss. Try to stick to 3 meals a day. If you are truly hungry and need to eat, eat a 4th meal made up of Protein, veggies, and fruit. At least that way you will be eating things that are feeding your body and not eating empty calories. I'm a little surprised that you are already on solid foods...I think I was on liquids for 6 weeks and then mushy foods for 2 weeks. I was really hungry weeks 2 through 6, but I just had to recognize that it was part of the healing process. You can do it! I know it's frustrating sometimes. I really need a fill right now and have to wait another week and a half.
  17. auntlucy


    You'll hit the right point...just have patience. I have only had one fill. I can gulp liquids and am able to eat more than I should be able to. I've only had one fill and have my next on 7/8. It may take you a while to hit the sweet spot. So, just hang in there for now and focus on the behavior changes you need to make. Good luck!
  18. auntlucy

    Here we go....

    Good luck newkimberly! Sip on water and other liquids throughout the day so you don't get dehydrated. Try to get up and walk around a little bit so you don't get too weak. Focus on letting your body heal during this time period and don't get too focused on the scale. Healing is your top priority over the next few weeks!
  19. Hi Tess! How are you doing this week? I haven't lost anything this week...I think I've actually gained a pound or so despite doing everything right. But, I know our bodies need some time to adjust now and then. So, I'm not worried about it. Just thought I would check in.

  20. auntlucy

    Setting Goals

    I would focus on 1 to 2 pounds per week (use the lower end if you have a harder time losing weight). Recognize that some weeks you may lose more and others you may lose less. Some weeks you may even gain a pound or two. Try not to get too hung up on the scale. Just follow the instructions your doctor/nutritionist gave you by focusing on the new way of eating and other lifestyle changes. If you do that, the weight will come off. As part of your goal setting, you may also want to include some non-scale victories (NSVs). Those are actually more fun to achieve in my opinion! Good luck!
  21. auntlucy

    lap band failure

    Don't give up! You are not a failure, and neither is your band. Remember that the band is not a magic wand that miraculously transforms you. It requires a lot of hard work. That hard work includes working to get the right level of restriction. Speak openly with your doctor about your concerns. Hang in there and remember why you had the surgery in the first place. You can do this!
  22. leknigh, You are definitely not alone in those feelings. I had many of those same feelings too after I made the decision to have the surgery. I was so ashamed of myself that I had even gotten to this point and that I wasn't able to do it on my own. What I tried to focus on though is that I was taking control back by pursuing the band. My feelings of shame have changed after surgery. Now I'm actually proud of myself for getting the band...it is the tool I needed. There is nothing to be ashamed of in taking whatever steps necessary to help yourself become healthier! Good luck as you move down this wonderful journey!
  23. Hi ercole! I live in McKinney, but I go to Pottsboro all the time because I have family there. You can do this! Commit to it up front and again every day after and you will be fine. It will take complete lifestyle changes. If you are anything like me, you will find that you don't even want most of the stuff that you probably ate in the past. For example, yesterday at work, I had to go to a lunch. They served chicken fried steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, green Beans, salad, rolls, and cake. The chicken fried steak and gravy looked disgusting to me. The thought of putting that into my body repulsed me. So, I went through the line and got salad and green beans. Other than the fact that I really needed some Protein, I was content. It's normal to be afraid and have questions and doubts. The morning of my surgery I was more nervous than I have been about anything. I kept thinking, "what if?!?!?" But, now that I'm 3 1/2 months post-op, I know this was the right decision for me. The real question you need to answer is: do I want a healthier lifestyle enough to make the necessary changes in my life?
  24. While I have a ways to go, I've been thinking about what my goal weight should be. Sure, I'm setting small goals along the way (e.g., first 50 pounds lost--which I reached today:thumbup:), but how much should I ultimately weigh? I'd love to hear what factors you all are using to set your goal weight.
  25. auntlucy

    So, are people beginning to "notice"?

    Several people have commented. One lady at work feels the need to comment almost every day. While it could get annoying, I think she is trying to encourage me to keep it up. I know she genuinely cares, so I'm ok with it. We had a cookout at work recently, and one really sweet co-worker found the nicest way to let me know that he noticed. I had a very small piece of grilled chicken on my plate along with a very small spoonful of cole slaw and a slice of tomato and onion. He said, "You're being good!" and I replied that I was trying. He said, "Well, it's obviously working."

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